Falasan Inquirer/December07

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December Edition
Date of Issue: December 2007
Price: 1 silver
Editors: Rathkanouros Kalantis
Reilwin Merytis
Jambo Lamonte

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Battle Reports

Tournament announced in Mapaxal
December 29th 2007

Sir Captain Tezokian, Prime Minister of Talerium has announced a tournament of Joust and Swordfight to be held in Mapaxal 9 days from now. There will be a charge of 10 gold for every participant. The winner will be rewarded with 600 gold in addition to the honour and prestige that his victory will earn him. There will also be a reward of 200 gold for the second best. All nobles of the continent are welcome on the tournament grounds on the day of this event.

This tournament celebrates the fall of Abington and the Western Alliance's victory over Redspan.
-- Jambo Lamonte

War Games
December 29th 2007

An announcement from King Reilwin
" Lords and Ladies, Sir and Dame Knights,

To keep ourselves entertained during this period of peace, Dictator Lister and I have been in communication concerning a little game to keep us busy, unless a war calls our attention. A game of cat and mouse...where we are the cats, and a designated infiltrator the mouse.

The Fourteen Commandments of Cat and Mouse
1. No stabbing Council Members.
2. No stabbing City Commanders.
3. No stabbing traders (to distinguish from real traders and covert ones, a list of traders will be exchanged.
4. The mouse is the only one allowed to do any stabbing of nobles, knights, and counts. However, all infiltrators have free reign to stab any infiltrators.
5. No torturing, banning, deporting or killing captured infiltrators.
6. Set the captured infiltrators free with no penalties.
7. The mouse's name will be shared with the rulers only and held by them only. A safety feature in case some other infiltrator gets some crazy ideas.
8. Both realms and all of their members are aware that it is a game.
9. No stealing gold.
10. No blowing up walls.
11. No burning food.
12. Only one infiltrator from a realm is the mouse at any given time.
13. If the mouse is imprisoned, or seriously injured by the other realm's infiltrators, then it becomes the other realm's infiltrators' turn to be the mouse.
14. If either Falasan or Tara enters into a war, either one may declare the game over, to be restarted at a later date as decided by the rulers only. (two turn grace period to get the information out to all realm members.) "
-- Jambo Lamonte

Tournament in Tucha Over
December 27th 2007

323 troop leaders were present at the tourny, fighting for the prize money of 1000 gold for 1st place and 400 for second. The winner was Amazin of Falasan while Keiichi of ASI came in second place. The wedding of Willem Tinsley and Ilya Bluelake took place with much partying afterwards for all the guests.

I would like to point out, the FOX TALKS summary of the Tucha Tournament is now available Click here to buy it from the nearest provider in your area
-- Jambo Lamonte

New Realm Created
December 22nd 2007

A new realm has been created in the city of Riverholm by the Ash Sea Islands. The realm is called the Protectorate of Magnus, and is a religious Theocracy and a center for Magna Serpaensism. Its creation has been a bridge between ASI and the realms of Caergoth and Suville for new friendship and agreement.
Falasan has already allied itself with the Protectorate of Magnus and strengthened its relationship with ASI.
-- Jambo Lamonte

Ptaphoc Tournament Winners Declared
December 20th 2007

The tournament in Ptaphoc is over. 188 troop leaders from 11 realms fought and drank. There was a swordfighting and a jousting contest.
Amazin Footeman (Knight of Beleriel, Falasan) won the swordfighting tournament (Rhys Walsh (Knight of Nazia, Falasan) came second place).
The jousting contest was won by Sir DrSeptre Meadowcrest, Baron of Howling Waste (Second place: Kealan Emarama, Count of Melias).
-- reported by Willem Tinsley

New Region Lord Appointed
December 20th 2007

This morning I Jambo Lamonte was appointed Count of Anfalas.
" I am honoured with this service to Falasan and with this appointment will do my very best with the region of Anfalas , which I can now call my home. "
-- Jambo Lamonte

Tournament Announced in Tucha
December 19th 2007

Sir Fatih Kalkandelen, Duke of Tucha has announced a tournament of Swordfighting to be held in Tucha 7 days from now. ( December 26th )
There will be a charge of 15 gold for every participant. The winner will be rewarded with 1000 gold in addition to the honour and prestige that his victory will earn him. There will also be a reward of 400 gold for the second best. All nobles of the continent are welcome on the tournament grounds on the day of this event.
-- Jambo Lamonte

Wedding Announced
December 19th 2007

Sir Willem Tinsley, Royal Treasurer of Falasan and Lady Ilya Bluelake, Baroness of Nazia are to be joined in marriage during the tournament to be held in Tucha on December 26th.
-- Jambo Lamonte

Tournament Announced in Ptaphoc
December 15th 2007

A tournament has been announced Ptaphoc on short notice with no entry fee and a prize worth 100 gold for first place. This tournament will be a prequel to to a much larger tournament wich will take place after the Grand Tournament rumored to be announced in Falasan soon.
-- Jambo Lamonte

Reilwin Crowned King of Falasan
December 10th 2007

On the Sixth of December Gucky Zotral stepped down as king as planed. Elections quickly took place with Reilwin Merytis being the clear winner.

As pledged, King Reilwin has stepped down as Banker and Baron of Chato.
Willem Tinsley has been appointed as the new Banker on the eighth of December and Gollum Domitoris was also appointed as the Baron of Chato
-- Jambo Lamonte

Inquirer Workers fall down with Winter Flu
December 10th 2007

Due to the Winter Flu, workers here in the Falasan Inquirer building were too ill to be working and subsequently no articles were reported recently.
-- Jambo Lamonte

Elections in Falasan
December 1st 2007

The Falasan Inquirer is following the elections this month with a special page devoted to the candidates and their manifestos, pledges or any other information encouraging you to vote for them.
Turn over for the December 2007 elections page

Just in. Elections will take place on Thursday the 6th of December !
-- Jambo Lamonte
