Falasan Inquirer/November07

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November Edition
Date of Issue: November 2007
Price: 1 silver
Editors: Rathkanouros Kalantis
Reilwin Merytis
Jambo Lamonte

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Battle Reports

Nazia Liberated
November 5th 2007

With the white rabit flying over the fort, Nazia was once again under Falasani rule after repeated attempts by Eston to overtake the region. In a speech to the nation after being appointed Baroness of Nazia, Ilya thanked King Gucky for her appointment and the congratulations from fello leaders.

" I feel extremely honored by the trust that our King deposits in me. I shall do my best to keep it in shape, hopefully for a long time, now. " - Ilya Bluelake - Baroness of Nazia
-- Jambo Lamonte
