Heen (Realm)/Heenite Highlights/October '07

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Changes and Upgrades!

02 October 1007 Thrydwulf
First things first! Welcome to the brand spanking new look of the Heenite Highlights. There are many people to thank for the makeover this paper has had since the last edition (2 months back!). The designers in the desert, had stopped re-drawing the old editions, and started to work on a new header. Thanks to Melerion Livingstone, the newspaper has a new header. The more observant among you will notice we also have a new realm logo! It has not yet been enbossed onto the equipment of the soldiers, or emblazoned on the armour, or even stitched into a flag. This is a brand new logo, to which many hands took part in the design of.

The makers would like very much to enlighten people as to what the different parts of the shield mean to the people of Heen.

  • The overall shape of the shield is to show the true fighting spirit of the desert people. They have survived much suffering in recent times whether by human hands during the civil war, or the more recent invasion.
  • The gilded edge of the shield shows the people's skill with metal, and the fine quality of the equipment and weapons within Heen are reflected here.
  • Emgraved into the edge, are Desert Roses. These symbolise that despite the harsh, arid conditions of the desert, many things will bloom - infact, some quite beautiful.
  • Also emgraved are Scimitars which shows the Heenite's courage on the battlefield. To wield a scimitar from horse/camelback - you leave yourself very open.
  • The main body of the shield shows the skill of some of the fine artists of Heen. The desert skies paint a brilliant picture almost every night, wherever you are in Heen.
  • The camel rider symbolises how different our culture is from that of most other regions on the continent. Some do ride camels, and indeed their presence in the Heen charge has earned them a reputation for their "battle-hardyness".

The smithys and armourers will no doubt spend the next few weeks getting to grips with the complex design of the new logo, but there have been positive comments already. The population of the desert regions is quickly approaching 40,000 again, which it hit just before the undead invaded and killed nearly 9000 peasants.

This rise in population, has meant that most of the regions are now working at full capacity. Heen has produced surplus food the past few weeks, and has sold to neighbouring realms to feed needy mouths in light of the continuing oppression.

As well as the changes for the better of the newspaper, our realm has gone through a staggering amount of changes since the last edition. Unfortunately, we could not publish September's newspaper properly, as many things weren't ready, but hopefully this part of the article should summarize the events nicely.

Many of the positions within Heen have changed, for a variety of reasons. The former Duke of Tahgalez, Kagurati Tian was thought to be doing things his own way a little too often. He actively disobeyed orders to vote upon the giving of service medals within the realm, he dealt with the food in his region against the will of the Banker, and he had far too many ties to the former realm of Varyamo Nolvo to be healthy. The council decided to launch an investigation in secret, but Arch priest Attila leaked the information to Kagurati, and thus caused him to leave...to Mesh.

This of course, left the position of Duke of Tahgalez up for grabs. The candidates who stepped forward, were Joan of Arc, Jadine Baraedor, Mao Tse Tung, Medium T-Style and Hericus Le-Fay. A referendum was held with Jadine coming out on top by a vast majority. This meant that Jadine had to give up her position as Baroness of Hcallow. The large estate there went to Tanis Mosher.

Around the same time, Beatrice Grancourt stepped down from her position as Countess of Kif, handing over control of the region to her loyal Knight Tissaphernes Ulthran. She also took up the sword again, returning to the army for the future.

However, that was not the end of the quick-stepping to take place in Heen. After many rumours of spies within our realm working with Mesh, and leaking all our most important documents, the Arch Priest Attila mysteriously disappeared somewhere in the deserts. After another referendum, where Medium, Jadine and Hericus ran for the position; Arch Priestess of Heen was awarded to Jadine Baraedor, who will soon be stepping down as Duchess of Tahgalez, to give it back to one of the former owners of the stronghold - Mao Tse Tung. After many changes, Heen hopes the positions will be filled well, and few further changes will occur.

Mediations with Mesh

02 October 1007 Thrydwulf
The following are letters between the newly elected Pablo of Mesh, and Martana of Heen, where both parties are attemtping to resolve some of the conflicts between the realms:

Pablo Addresses the Rulers of Beluaterra Pablo Addresses the Rulers of Beluaterra
Pablo, the newly elected Chancellor of Mesh addresses the rulers of Beluaterra, and speciffically approaches Queen Martana about the rivalry between Heen and Mesh.

The First Mediation The First Mediation
Martana addresses the newly elected Pablo of Mesh, who is known for his anti-war opinions. She praises the Chancellor for letting all rulers know that Heen and Mesh should attempt to sort out their differences. The message is: "hopefully we can amend things".

The Existing Situation The Existing Situation
Martana informs Pablo of the stance Heen has taken during the invasion and explains the previous "Soil Non-transgression Pact" that Heen and Sint had agreed upon. Heen even offered help, which was refused by a former Heenite. Martana also explains the provocations from the previous Chancellor Danny.

The Motives of Heen The Motives of Heen
Martana explains the reasons why Heen would feel justified in going to war with Mesh. She tells of the plans to invade Heen by former members (and Danny) and of how Heen had a leak of information to Mesh from somebody high up. This part is mainly about the actions of the former chancellor Danny of Mesh.

A Possible Negotiation A Possible Negotiation
Martana declares Heen open to negotiations and hopes that some progression towards peace will take place soon.

Pablo's First Reply Pablo's First Reply
Pablo discusses the anti-Heen movement, the soil/non-transgression pact, and other points Martana brought up in her first few messages to the Chancellor of Mesh.

Criminals of Heen Criminals of Heen
Martana goes into some depth about the reasons for Heen's views on 3 nobles who joined Mesh (considered an enemy realm) after events that took place in the realm.

Tried Under Heenite Law Tried Under Heenite Law
Pablo explains that he understand the Heenite law, but that the nobles are now part of Mesh, and unless convicted in Mesh, the Heenite Laws have no stance in his realm.

The Spy Issue The Spy Issue
Martana expresses her views on the spy issue of somebody high up in Heen relaying messages to Mesh. Private information was used for political purposes in Mesh, to further provoke Heen and Mesh to begin a war. She says that spies are seen as an aggressive move, and will always cause animosity to the realm using the spy.

On Spies... On Spies...
Pablo tells Martana that he does not actively seek a spy in an enemy realm, but would welcome information from a voluntary source, and use the information to fortify the battlements, and prepare for any aggressive moves.

Spies Aside Spies Aside
Martana addresses the opinions about the noble Medium T-Style and his hand in many of the events that took place regarding Tarajist and Kagurati.

Past History

02 October 1007 Thrydwulf
The article to the left needs a bit of an introduction. Many readers will have heard/seen some of the "animosity" between Heen and Mesh. During the invasion, comments were thrown out into the open that were neither pleasant nor humane. Most of these feelings can be attributed to specific events that took place between a number of nobles on either side.

Earliest back, was the rebellion of Joppo from Mesh. A handful of nobles currently in Heen, once called themselves a Jopponite. However, they joined the realm of Joppo after the rebellion had won. They fought a hopeless battle against Mesh, and lost - most of them fleeing to Heen (the only realm out of the 3 Northerm realms who had contacted them).

Then came King Scions victory in uniting the desert lands. He had thoughts to take back Joppo, but made the safer choice of looking after the regions gained, and waiting for the population to be sustainable again, as many of the regions were totally destroyed during the brutal wars.

Tarajist Balewind was then banned from Heen for breaking the Code of Nobility, in verbally assaulting council members, and making a disgrace of himself infront of his peers. This was seen by some as a mistake from the Arch Priest Medium at the time, but many also supported it. He fled to Mesh...

The final stage in the build up to the "Cold War" was the accusations against the former Duke Kagurati, where he fled before a solution could be decided upon...to Mesh.

But, the ex-Chancellor Danny of Mesh remains the biggest reason why Heen has grown to dislike Mesh more than many thought possible. His continuous degradation of the desert realm before and during the invasion is no secret to anyone, especially the Heenites.

Daimons Surprise Troops in Watto

03 October 1007 Thrydwulf
On the evening of the 3rd October, two Heenite nobles, who had been patrolling Watto, scouting the border regions of Heen, Mesh and Vlaanderen were taken by surprise when the Daimon Lord Wispy and 123 other Daimons came swarming upon them. Bayloc, the Baron of Watto, and Beatrice, Knight of Kif were swooped upon, and their troops decimated in no time. The Daimons left Beatrice, lying wounded on the battlefield, but two of them took Bayloc in their claws and flew off with him into the night.

Battle in Watto

03 October 1007 Thrydwulf
Here is the battle report against the Daimons in Watto:

Battle in Watto

In one turn, all 74 of the Heenite troops were slain, and only 4 Daimons were slain in the surprise attack. The Daimon swoop is extremely destructive and effective. This is why scout reports are essential.

Talks with Tarajist

05 October 1007 Thrydwulf
In light of the Mediations with Mesh, High Marshall Thrydwulf Grancourt of Heen thought that the recent letters between himself and the General of Mesh (ex-Heenite Tarajist) would be a good read. They illustrate some of the differences between the realms, and the feelings between many of the nobles in the two realms.

Thrydwulf considers himself an old friend of Tarajist. While Tarajist was Marshal of the First Army of Heen, Thrydwulf looked up to him, wanting to learn as much from the military man as possible. When Tarajist began to change, become angrier, mad even, Thrydwulf defended him at first until he saw what the man he once looked up to had become.

Despite all the bad things that Tarajist has said, Thrydwulf tries to see the good in everyone, hoping to bridge some differences with an offer of help to their much larger neighbours. Tarajist refuses and so begins a discussion (see article to the right)...

Talks with Tarajist

05 October 1007 Thrydwulf
The Following are letters between the Generals of Heen and Mesh:

Offer of Help Offer of Help

Why Help Mesh? Why Help Mesh?

Heen Isn't Mesh Heen Isn't Mesh

Your Ruler is a Dog Your Ruler is a Dog

No Daimons Here No Daimons Here

Pearly-White Jerkin Pearly-White Jerkin

Lessons For Tarajist Lessons For Tarajist

Denial Denial

As you can see from the letters, there is no love lost between the two Nations.