Iron Shield of Piety

From BattleMaster Wiki

Iron Shield of Piety

Name Type Condition Prestige

Iron Shield of Piety Shield 86 % + 3

The Known History of the Iron Shield of Piety

After having spent some time in the Enweil prison Garcia decided to not venture into the lands to the south any longer. As fate had determined he, and the band of four other adventures had innocently wandered into a very unfriendly region and all of them had been put in prison. It was even rumored that one of them died while there.

Once they had regathered in the north they once again began their tireless efforts to keep the lands purged from the monsters and undead that seemed to appear far to frequently. The others had found a trail that monsters in the region had been using to terrorize the local population and the hunt began. The group pursued them as rapidly as their combat hardened bodies would let them. When they would find them they would grant them no quarter, and expected no quarter as they rushed in.

As night fell the small group of men decided to make camp. Garcia was asked to go to the top of the next ridge to scout things out so they would know what direction to go in the morning. The signs on the ground made it clear that their enemy was close, and they did not want to get caught unprepared.

Climbing towards the top of the ridge Gracia began to slip and started sliding back down the hill. As he slid down the hill the ground opened underneath him, a fissure was there it seemed that he had barely noticed as he had been climbing up. Down the fissure he slid, trying to be as quiet as possible as he fell. Fortunately he was barely scratched from the fall into the ground.

As he looked around he could see a fire flickering up ahead. Slowly he began to move that direction, then the smell hit him. It was the smell of burnt human flesh. Onward he crept and then he saw the biggest monster his eyes had ever seen. The ogre was huge, and clearly he was the one in charge. It appeared there was a way around the camp and Garcia began to sneak past them. He would return to camp and get his fellow adventures to come help him with this brute, and his minions.

Just as he started to move past them he noticed one of the human bodies near the fire move. They evidently were roasting these poor souls alive. Now the situation had changed. If Garcia left and came back how many more of these unfortunates would die? However Garcia was no fool. He had to find a way to even the odds a bit, actually he did not like even odds. He wanted to have the odds in his favor.

With this he made his plan. There were four smaller rat men and the alpha Ogre. Alone the ratmen could be taken care of with his great skill quite easily. But this ogre presented a greater challenge. If he could keep the ogre out of the fight for even two minutes he could make fast work out of the rat men and deal with the ogre. He had a small bottle of some ingredients that helped him care for his sword. Whatever it was made of would burn the skin for several minutes if you came in contact with it. This would do nicely for what he planned.

Taking the cap off he waiting until the ogre was the closest one to him. He did not want to miss and hit one of the other ones on accident. With a shout he jumped forward and the ogre turned towards him in a very predictable fashion. He then unleashed the fluid from only a couple of feet away from the ogre into his face. The results were even better then expected.

Now the rat men were upon him. Unfortunately he was caught between them and the wildly thrashing ogre and had very little room to maneuver. He knew of the speed of these monsters so trying to out flank them was pointless, so with his strongest swing he moved directly into them, moving into their center. His mighty blow took the two middle ones down, and more importantly gave him room to stay clear of the ogres blind swings. Now the two remain rat men turned and faced him. The ogre was still swinging wildly.

Garcia always preferred to do things the easy way if possible, and taking advantage of this situation was to easy. The rat men already were a bit fearful of him and were paying very close attention to him and not to the ogre. Moving to his left Garcia the feigned a lunge at one of them just as the ogre prepared for another wild swing. The rat man was very nimble and jumped backwards, right into the path of the ogre and his club. As the blow hit him the rat man flew in the air, hitting the last remaining rat man. With his foe being caught totally off balance Garcia was able to deliver a fatal blow to the last rat man quite easily.

Now all that remained was the blinded ogre. Normally Garcia would have thought twice about taking on such a powerful ogre. One blow from him could cut ones life short in quick order. But he thought that he should have an advantage. The cave was big enough that he was able to maneuver around the ogre. However he could not waste time since it would not be long and all the effects from the liquid would be gone. Already it appeared that the ogre might have obtained some of his sight back.

Quickly he went to work, scoring several blows on the ogre. Killing an ogre was not a simple task, even one who was handicapped. As the battle continued Garcia noticed the ogre's blows coming closer and closer to actually hitting him. Still he had not been able to deal a death blow to the evil creature.So while the creature was wounded it also had regained it's sight. As a swing from the ogre just missed his head Garcia felt the empty flask in his pocket. Then the idea struck him.

Pulling the flask from his pocket he kept it veiled so the fact that it had no contents hidden from the ogre. He began to weave it around to see how the ogre would react to it, and sure enough he could see the ogre knew what had caused him to lose his sight. Finally he made it clear that he was going to throw the flasks contents on the ogre once again and gave the flask a toss. The ogre moved to protect his eyes from what he thought was going to be another attempt to blind him.

With his most powerful lunge Garcia struck at the ogres unprotected neck with his sword. After this blow hit home finishing up the fight was fairly simple.

Garcia then began the process of freeing the captured humans, and scrounging through the stockpile of items the monsters had. Here is where he found the Iron Shield of Piety. He had heard legends of such items, but had never seen such a thing before. His heart was filled with both delight and fear. He was delighted to have made such a find. But he was also fearful. Who all might come seeking out this item? Where could he hide the item to make sure it was not used against humanity?

These were all questions he had to deal with, and time itself would hold the answer to what would come of this.