Avalon/Roleplay Section/minsc

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"Jump on my sword whilst you can, Evil. I shall not be as gentle!"

History: Minsc proudly announces that he is a berserker warrior from the nation of Rasheman in the utter east. He is currently undertaking his dejemma, a ritual journey to manhood, and is seeking adventure and glory in battle. It is also his honor to be the bodyguard of the Famely elder of the Pilgrim famely named Grim-Reaper, and if anyone tries to harm him, he will beat sense into their heads until they reconsider. He is unsure as to why he has led him to Belluatara, but his loyalty is unquestioning. If he can distinguish himself in battle, he hopes to be accepted into the Ice Dragon berserker lodge upon return to his homeland.

"Ahhh...we are all heroes. You, Boo and I. Hamsters and Barbarians everywhere! Rejoice!"

So far, Minsc considers his most notable experience in the world abroad to be the acquisition of his animal companion 'Boo,' a creature that he claims is a miniature giant space hamster. Apparently such things do exist in the Realms, but Minsc has surely taken too many blows to the head. He seems a good-natured fellow, but is all too willing to indulge his berserker nature.

"When the going gets tough...Someone hold my rodent!"

Scarlet I