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Soliferum, known to some as the Lands of the Sun, has a long and rich history. In recent times it has been plagued by secession and internal strife, abandoned by many of individuals most influential in it's foundation.

Soliferum at it's largest included all the lands from Dsinanas to Cutnipaniel Vale on the border of the Idaol Wastelands, including the great city of Osaliel and Ortedail, but now includes only the Duchy of Alanurs, and the Duchy of Osaliel and it's surrounding regions. At the time of this writing, there is war with Antoza Commonwealth and the Secessionists to decide the fates of Azohib, Todtpiz and the former western territories of the Republic.

An account of Soliferum's earlier history: Soliferum Beginning
A desription of Soliferum's religous views: Soliferum Religions
An Overview of Soliferum's Military: Legions of the Sun

Leaders of the Republic

Postion Current Holder
Prime Minister Conan
Minister of Defence Victore
Grand Justiciar Viracocha
Minister of Finances Maximus

People of Soliferum

Nobles of the Realm

Vassals (Non-Player Characters)

  • Harild, a Courier for the Duke of Osaliel
  • Scheillan, a Courier and Chief Scribe for the Ministry of Finances
  • Eldvortail, Tax Collector and Assayer for the Ministry of Finances
  • Leraite, House of Veries, Steward of the Duke's Estates in Osaliel
  • Cuvinio, Prefect of the City of Osaliel
  • Arvannos, Bailiff and Captain of the Republic Guard of the City of Osaliel
  • Salven, a Senate Guard recruited by Maltheo into police and prison work
  • Qurotte, Learned Scholar of the Conservatory of Osaliel
  • Denaro, Captain of the Cutnipaniel Cavalry Guards and Bailiff of Northwatch
  • Hurathi, Captain of the Eastern Bowmen of Cutnipaniel
  • Bhrethem, Master Armorer of Osaliel
  • Sargasha, the Houses of Healing's most skilled physician
  • Vusthetos, a wealthy merchant of Osaliel

Historical Figures

  • Octavus Solari, Duke of Osaliel
  • Batman Bauglir, Duke of Osaliel
  • Glorawarthien, Duke of Osaliel
  • Annwn, Duchess of Ortedail
  • Maltheo, Duke of Osaliel

A deatailed history on some of the key players: The Sons of the Sun

The Lands of the Sun






Symbols of Soliferum

"Sparkling soul soars higher; The blighted darkness surrounds; Sunrise, Sol overcomes."

The standard of Soliferum is the burning sun disc, representing the burning light of truth and life. These are the heart and soul of our realm, for within these, all things are possible. A greatsword stands guard before the sun, warding our most precious gifts against the darkness without, but also the darkness within our souls. Our banner reminds us that only through constant vigilance may we protect that which we cherish.

The motto, 'Qui Desiderat Pacem, Praeparet Bellum,' translates as "Who desires peace should prepare for war."