Toren Herald/Issue 1

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Toren News Header.png
Creator: Averyll
Editor in Chief:Nami
In the beginning, there was only Tor, and the beginning has a lot in common with the end. Price: Pious Loyalty
Issue: March

Toren (Mini).PNG The Day After
Seggelin: the place where two honourable armies met each other. Twice they fought, twice Toren faced defeat. They fought like lions, but Taselak had Lady Fortuna at its side! It were two great battles, and bravery was every to be found on the field. Many died on the field, but they died honourable! Great was the courage of Lothian, and great is the honour he deserves! May he rest in peace! Afterwards, many great words were spoken by both Taselak and Toren lords. These words couldn't hold of the mud throwing that started between some other knight, but that is nothing to be proud of! Things we can be proud are the hands that were reached to Taselak or Toren knights to enjoy some beers together. Gaius Julius and Samson were seen together in the moving Pub, drinking some Lesthem Cristal. Pontifex Phear opened some barrels of beer at his camp, and many enjoyed it. This night showed that even on a war island, bad things can bring men and women together!
- Gaius Julius,Mar 11