Noble Family

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Noble family crest.JPG

Started in January of 2006, in Arempos, the Noble family currently has a fame of 13 with five active members and a couple who are no longer among the living:

Remorse (28)East ContinentPerdanInfiltrator6720
Escent (21)BeluaterraMeshAdventurer610
Fenrisulf (28)BeluaterraLuz de BiaKnight5018
Fearful (25)South-WestSandalakKnight185
Innocent (23)ColoniesAssassinsKnight4212


Remorse blue.JPG

The oldest surviving member of the Noble family, Remorse left the family mansion as soon as he was able to strike out on his own. Taking a ship on the docks and not even caring where it ended up Remorse found himself arriving in Perdan with little idea of what life had in store for him. Since his arrival Remorse has been a very active in the realm. Beginning as a Knight and quickly moving up the ranks to become a Cavalier and eventually the battle group commander of the Perdan Strike Force, also known as the Praetorian. Shocking many of his fellow nobles, and to the dismay of his parents, one day Remorse stepped down from his post, traded his sword for a dagger and slipped into the shadows.

Since that time little has been known about Remorse's deeds but it is rumored that Remorse fancies himself as a chef of some sort and has a love for potatoes. Traveling all across the East Continent from Sirion to Fontan and Al Arab he has been sharing his passion. What can be verified is that Remorse has begun to share his love of potatoes with those in both Avamar Selective and Kalmar Islands preparing some very nice potato recipes for the judges and nobles of those realms. No word yet on how the critics have enjoyed the meals.


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Sitting with his family over dinner, a year past now, Escent's father was rambling on about how his brother, Remorse, had brought shame to the family and it would be better if he was dead. Escent stood up for Remorse and in the argument that ensued hurtful words were exchanged. His father, with venom in his words, declared that Escent was to be cast from his presence, banned from the family estate and to be shunned by all in the house. Apparently if he could not take his anger out on Remorse he was going to take it out on Escent instead.

Taking what little he could with him, and stowing away on a ship, Escent set out earn his life back. Driven to reclaim that which his father has denied him. His nobility. To that end Escent has crossed the sea to Beluaterra seeking out those that can help him in his quest. While he is usually found near Twillen, in Mesh, Escent has been seen in Joppo, Reeds and even Ossmat.

In a short time Escent has caught the attention of several realms in Beluaterra. Rumors of Escent's discovery of the Black Helm of Blood and a Bone-Sabre of Daemonslaying have been given creditability by sightings of him with nobles from Mesh as well as Old Grehk. Apparently he has been trading these items, rumored to be of great value, for their support of him.


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Like his older brother, Remorse, Fenrisulf left home as soon as he was able. Seeking a life at a slower pace Fenrisulf arrived on the docks of Alowca with little more then the desire to find a peaceful life and settle down. Some times the best laid plans do not work out and so it has been with Fenrisulf. Fenrisulf quickly discovered that he was not only adept at commanding his men at the battle front, but was also able to inspire those of a less noble up bringing. The counsel of Alowca saw this in Fenrisulf and appointed him as Duke of Alowca city. Thinking he would settle into a life of comfort and relative ease Fenrisulf was to discover that the gods had different plans for him.

Approached by the Trinity of Alowca Fenrisulf was asked to lay aside his title and found the Church of the Trinity. Not knowing how he could refuse Fenrisulf did as the Trinity had asked and set aside his personal desires for the will of the Trinity. Word had recently reached Alowca of a cult spreading lies in the name of the Trinity far across the seas, and perhaps the Trinity realizing they had found a humble heart soon called on Fenrisulf again. Again, just as Fenrisulf was settling into this new role the visions from Trinity returned. This time he was being called to take up his sword once again. Confused but humbled to be chosen again Fenrisulf announced to everyone in Alowca that he was to travel to Luz de Bia on Beluaterra. Fenrisulf had been charged by the Trinity to lend his aid to the struggles of Luz de Bia to bring about the destruction of this cult, known as The Kingdom of Alluran.


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There are few things known about this member of the Noble family. Family members say that his father's grief over the loss of Thoreau, and the choices of his brother Remorse lead him run away leaving both his birth name and most of his belongings behind.

Many years after the man, now known as Fearful, had left home he finally sent a letter home to his mother. It simply said; "I have found my way to Sandalak and shall remain here."


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Like his brothers, Innocent set out to find his fortune and has not returned home in many years. When he first came to the Colonies he arrived in Oritolon. However, because his brother, Fenrisulf, had begun to rise to power in Alowca, the Oritolon nobles could not abide two brothers on opposite sides of a war and Innocent did not receive a very warm welcome.

Banned from Oritolon, Innocent fled east and found comfort in the region of Narrowdep for a time, the vastness of the desert there a comfort to him. But soon enough he was forced to flee as the Oritolon troops followed him. Initially Innocent had wanted to make his way the lands of Lukon and settle but word of his family association had reached the ears of Oritolon's allies before his arrival and he was forced to flee once more.

And so his path lead him to the Assassins. The guild welcomed him, accepted him and gave me home. Quickly rising to power within the guild Innocent has been the judge of this realm for some time now and is well respected by friends and foes alike.


The oldest son of the Noble family, Thoreau spent his time in Ethiala. While he was still fairly young he came down with a sickness that the doctors could not explain. His passing was very hard on the family and lead to several of his brothers leaving home, as the memories were more then they could bear.

Your Highness

One of the middle children of the Noble family Your Highness was once a count in Ash Sea Islands. The people of Byblack thrived and enjoyed being under his watchful eye. The circumstances around Your Highness' sudden disappearance are rumored to have been due to his political rivals.