Blackwing Family/Kelrond

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A born peasant, Kelrond grew up in a village in the region of Adrelhia in the war torn South-East Island. During the war against new Sandalak, his Village was completely burned down, though it is unclear whether the realm reponsible was Snadalak or Ikalak, as both denied having anything to do with it.

Kelrond was found unconscious in the still burning wreckage of his previous home by Snow's lunatics, and she, in and uncharacteristic move, orderd him to be brought to her personal healers, allowing him to recover in her own privet tent.

After recovering, however, Kelrond didn't hurry to leave Snow's side, not did she bother sending him away. She found Kelrond to be quite well-mannered and intelligent, much more then the average peasant, and started teaching him the ways of nobles. He was a fast learner, and Dame Snow reacted to his willingness to learn with unusual tenderness she never showed anybody else.

Their closeness, to whatever extent it had come to (little is known of their relationship), came to an end when Kelrond decided to leave in order to seek new fame for himself out in the world. Snow was furious at his decision to leave her, but still went to the trouble to have her father adopt him into the Blackwing family, so that he would be considered a noble. Beyond that, however, she refused to speak or do anything for Kelrond again.

It is through her action, did Kelrond started a correspondence with his new "father", Killtan, and the two created a true bond. Killtan even sent him two black bladed Northen swords as a gift, which Kelrond named 'innocence' and 'Peace'.

Kelrond joined the realm of Caligus, thinking that this realm, struggling for survival at the time, held his own path for glory. During that time, Caligus was fighting a fierce battle against Yssaria and it's allies, survivng only through the cunning of it's military leaders.

The war was settled after a while (see treaty), and Kelrond still stands under the Caligus flag, currently working on improving his skills so that he may better serve his country.


Age: 19

Class: Knight

Prestige: 17

Other Family Members

Killtan Blackwing

Snow Blackwing

Lazar the Vile