Mortis Family/Geruvegan/Notes on Undead and Monsters

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Notes on Undeads and Monsters on the Southern regions, specifically adound the area of Luz de Bia.

I start this journal to further my idea of a controlled breeding program of monsters and undead. My reasons for this is that we adventurers (and perhaps nobles as well) would then not have to spend hours upon hours of searching in vain in giddy heights and dark forests. Moreover, unexperienced persons shall be able to practice on lesser beasts first rather than encountering Champions and Dragons while wandering. Basically, we will have a more "scientific" training program against these abominations of nature.

Kinds of Undead

  • Shambling Corpse - weakest of undead, most commonly seen and most easily vanquished.Present in Level 2 groups upwards
  • Zombie - slightly stronger than Shambling Corpses, but easily dispatched. Present in Level 2 groups upwards
  • Skeleton - quite strong, yet their weakness lies on their joints.Present in Level 3 upwards.
  • Revenant - fallen warriors resurrected, watch out for these! Present in Level 4 upwards.
  • Ghoul - although a little slow, they have poison on their claws and jaws. Present in Level 4 hunts upwards.
  • Undead Champion - one of the strongest of the lot, typically of huge size and tremendous strength. Muster all your skills and be alert. Present on Level 5 groups upwards.

Kinds of Monsters

- currently researching...