Legendary Necklace

From BattleMaster Wiki

The Legendary Necklace

This is a women's necklace, an elaborate weave of gold and silver mesh with a multitude of tiny gems placed within. It is dazzling with it's beauty and few who look upon it are not awed by the the sight.


In the massive attempt to clear undead from Piwani, rumours speak of a massive battle between an organized force of undead and their leader against a lone women weilding a Morning Star. She picked up the trail of the undead forces from her fellow adventurers and then dispatched the mass of undead, amongst the fallen bodies was found the Legendary Necklace. It is said the Adenturer went by the name of Kaylan, and it is believe by many that she bore the Astonishing Sword of War.


This item gives +2 Prestige and is an Accessory.


There are many tales throughout Bellatura which speak of this necklace, many of them regionalized to that specific Realm referring to local places. But all agree upon this, it was the parting gift between a great Lord of the Land and his beloved wife, with is promise to return to her. The Lord travelled with the Realms army deep into land held by the Undead, there during a great battle he was seperate from his men and wandered lost amongst the lands of the Dead. Nearly dead of exhaustion, thirst, and hunger he saw a faint light in the distance. There he saw his wife with the beautiful necklace gleaming like a beacon in the darkened waste. The Lord stumbled and followed the light onwards for many days, beyond all comprehension. There his men found him, collapsed at the edge of the Wastes near their Realm -- the army having pulled back, his men having thought him fallen to undead blades. Returned home he spoke of his wife to this and she told him of horrible dreams, of seeing him dying in the wastes and running to him, trying to drag him home. The Lord it is said never failed to return home from a campaign, no matter how dire or ill-fated the fight--he died of old age, many centuries ago. This is what is spoken of when the people speak of the Legendary Necklace. . .