Ryou Gu Tykou

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Within the Ryou Gu Tykou there are three gods, Korojima, Mizuki and Takanobou. These are the watchers of the Ryou Gu Tykou. They each stand for their own path in life but they are only advanced forms of worship. Long ago these gods used to fight and say that they're paths and ways of life were the best. Eventually they realized they couldn't beat each other so they came to a compromise. They formed the ultimate council of the Ryou gu Tykou and they agreed that for those who want to live an easy life. The one rule they must follow is acceptance. Within the Ryou Gu Tykou acceptance is the golden rule. You must accept everyone from everywhere. You must accept your enemy. You may treat them as you like but you may never insult their cause. Everyone has their cause and you cannot insult it. You may say yours is better but discrediting another's cause of life is definatly not acceptance and you are a great dishonour to the Ryou Gu Tykou.

The Gods

As you know the three gods are, Korojima, Mizuki and Takanobou. They may have come to a compromise but they still love their personal path better. To advance to senior ranks of the Ryou Gu Tykou (Or at least become eligible) you must choose one of the paths and one of the gods to individually worship but beware we must remember the golden rule acceptance. If you are in a different path to a fellow member they are still a brother and they must be accepted like all.


He is the god of Honour. If you take this path you are strictly on Korojima's code. You re bound to settle things by extreme measures. If one is being dishonourable he must be struck down in a duel to the death. You must be ready to risk your life to strike down your enemy and make sure he is not around to make anyone else’s life miserable. The code also states you will treat your enemy with honour!! Korojima will not take foul insults. You must be polite and act with honour to your enemy until their last breath.


She is the god of war. Once men laughed at her for being a woman and wanting to fight. She proved them wrong! Because of experience she has set laws to make sure all people can fight for they're realm. In Mizuki's code you must never under no circumstances retreat from war or hesitate to go to war. You must carry your banner and rush to war with pride. You must not give mercy, Never! The enemy does not deserve it and for Mizuki they must have their life ended. No matter what harm they have done. If they are the enemy kill them!


He is the god of logic. He was always looked at as the fool who was a coward but he has now proven to be only one with almighty logic. In the Takanobou code one must never fight if not necessary. This code is for the smart and logical and anyone who think they can deal with any problem. Councilors of realms usually take this path.

Which one suits you?


Senior Ranks

Ryou Shogunate

This is the man that directly speaks for the Ryou Gu Tykou. He must stick to the one rule, Acceptance, is the only rule he is allowed to follow. He may not choose one of the gods to avoid corruptancy within the Church. He deals with all the diplomacies of the church and such.

Tykou Shogunate

This is the less poweful Shogunate who assists with all the Ryou Shogunates responsibilities. He is more responsible for the internal matters of the Church and he makes sure there is no quarrel between followers with main gods.

Voice of Korojima

He is the man preaches to other nobles of how Korojima is the ultimate god and his path is the right one. He will tell all tales about Korojima and all the studies of Korojima there is to know. He will make sure people know all about this path before they make their choice.

Voice of Mizuki

He is the man preaches to other nobles of how Mizuki is the ultimate god and his path is the right one. He will tell all tales about Mizuki and all the studies of Mizuki there is to know. He will make sure people know all about this path before they make their choice.

Voice of Takanobou

He is the man preaches to other nobles of how Takanobou is the ultimate god and his path is the right one. He will tell all tales about Takanobou and all the studies of Takanobou there is to know. He will make sure people know all about this path before they make their choice.

Member Ranks

Path of Korojima

A full and elite member of the path of Korojima.

Path of Mizuki

A full and elite member of the path of Mizuki.

Path of Takanobou

A full and elite member of the path of Mizuki.

Faithful to the Paths

One that has chosen a path and it studying there god to try and advance to the next rank. You must become a master of the way before you can choose a path.

Master of the Way

One that has fully grasped the main rule and is strictly bound by it. This rule is obviously Acceptance.

Faithful to the Rule

One that is confident with the main rule and it is part of their lifestyle to accept all and everything.

Student of Rule

One that is studying the and trying to grasp the rule of acceptance.

Petitioner Ranks


A seeker of the ways of the Ryou Gu Tykou.