Galantos Family

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"Saint Hubbins Preserve Us."

The Galantos Family are citizens of Hawthorne, and have been local to those lands for seven generations. There has not been a notable military member of the Galantos family in some time, although they have produced many fine, humble clergymen.

The current head of the family is Tarkas III, an elderly man of the most devout type. His three oldest sons were "encouraged" to join a fraternal religious order of silent monks. When Tarkas was younger, his older brother Borugar drank himself to death after abandoning his wife. Deeply ashamed of his brother, Tarkas strove to be even more devout, and took in his nephew, the orphaned Bufort.

The Patron Saint of the Galantos family is St. Hubbins, also patron of well-crafted leathers and sturdy boots. The Galantoses follow the Path of the Great Dragon as revealed by the Warrior Saints of Atamara. It is a small, obscure sect of the larger faith.

  • Recently, Montague (the official heir to the titles and holdings of the Galantos family) has taken up arms to follow King Andrew of Eston onto the field of battle. He hopes to bring honor to the family colors. A lad of seventeen, Montague is the fifth son of Tarkas, and a green soldier. His "Redcloak" guards are as of yet untested in combat.
  • The eldest son, Akbar, is traveling in the Far East, starting in Ansopen in the Sanctum of Casshern. He is an Acolyte of the Church of Communionism; joining that faith after havinga a transcendental vision of the Great Dragon. He is making an extended pilgrimage abroad before taking the remainder of his priestly vows.
  • The orphaned cousin Bufort (twenty years of age) has been traveling and studying outside of Eston since he was twelve, sent away from the family Estate due to his rambunctious ways. He has recently assembled his personal guard (the Darkhelms) in an attempt to become more industrious. He currently resides in Carelia.