Perdan (Realm)/Peace 2006-10

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The following is a description of the events that began the unbalanced war against Perdan, ending with the peace treaty that saw Perdan at peace or neutral with the whole EC:

While assisting Ubent in the South against Ibladesh, a large Fontan and Sirion force rallied on the doorstep of Bescanon.

The High Marshal Waylander selected a small force under the Command of Balkeese to return to the North to defend against the 40k force that was preparing to assault Bescanon, leaving the majority of the Perdan army behind to fight against the combined force of Itorunt and Ibladesh. Unfortunately, the Ubent army wasn't able to assist the Perdan army and the army was devastated.

To add further troubles, the northern defence did not arrive in time and Bescanon was conquered by the NA army.

With High Marshal Waylander and King Gadouha both suffering illnesses preventing them to provide leadership for Perdan, this was definitely one of Perdan's darkess moments. As the Knights slowly recovered from the double defeat and rallied in the cities, the Itorunt and Ibladesh army moved north taking lands with no resistance. The Fontan and Sirion army successfully took Bescanon, Meuse and Brive.

It was at this point, after the loyal nobles of Perdan began to cry out for new leadership, strong nobles stepped forward to take the reigns of leadership and restore the might that was Perdan.

Clarissa, a young woman who had served the realm faithfully in the PMW put forward her name for the rulership, and when her battle-hardened Commander, ][osferatu, returned from vacationing in the ruggered landscape of the Kalmar Islands, she appointed him as the new High Marshal.

The two provided a staunch team. High Marshal ][osferatu rallied the loyal nobles of Perdan, inspiring and using their desire and will to force back the allied force that had entered Perdan soil. Through carefully directed strategy and planning, the High Marshal retook the three regions from Fontan and moved the battlefield into Troyes. Although Perdan kept the allied forces from Bescanon and its regions, the Ibladesh and Itorunt forces were still moving forward in the south.

Queen Clarissa did her best to negotiate peace for Perdan. Amoung the other rulers, King Lucian of Itorunt proved his honour to the East Continent. Perdan had been forced back further than its original borders by no less than four armies attacking it. To continue to fight an unbalanced war for more regions spoke nothing less than greed. King Lucian accepted Perdan's peace offering in exchange for the region of Bisciye.

Perdan stood its ground for three months against the three allied armies of Ibladesh, Fontan and Sirion. High Marshal ][osferatu's cunning defensive strategies combined with the Perdan Knights dedication and efficiency meant the war had become a stalemate. As the allied realms realised they weren't going to achieve the victorious demise of Perdan as they had hoped, they reopened the doors of negotiation with Queen Clarissa. Doors that had been arrogantly closed previously.

The demands of the allied nations dropped from wanting Perdan reduced to one duchy, then wanting Ibladesh to receive one of Perdan's duchies to an earlier rejected suggestion of Queen Clarissa's to give a duchy of Perdan's to our allies, Caligus.

Unfortunately, Queen Clarissa hadn't discussed the treaty properly with the realm and after calling for a realm-wide vote, which was clearly against the treaty, went ahead and offered the treaty to the enemy rulers. This caused civil unrest in Perdan and Queen Clarissa was protested and spoken publicly against in the realm. She was faced with the decision of withdrawing the treaty she desired or stepping down, she chose the later option.

At this point, an even younger woman was chosen to lead the military strong and proud realm of Perdan. Queen Evangeline was elected to step into the diplomacy field, withdrawing the treaty immediately. Evangeline had been a student of High Marshal ][osferatu, she worked very closely with the brilliant General, learning quickly the tactics and methods by which he successfully kept Perdan defended against the forces of three realms.

Although Perdan continued to fight with the strength of a Lion, it was made clear that Fontan was seeking additional aid of Light of Fountain. With Caligus on the brink of destruction, it was uncertain of Yssaria's direction. Clearly seeing the possibility of war expanding to 5 vs 1, Queen Evangeline decided to reopen the doors of negotiation, but insisted it be on Perdan's terms. Keeping the essence of Queen Clarissa's treaty, she removed some of the more humiliating terms (public apologies, disbanding PMW), 12,000 gold to Ibladesh, and made changes in the region exchanges for Perdan to be able to almost feed itself.

Undoubtedly a better treaty than Queen Clarissa had presented, it still saw Perdan lose 5 regions, including it's beautiful city Partora. It took three strong realms and the threat of two realms joining the war for Perdan to finally surrender. It's military prowess ensures it is undeniably still a force to be reckoned with on the East Continent. A realm with honour and principles above all else, it will continue to fight, as it always has, against injustice and greed on the East Continent.

In conclusion, as Perdan celebrates being at a peaceful state with all of the East Continent and saving its ally Caligus, it warily watches its border with Fontan. Perdan knows that the greed and spite of the realm that wants its namesake city back means it would stoop to any level to achieve it.

The Peace Treaty