Mithrandir Family

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Cletius is the eldest in the family at 20 and the most responsible. Hailing from the mountainous region of Inxi on Atamara, he joined the realm of Ash Sea Islands, where he has stayed ever since. Devoted to duty and his friends, Cletius firmly believes in the cause he crusades for and harbours a hatred of Abington and mules alike. He is particularly good at cards, especially Inxian Hold'em.

Finding ASI in the middle of a campaign against Carelia when he joined, Cletius quickly recruited troops from the capital and set out to join them, but was sadly stopped by monsters in Tandsu and thus was unable to take part in the battle at Craigmore.

Thereafter followed a lull in the fighting, which Cletius used to hone his skills and participate in several skirmishes against monsters and Abington troops infringing upon ASI’s borders.

Soon Abington and ASI declared war on each other and Cletius joined the army in a slithering blitzkrieg through ASI’s ancestral homelands, proving his prowess in many battles along the way. Soon, ASI’s armies marched forth to aid the fledgling colony of Kybycell, and Cletius fought his way through Abington lands with his realm-mates. But disaster struck at Wayburg and Cletius’ unit was wiped out, and he himself was captured as he made his way home.

Eventually bribing a guard with a shiny piece of metal he found in the sewers, Cletius escaped from the Abington prisons after a short stay of a single day. Recruiting a new unit and participating in the second battle of Wayburg, Cletius was taken prisoner by Abington forces once again.

Released from jail after a seven day stay and several interesting conversations with Gauihu, Cletius grabbed a bunch of new men and served with ditinction in battles in Wynford and Dampinn. He was on a run back to Ser'quea to R & R when the Ashlanteans were defeated in Wynford, and he and his men rushed back to Worav to await the fresh wave of assaults. During this time, he was considered for the post of Army Marshal and Lord of Inxi, but he turned both down to follow his duke, Judge Moses, to Wor'ight.

Cletius brought fame to his family after reaching the 20 prestige mark in a battle at Worav, where he was wounded. He is currently injured and unconsious.

Honour: 37 Prestige: 20


Terminus is Cletius’ younger brother at 20, and the more rash of the two. He is cheerful and always volunteers for missions, and is slightly callous towards his men, not caring much whether they live or die, but always treating them well.

Terminus joined Itorunt on the East Island and was assigned to Divison I. He took part in the campaign against Perdan, unfortunately missing the climatic battle as he had followed orders which were later changed.

Terminus marched with Itorunt's forces on their second failed attack on Domus, having his 12 men wiped out by a total of over 1200 hits and followed the army back to the capital to rest and recruit. On their way, Division One attacked Caligus's rading forces and were defeated, though having a favourable kill ratio. Shockingly, Itorunt's new high marshal, Alex, was slain in the fight. Terminus has sworn vengence on his killers and hopes to hunt them down.

Terminus was bitten with the wanderlust, and hoping for a change in scenery, he sailed off to Beluterra, bidding a sad farewell to his realm-mates, and hoping to return one day. He now serves under the banner of Avalon, and has gained much expereince battling monsters and undead.

He was seriously wounded after a battle in Wilwau, though he and his 36 men slaughtered more than three quarters of a wave of monsters before being forced to retreat after suffering 21 dead and 4 wounded. The local militia, who cowardly watched as Terminus and his men fought and died, had an easy time finishing off the demoralised monsters, causing them to retreat after only dealing five casualty. Terminus's fate is currently in the hands of the healers.

Honour: 37 Prestige: 16


Dennis is cousin to Cletius and Terminus and the youngest of the trio at 18. He craves war and battle, and disregards his men's lives and his own in pursuit of war.

He is currently serving under Taselak on the South-East Island and is proud to be a member of their Heavy Strikers Group. He has become hardened by war, serving in many battles, and has also gained some reputation for the ruthless way he treats his men. He has recently receieved a special suit of armour and a shield from Valens while on The Quest of Taselak.

Dennis was disappointed at his men's poor showing (broke after taking 8 casualties) when Taselak attacked the city of Sandalak, and could only watch as others looted while he rallied his men. He hopes to do better in forthcoming battles.

Honour: 27 Prestige: 11