Battle of Azohib

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Written Eyewitness Account by Maltheo, Duke of Osaliel, Six Days Following the Battle

Our Forces, on the day of the main battle of Azohib, consisted of 253 Infantry, 237 Archers, a unit of 32 mixed Infantry under Sir Conan’s command, and 30 Cavalry under General Karpur. As well, the Senate Elite, then under command of NLaw, took up position in the second line amongst the bowmen. I commanded a cadre of 53 bowmen, mostly Cutnipaniel Eastern Bowmen and recruited archers of the City of Osaliel.

The enemy gathered along a broad and thin line to greet us, with 49 horsemen in their rear. There were nobles from Annwn’s Secession, but also three Nighthelm nobles; Senoske, former ruler of Nighthelm, Sarig, and Gomorrah. There were troops lead by Valius and Nemrus of Batesaor, and a large portion of Antoza Commonwealth troops. In total, our scouts counted 123 archers, 355 infantry, and 68 cavalry. Banners held high and proud, as if they were wont to let the world know of their treachery. We saw the Hall_of_Blood_and_Battle's "V" banner marking no fewer than five of their units, the display of the illegal network of guilds which, no doubt, also shared an interest in attacking and bringing down the Republic of the Light. The Batesaor troops, as it turned out, did not fight that day, perhaps out of respect for our alliance with that realm.

The combat was fevered but quick; our troops enveloped the enemy forces at the cost of 123 Soliferum souls, including nearly all of the Senate Elite. I remember Sir Alpha, now of the Secessionists, fell wounded to spear thrust during the last minutes of the melee. I remember the one they called Olwe, whom Lady Ariana had fought together with once upon a time, was killed as he charged our archer line. At the time I did not know who he was, only that he flew the ~~V~~ banner alongside Commonwealth colors, and that he had been brought here to wage war on behalf of one woman’s pride. Every death, mostly Soliferum deaths, was needless; brought on by Annwn’s foolish decision to rebel, to betray the one master for whom betrayal is not assassination but treason – our glorious Realm, the Republic of Soliferum.

When Soliferum is reunited, it’s victory will have come at a high cost in our own blood