LoF's true belief

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You might have stumbled on this page, because no word of it was spread yet. Otherwise you would have tortured someone really really badly!

Yes, LoF, Light of Fontan of Light of Fountain. A belief held highly on EC, but even so, it is corrupted. It's members are too. Nono, I'm not a preacher of another religion, nor an atheïst seeking to bring down everything with me. No I bring you the harsh thruth.

Now, I can say nothing yet, but if you are intrested to hear more --and I recommend every troopleader from LoF to do so!-- check later, when someone publicly speaks about this page, asking you to seek it, and you'll be amazed by the discovery that can be made on this page.

A small update, to fill you in about an oddity already:

The temple strife?

  • LoF has the desire to own every single temple on EC.
  • These temples are Fontan City, Akesh Temple, Chaos Temple and Sir Temple.
  • The only temples that are truly mentioned in their Holy Books are The Temple of Light in Fontan City and Akesh Temple. The Chaos Temple and Sir Temple are not mentioned nor even hinted in their Books.
  • Both of the temples mentioned in their Holy Books are already under their control.
  • Yet it is the most important temple to their religion, and it contradicts all the above, they plan to give away Fontan City as written in their peace-agreement with Fontan.

Sparky's burst-outs

Fontan's general

Letter from Sparky (39 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in message group "Outer Council" (17 recipients)

Take in mind that we wouldn't be warring with Caligus, but with Perdan, how can you be so blind to see that we don't have a lot to gain from this? The Temples must fall under our guidance. May I remind you that the entire continent was filled in black or void for 3 days when the Chaos Temple rose up? This is something you can not think lightly of. I'm not in the religion myself, so for more details I would like to hear the opinion of our experts on this area. But I can tell you that my feeling says that it isn't anything good.

Militarily speaking we have Perdan on the edge of the ravine and we have the force to push them over the edge. If you don't believe me take a look at the Statistics with Military Power.

Compare Sirion, Perdan, Fontan and LoF

Plus I know the Fontan current General, he is incompetent. Therefor I would also like this mission to fall under my command. Fontan knows me well enough to rely this task on me and I would be happy to fulfill it.


Paladin Primus of Light of Fountain

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Letter from Sparky (6 minutes ago)

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Where do you think that Perdan has the upper hand? Fontan just has a dumb General that suicides their army every now and then. Perdan can only fight a defensive war now and with the proper.. push.. they will fall off the ravine. I believe, seeing my past, I have a lot more insight in these matters than you do.

Also I'm not insisting on accepting the offer because it's your relative that is there, I simply look at the best option for our realm. Instead of telling how great Perdan is try actually reading the agreement, get your relative to this realm and crush Perdan together, it lies within our easier pack of possibilities.


Paladin Primus of Light of Fountain

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Letter from Kagurati (4 hours, 47 minutes ago)

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You are all so hungry for war it's ridiculous. What if Partora would willing leave Perdan if we could convince them to move their capital. Do you seriously expect Perdan to surrender it's namesake? It's the second most populated city on the continent, and your fools if you think they will. You will be fighting to the very end of Perdan to get that city.

Of course, I suppose you're all to scared of the infamous Sirion to even consider attacking someone else. "Why not elimate Perdan, they are the weakest" is probably what you think. But have you ever given any thought as to what will happen when Perdan falls, and when Yssaria finally dominates Caligus? What then? Who do we turn to fight after that? Kalmar Islands? They can barely hold off against Old Rancagua.

What you all don't seem to realize is that Perdan is the last realm on this continent that has the power to actually hold off, and as long as they remain there, we don't even have to worry about the question, "Who's next?" or "When will war finally take us?".

Of course, you won't attack Fontan, even though you DID secede from them. And the reasoning there I believe, is because you're scared of Sirion destroying your realm here.

It's sad, for a realm based on a religion about purging the darkness, you seem have a hard time fnding it.

Kagurati (Knight of Fontan)

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Letter from Sparky (3 hours, 43 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in message group "Outer Council" (18 recipients)



Paladin Primus of Light of Fountain

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Letter from Kagurati (1 hour ago)

Message sent to everyone in message group "Outer Council" (18 recipients)

You are all so hungry for war it's ridiculous.

I almost fell off my chair laughing when I read this, someone tie me up before I announce this realm wide, or continent wide, lol!!!

Kagurati (Knight of Fontan)

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Letter from Sparky (3 hours, 39 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in message group "Outer Council" (18 recipients)

Your love for Perdan, as you call it yourself, is obviously a restraint for the good of our own realm. You need your priorities here, or else I will show you the shortest route to the harbour in Fontan.


Paladin Primus of Light of Fountain

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Author's note: Or in other words, is obviously a restraint for the good of Sparky. Read further please.

Letter from Siobhan (57 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in message group "Outer Council" (18 recipients)

Kagurati does not stand alone on this point. I'm with him most of the way. I guess it's ok if our goal is to expand the religion, but do you want to do this by the sword? Next step would be building dungeons to 'purge' non-believers and have them enbrace the true faight, or die? If that's the excuse for attacking Perdan, it's ridiculous.

We have to try to make LoF survive. We have to make deals and we have to talk to others. In the founding principles I saw a neutral, peaceloving realm that mediates between warring parties, rather than joining them. I'd hate to be wrong there...

Siobhan (Knight of Fontan)

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Letter from Kagurati (12 hours, 35 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in message group "Outer Council" (17 recipients)

You know what I find ironic? The fact that you're holding on to a treaty from a realm that had to threaten you as well as get it's ally to threaten you, in order to ensure you stayed in line. I'd be amazed if many people don't consider LoF a puppet realm of Fontan.

You know what though, here we are, in close range of Fontan's two most gold critical regions! We can cripple them with one swift move, and yet for some reason, you don't see that Perdan has been fighting Fontan, Sirion, AND Ibladesh all at the same time, and they aren't losing any time soon.

Here we are, planning to attack Perdan, because they are the weakest enemy that you "want" to attack. You wouldn't even care if Fontan hadn't been pushing you. Perdan wouldn't even be worth attacking. It's a distance away from us, and requires us to pass through a realm that we are neither allied or federated with.

Fontan on the other hand, we can cripple very quickly. And I'm rather sure I could even tell you when Fontan has suffered a significant loss if I asked the Queen of perdan. Or better yet, Sparky could ask ][osferatu. As soon as Fontan and Sirion suffer a significant loss, we have over a week to move in and cripple Fontan.

Of course, I suppose you don't care about that action because it would involve attacking the realm that LoF forcefully SECEDED from in the first place...

And no, if LoF declared war on Perdan, I would not aid it. I am not in to attacking those that we don't have a reason to attack.

And I will actually go talk to Vlad, and whoever the ruler of Yssaria is, and ask them what it would take and whether they'd be willing, and all that stuff.

Kagurati (Knight of Fontan)

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Letter from Sparky (12 hours, 19 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in message group "Outer Council" (17 recipients)


I have arranged an escort for you to Fontan's harbour. I will ask you kindly this time to leave this realm and don't think about coming back.


Paladin Primus of Light of Fountain

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Author's note: I hope it is clear Sparky doesn't like people disagreeing?

Letter from Obery (11 hours, 58 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in message group "Outer Council" (17 recipients)

Kagurati's actions and words do not seem that out of line. Misguided? Perhaps. Incorrect even. But not enoguh to warrant banning from the realm.

Obery (Knight of Akesh Temple)

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Letter from Siobhan (4 hours, 58 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in message group "Outer Council" (17 recipients)

Kara got wounded today, how did that happen?

If thisagreement is the reason you want to ban a troop leader, I will leave too. It's too bad that a realm with these ideals (officially) is just a pawn in the political game of the larger realms. No, we haven't been threatened directly, but between the lines of Fontan's proposal you can read a big 'or else...'

Just because he won't fight for an unjust cause - and neither will I - you can't 'keep' him. Sounds like we're treated like pets. Agree or you'll get kicked out. You can't expect to have a discussion group with everyone agreeing, what would be the point of that? Is there a direct line to the 'black hand' here or what?

I just hope I'll never have to see you guys on the other side of the battle-field. So long.

Siobhan (Knight of Fontan)

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Wait a bit longer, and you'll see

the light... (as they pledge to say)