Old Rancaguan RPT Library/The Staff of Girn

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in alphabetical order:

  • Aleister
  • Antan
  • Artimus
  • Gertrude
  • Johnny
  • Morton
  • Palandro
  • Rats
  • Shina
  • Valinor

If you want to link to your family page, please do it here.


Roleplay from Antan

Antan hurriedly walks along a street in Kazakh. He always dread coming to this place, a place only needed in times of great necessity. He paces down the weary back alleys the pungent odor of garbage and human filth bringing back painful memories of his past to Antan's head. He makes a quick turn, making sure no one is following him, then ducks into a small tent.

He casts a nod to the shopkeeper, who quickly recites a riddle. Antan quickly answers, having answered many times before. With this, the shopkeeper moves a large crate and nods to Antan grimly, pointing to the revealed trapdoor. Antan thanks the man and quickly descends the ladder to the room below.

It is a dank place, with a smoky haze all around the room. The room is roughly in the shape of a large circle, with many tapestries of the past glory of Old Rancagua hanging upon the walls. Antan smiles as he looks around this room and turns to face a door with two torches on either side of it, dimly lighting the place.

-A deep, booming voice from above: "Antan, why have you come here. What do you seek"

-Antan: "I come to you in a time of our need. A great noble has disappeared, Lord High Guard. I know you have heard of him. I fear the Kwarkm have taken him, thinking that he holds some knowledge to the Staff of Girn. You know the legends well."

-Voice: "Yes I have heard them, I have heard many things in my life. Many secrets that not even you have known. So you wish to seek the Staff of Girn? With only one in your company?"

-Antan: "No, I have sent a letter out to all in the kingdom, asking for noble knights of the realm to help me in this quest. You know of the power the Staff holds. How the Citadel of Oroya and the Tower of Ashforth are held by its magic. You know of the secrets contained within these places."

-Voice: "Yes, it has been spoken that Girn was the most powerful sorcerer of his day. There are few now of his line with us. We still carry on some of the old ways however. We both know that the Citadel of Oroya has not fallen for an age because of the magic of the Staff. And now it has been said that the Tower of Ashforth has received the same blessing. Though I know not by whom. You fear the Kwarkm are nearing this prize?

That would be disastrous indeed. The Blood Ring has long fought against them and their evil ways. The Ring and its fellows will help you in this quest Antan. You and your knigths are now charged with the preservation of these two monuments of Old Rancagua. Let the Staff fall into the wrong hands, and we are all at risk."

-Antan: "Of course, the knights should be arriving at any time, provided they deem themselves worthy. I am sure they will have no problem getting past your silly word games."

-Voice: "Ah but this is but the first test. While the first may be foolish, there will be more to come. You will need to do everything in your power with these knights to defeat the Kwarkm. You know the dangers, let us hope that your knights old more courage than has been seen in the past decade and the decade before."

-Antan: "I have no doubts to their victory. None whatsoever."

-Voice: "We shall see"

With that, the room grows quiet again. Antan thinks on how his messages are being received and how many knights will be able to join him in this quest of utmost importance. Shrugging, Antan turns to a tapesty and investigates the Battle for Oroya once more.

Antan, Arch Priest of Old Rancagua

Letter from Antan

A messenger rides up to you and hands you this message:

"Greetings Noble of old Rancagua,

You are desperately needed for a duty in Kazakh. I will need all of the volunteers that can possibly be assembled. Those who possess wit, courage, and bravery are implored to come.

I am in Kazakh right now, in a little fruit stand on Thoer Street. It is easy to miss but you will see a red and white striped tent. Go into there. Nod to the shopkeeper and he will ask you this riddle. Many people scoff at him, but he hold a dark secret.

Underneath his stand is the ancient meeting hall of the Blood Ring. This is a secret meeting of Sages, Magicians, and those with Psionic talents in Old Rancagua. These members are trained at an early age to make sure that all the magical entities in Old Rancagua are kept safe. Yes, there are more than you think.

The object in wuestion right now is the Staff of Girn. Girn was a legendary sorcerer in his day. It is said that he singlehandedly constructed the Citadel in Oroya and the Tower in Ashforth. His magic watches over their stones, if the magic is undone, so are the defenses. This is why our plight is dire right now.

Come to this shop and more will be revealed to you. Oh yes, the riddle the man will ask you is as follows:

"A hound is tied to a fifteen foot leash. How can the hound reach a deer bone that is 20 feet away?"

I cannot tell you the answer, but if you come in groups, one that is quick qitted will allow for all to enter and join me there.

Antan, Arch Priest of Old Rancagua

The Gathering

Roleplay from Rats

Rats reads the message from Antan, and writes one of his own, in reply to Antan and to all who will join the quest. It reads:

To those who wish to join the quest, I believe I have the answer to the riddle. Meet me at the appropriate location, and once gathered, we will go forth together. I will wait until sundown, and then proceed with whoever wishes to join. - Rats

After sending the letter, he dons his cloak and follows Antan's instructions. He spots the red and white striped, and waits nearby, looking for others who might join.

Rats (Knight of Kazakh)

Roleplay from Johnny

As Johnny nears the tent, the one with the white and red stripes, he begins to think about the strange dissapearance of High Guard. His gut, of course, tells him that High Guard is still alive, and he will not conceed the thought that he is dead.

He approaches the tent, and sees a man, old and haggard, standing behind a table. There doesn't seem to be much going on in this area, and the surrounding streets are pretty quiet.

Johnny thinks to himself "A hound.. on a 15 foot leash.. But he needs to make it 20 feet to a deer bone.." He has a thought, and leans in and whispers something quietly to the man in the tent.

The man looks at him for a second, and then smiles. "A good answer to the riddle.. Let me think about that. For now, just wait for more of your people to arrive."

Johnny, feeling a little shot down, but not hopeless, waits by the tent, walking around the street. Who would come next? He thinks.. And how long will we keep Antan waiting?

Just then a figure emerges around the corner, walking towards the tent briskly. He can't quite make out who it is, but from a distance they say "Hello, Johnny, nice to see you here"...

Johnny, High Marshal of Old Rancagua, Duke of Kazakh, Marshal of the army of Kazakh

Roleplay from Morton

The trickle of peasants on Thoer Street parted. None of the lower class would dare to get in the way of a noble of the realm... or his horse. A couple of the civilians even had to leap out of the way as Morton rode up to the tent at a speed that probably wasn’t advisable in such a small street, not that he cared. However, going far too fast to stop, he was almost past the tent by the time he saw it. Instantly he pulled a reckless maneuver, dismounting himself from the horse while still at a decent gallop. He did succeed at dismounting, but the landing left much to be desired. A couple of rolls across the ground and the assistance of the next wall was required to stop him fully.

The horse now gone, Morton groaned, got up, and dusted himself. He looked around to see if anyone had born witness to that smooth maneuver of his. A few passing by peasants respectfully and fearfully looked away and went along with their day as soon as Morton’s gaze fell upon them, but then he saw a few people staring at him from near the tent. He sighed and walked over to join the congregation of nobles.

Morton (Knight of Salta)

Roleplay from Shina

After Shina was through her messages, she was worried. The letter from Antan, talking about this mysterious Staff of Girn ... she had to see with her own eyes what's going on. It will be a hard ride to Kazakh until dusk, so she was in a hurry. Shina left her tent, which stood in the middle of the camp of all the nobles, and began to gather all around her. She spoke with a strong voice and only those that know her very well could recognise the slight tremor in her voice:

"Nobles, you all got this letter from Antan. I have decided to visit this tent in Kazakh, and now I am looking for accompaniment. All those that want to come with me, have half an hour to instruct your troops and meet me at the east of our camp. Then we will start ahead towards Kazakh with all haste."

As she spoke the last word, she turned around and hurried back to her men. Shina had to order her men to do police work in Poitiers until she returns. After that was done, she took care of her personal duties, packed her things and left for the meeting point.

Shina, Royal Treasurer of Old Rancagua, Baroness of Caqueta

Roleplay from Artimus

"Master Artimus. " Uriel bows slightly as he enters Artimus’s tent. "A messenger from Lord Antan has delivered this message Sir"

"New orders?" Artimus mutters as he reaches out for the message.

"I does not look like an order Sir." Uriel replied as he hands the message to Artimus.

"What is it about Sir?" Uriel inquired curiously as soon as Artimus finish reading the message,

"It is about you commanding the Rangers for a while my friend." Artimus replied. "I need to be elsewhere for sometime. I trust that you shall continue our work here in Poitiers in my absence."

After delegating his duties to Uriel, his old friend and his second in command, Artimus left the encampment and headed for Kazakh.

Artimus (Knight of Kazakh)

Roleplay from Aleister

After the battle in poitiers, Aleisters man where happy. They had there first battle since they left Kazakh and the laughter and splurging seemed to raise his mans morale so he let them suceed. man died today, but he had to think about the living. when he reached his tent, he saw lady shina riding out of the encampment followed by a few other nobles he had no time yet to talk to. would be necessary and he made a thoughtmemo to do it soon. entering his tent a messanger from Atan, the Arch Priest of Old Rancangua stood up from a small stool: "Aleister Stormcrow, I guess?"

Aleister noded

"This is an urgent message I was ordered to bring to you personally"

after he gave the messanger a goldcoin and ordered to bring him to the fieldkitchen he opened the letter and read carefully.


His old seargant entered the tent:"yes, master?"

"I have to go to kazakh, i want you to keep up working on the infrastructure till I am back or send you new orders"

"but, master the man will be very unhappy that you leave, they expect you to drink with them tonight to celebrate the victory"

"i know that and i leave it in your skillfull hands to keep up morale till i am back. i cant explain this to you at the moment, but i will tell you when i am back."

the old seargant sighed out:"like always, master, like always"

"i know my man in good hands, keep up working and use my personal stock of wine to keep up morale",and with a impish smile he added: "would be nice to find some of this chateau burligne when i am back anyway. your orders are clear, i am off in 15 minutes, dismissed"

After giving thanks to his man for there bravery in the battle he saddled his horse "shadowmare" and rid of in the dusk. there where no appreciable interuptions till he reached kazakh. the city was pulsing with life and he had no problems to find the street and the tent. and there stood a group of nobles already. as he approached he recognized his duke ...

"m´lord, its an honor to meet you", and looking to the others,"all of you as i might add. we did not meet before, may i introduce myself, Aleister Stormcrow"

Aleister (Knight of Kazakh)

Roleplay from Rats

Rats talked with Johnny through the day, and slowly with the others as they arrived. He watched the sun walk across the sky, and finally rest for the evening. He waited a short time longer, for any other noble who wished to arrive, before proceeding to the tent. Once all was inside, he nodded to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper smiled and asked, "A hound is tied to a fifteen foot leash. How can the hound reach a deer bone that is 20 feet away?"

"The leash isn't tied to anything, so the dog can simply walk up and take the bone, of course." Rats eyed the shopkeeper, waiting for the reply.

Rats (Knight of Kazakh)

Roleplay from Antan as the shopkeeper

The shopkeeper smiles as Rats stands up before him.

"Very wise Master Rats, you all may proceed. Go down the ladder and you will find Antan there. He will inform you upon the current situation."

With that the man pushes a large crate aside and hurries the gathered nobles into the large meeting hall.

Antan, Arch Priest of Old Rancagua

Roleplay from Shina

Once she arrived in Kazakh, wet and exhausted, she watched out for the described tent. But the crowd of well-known nobles attracted her attention. Shina slowed down her horse and took a quick glance at this scene. Duke Johnny was there, Sir Rats, Morton who had some dust on his back, the diligent Artimus and a new noble, she had seen at the camp in Potiers. After she nodded towards them, she got off her horse full of verve and elegance, making sure that she had all attention on her side.

"Am I the last one?"

Shina, Royal Treasurer of Old Rancagua, Baroness of Caqueta

Roleplay from Palandro

As the words left Shina's mouth a panting noble sprinted down the busy streets, breathing in ragged gasps. His robes and breeches we're travel soiled and there was little difference between him and the commoners he was leaving in his wake.

Loud curses and muttering followed him as he knocked over several shopkeeper's stalls, but he was oblivious to that, eyes darting and looking for a strange tent.

He found it, virtually collapsing on the side of a horse, which snorted, and took two steps forward. Lord Palandro promptly found himself eating road dust and getting very well acquainted with the open sewers along the side of the street.

And so, with dust and something more sinister attached to his clothing, Palandro staggered up to Shina in a drunken haze of exhaustion, barely getting out a "May I join you" before fainting on the spot.

The last thing he saw was Shina peering over him, a mirthful expression on her lovely face.

Palandro (Knight of Obando)

Roleplay from Gertrude

Rain poured down on Gertrude's long blonde hair. Thunder rolled over the seas. She could see Kazahk's mighty walls in the distance. She wasn't entirely sure if she should go to the fruitstand with the others. Then she thought,"If I want to be a true hero of Old Rancagua I must do this. I must throw away doubts and battle my fear's."

With that she rode off, to the little fruitstand in Kazahk.

Gertrude (Knight of Caqueta)

Roleplay from Rats

"Shina, it is good to have you with us." Rats says, peering at Palandro. Then he stops a little kid on the street, and gives him a few coins to fetch a bucket of water from the nearest well. After a couple of minutes, the kid comes running back with the water, and leaves with a couple more coins.

Then Rats gives a smile to Shina, before dumping the bucket of ice cold water on Palandro.

"And good to have you too, Palandro."

Rats (Knight of Kazakh)

Roleplay from Valinor

Valinor stood on the wall of Kazakh, looking out over the distant waters where he would soon be fighting against the armies of the Kalmar Islands. He was by himself, as his unit was scattered all across the city enjoying themselves, and his loyal friend and comrade, Skorim, was off repairing the crossbows. Valinor watched and waited in the cool darkness, for he could not get any sleep. Something was troubling him, but he could not figure out what it was. While he pondered this thought, he smelled a foul stench of dirt and muck. He turned around to the streets and saw a noble whom he believed to be Shina being followed by a man covered in dirt. At this sight, Valinor said to himself...

"That is odd. If I am not mistaken, it seems to me that the dirty man is Palandro. It is getting cold up here, perhaps I should try to get some sleep..."

As Valinor began to walk to the staircase, he heard a shout and turned sharply to see Palandro fall into the dirt yet again and get back up...

"On the other hand, he is in quite a hurry at this hour. Maybe I will just keep an eye on them from a distance. I don't see how it could hurt..."

Having finally made up his mind, Valinor sped down the stairs and darted into the darkness of the alleyways. After a while, he found himself watching Shina and Palandro walk into a small fruitstand. The shopkeeper casted a curtain over the entrance, blocking Valinor's view. After thinking to himself for a moment, he crossed the road and stood outside the rear of the tent. He put his ear up close and heard something about a dog, a deer and a leash. At once, Valinor thought of an old tavern joke he heard as a child. Then he heard loud noises coming from within, then silence. Curious at this, Valinor walked to the front of the tent where he found the curtain drawn back. He proceeded to enter when someone grabbed his shoulder. Valinor turned around and saw his comrade, Skorim, staring back at him...

"My lord, I am terribly sorry. I was told to give you a scroll from Lord Antan. I heard that it was a request for any available Knights of Old Rancagua to meet him at a small tent..."

Now Valinor knew that he had stumbled across something important. Without thinking, he ordered Skorim to give the men the night off. Valinor stepped into the tent and walked up to the shopkeeper, who asked him a riddle. This caught Valinor off guard as his thoughts raced to think of the answer. Then he remembered the joke. As he recited it, it came to him at once...

"The dog would get the deer leg whenever he wanted, since the leash was not attached to anything!"

Now that he thought about it, Valinor remembered that the joke was not funny. He watched the shopkeeper in suspicion as he moved a crate, revealing a trap door. He opened it and looked back at Valinor. Not knowing what to expect, he walked into the dark...

Valinor (Knight of Kazakh)