Old Rancaguan RPT Library/The Staff of Girn

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in alphabetical order:

  • Antan

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Roleplay from Antan

Antan hurriedly walks along a street in Kazakh. He always dread coming to this place, a place only needed in times of great necessity. He paces down the weary back alleys the pungent odor of garbage and human filth bringing back painful memories of his past to Antan's head. He makes a quick turn, making sure no one is following him, then ducks into a small tent.

He casts a nod to the shopkeeper, who quickly recites a riddle. Antan quickly answers, having answered many times before. With this, the shopkeeper moves a large crate and nods to Antan grimly, pointing to the revealed trapdoor. Antan thanks the man and quickly descends the ladder to the room below.

It is a dank place, with a smoky haze all around the room. The room is roughly in the shape of a large circle, with many tapestries of the past glory of Old Rancagua hanging upon the walls. Antan smiles as he looks around this room and turns to face a door with two torches on either side of it, dimly lighting the place.

-A deep, booming voice from above: "Antan, why have you come here. What do you seek"

-Antan: "I come to you in a time of our need. A great noble has disappeared, Lord High Guard. I know you have heard of him. I fear the Kwarkm have taken him, thinking that he holds some knowledge to the Staff of Girn. You know the legends well."

-Voice: "Yes I have heard them, I have heard many things in my life. Many secrets that not even you have known. So you wish to seek the Staff of Girn? With only one in your company?"

-Antan: "No, I have sent a letter out to all in the kingdom, asking for noble knights of the realm to help me in this quest. You know of the power the Staff holds. How the Citadel of Oroya and the Tower of Ashforth are held by its magic. You know of the secrets contained within these places."

-Voice: "Yes, it has been spoken that Girn was the most powerful sorcerer of his day. There are few now of his line with us. We still carry on some of the old ways however. We both know that the Citadel of Oroya has not fallen for an age because of the magic of the Staff. And now it has been said that the Tower of Ashforth has received the same blessing. Though I know not by whom. You fear the Kwarkm are nearing this prize?

That would be disastrous indeed. The Blood Ring has long fought against them and their evil ways. The Ring and its fellows will help you in this quest Antan. You and your knigths are now charged with the preservation of these two monuments of Old Rancagua. Let the Staff fall into the wrong hands, and we are all at risk."

-Antan: "Of course, the knights should be arriving at any time, provided they deem themselves worthy. I am sure they will have no problem getting past your silly word games."

-Voice: "Ah but this is but the first test. While the first may be foolish, there will be more to come. You will need to do everything in your power with these knights to defeat the Kwarkm. You know the dangers, let us hope that your knights old more courage than has been seen in the past decade and the decade before."

-Antan: "I have no doubts to their victory. None whatsoever."

-Voice: "We shall see"

With that, the room grows quiet again. Antan thinks on how his messages are being received and how many knights will be able to join him in this quest of utmost importance. Shrugging, Antan turns to a tapesty and investigates the Battle for Oroya once more.

Antan, Arch Priest of Old Rancagua

Letter from Antan

A messenger rides up to you and hands you this message:

"Greetings Noble of old Rancagua,

You are desperately needed for a duty in Kazakh. I will need all of the volunteers that can possibly be assembled. Those who possess wit, courage, and bravery are implored to come.

I am in Kazakh right now, in a little fruit stand on Thoer Street. It is easy to miss but you will see a red and white striped tent. Go into there. Nod to the shopkeeper and he will ask you this riddle. Many people scoff at him, but he hold a dark secret.

Underneath his stand is the ancient meeting hall of the Blood Ring. This is a secret meeting of Sages, Magicians, and those with Psionic talents in Old Rancagua. These members are trained at an early age to make sure that all the magical entities in Old Rancagua are kept safe. Yes, there are more than you think.

The object in wuestion right now is the Staff of Girn. Girn was a legendary sorcerer in his day. It is said that he singlehandedly constructed the Citadel in Oroya and the Tower in Ashforth. His magic watches over their stones, if the magic is undone, so are the defenses. This is why our plight is dire right now.

Come to this shop and more will be revealed to you. Oh yes, the riddle the man will ask you is as follows:

"A hound is tied to a fifteen foot leash. How can the hound reach a deer bone that is 20 feet away?"

I cannot tell you the answer, but if you come in groups, one that is quick qitted will allow for all to enter and join me there.

Antan, Arch Priest of Old Rancagua

The Gathering

Roleplay from Rats

Rats reads the message from Antan, and writes one of his own, in reply to Antan and to all who will join the quest. It reads:

To those who wish to join the quest, I believe I have the answer to the riddle. Meet me at the appropriate location, and once gathered, we will go forth together. I will wait until sundown, and then proceed with whoever wishes to join. - Rats

After sending the letter, he dons his cloak and follows Antan's instructions. He spots the red and white striped, and waits nearby, looking for others who might join.

Rats (Knight of Kazakh)

Roleplay from Johnny

As Johnny nears the tent, the one with the white and red stripes, he begins to think about the strange dissapearance of High Guard. His gut, of course, tells him that High Guard is still alive, and he will not conceed the thought that he is dead.

He approaches the tent, and sees a man, old and haggard, standing behind a table. There doesn't seem to be much going on in this area, and the surrounding streets are pretty quiet.

Johnny thinks to himself "A hound.. on a 15 foot leash.. But he needs to make it 20 feet to a deer bone.." He has a thought, and leans in and whispers something quietly to the man in the tent.

The man looks at him for a second, and then smiles. "A good answer to the riddle.. Let me think about that. For now, just wait for more of your people to arrive."

Johnny, feeling a little shot down, but not hopeless, waits by the tent, walking around the street. Who would come next? He thinks.. And how long will we keep Antan waiting?

Just then a figure emerges around the corner, walking towards the tent briskly. He can't quite make out who it is, but from a distance they say "Hello, Johnny, nice to see you here"...


High Marshal of Old Rancagua, Duke of Kazakh, Marshal of the army of Kazakh