The Aenilian/1st September 2006

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The Aenilian
News and current events from the blessed lands of the Aenil.

The Aenilian would like to thank the Editors of the Rampant Lion, the Red Star Courier and the Old Rancagua Press for their excellent work concerning the layouts of their papers (which we have stolen shamelessly :). This is work in progress, and is not concrete.

Disclaimer: Furthermore, The Aenilian would like to remind its readers that this paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Greater Aenilian Government, for any information concerning the thoughts of the King of Aenilia we suggest you contact him and find out for yourself.

Chief of Staff: Luyten Dell

Reporter: Luyten Dell

Battle Reporter: Luyten Dell

Interviewer: Luyten Dell

News Stories and Words from the Editors
News around the Continent
September 4th, 2006 -

ShaddarRim dead! New Prime Minister in the League as another region falls

In a shock incident today, the only recently re-elected Prime Minister of the besieged League of Anacan was killed in a duel with one of his own Nobles, the former King of Antoza, and former Prime Minister of the League, Luan. Unfortunately The Aenilian has little information on this sudden turn of events, but we will see if a little digging can't be done to ascertain the true sequence of events leading up to this occurrence.

This comes as yet another region falls to the Sanctum of Casshern, and the allied armies of Nighthelm, Soliferum, Svunnetland, the Grand Lodge and the Antoza Commonwealth. With the death of ShaddarRim, hurried elections were held in Anacan and again, a relatively unknown noble by the name of Vishwakarma was elected as the new Prime Minister, he has a lot of work ahead of him as he attempts to lead his realm through this onslaught. Will he survive however? For it seems that every Prime Minister of the League is destined to be killed by the blade in duels to the death...

September 3rd, 2006 -

Miraglonn officially ended

Today the founding city of Miraglonn, and coincidentally of Lasanar, was retaken by the the Lasanarian troops stationed in the area after an invasion of the city last month with the aid of their strongest allies, Ethiala. This takeover however, now merely a formality with the death of its founder already occurred, and its nobles all fled to the splinter realm of Ardh Osai to it's north. Perhaps with this action, the Lasanarian Civil war can now begin to whind down, and they can concentrate once more on other matters.

September 2nd, 2006 -

New Arcachonite Pontifex?

In a recent and rather sudden election in Arcachon, a relatively unknown Noble by the name of Nicholas has been elevated to the Pontifex's office in a surprise election. Little is known about the goings on of the Northern isles, for the distance and the secretive nature of the Arcachonites make sure of this. However it seems that te former Pontifex Dormondt stepped down for reasons unknown to this paper. Nevertheless, The Aenilian wishes Nicholas every success in his rulership of the Dark Isle.

September 1st, 2006 -

Death of a Queen, end of a realm, loss of a region and elections all 'round!

Who would have thought that in one day, so much could happen continent wide! Today is a day however when we mourn, for although Lady Menelmereth deserved her punishment in the eyes of many, including the editor of this paper, the death of a ruler is no small thing and should not be taken lightly. With Menelmereth's death, the realm of Miraglonn will surely become only one page in the epic history book which now spans the many years of the Far East's existence.

In other news, elections in all realms were fairly standard as the long-standing Prime Ministers of yester-month were re-elected with strong majorities. Finally, the newly seceeded realm of Ardh Osai suffered a blow earlier today, when their only region of Sanzzos was lost to the rogue faction which had been growing in the area. With Sanzzos gone, one has to wonder how they are going to feed their city of ten thousand? Hopes and Dreams?

New month, new news!

Well September has come around, and as the month changes so does the tides of war and the sides of diplomacy! The Aenilian will keep you updated as the recent turbulent events in the Far East take shape and lead us into a new era.

September 4th, 2006 -

New ruler in League of Anacan: The realm of League of Anacan has elected Vishwakarma as its new Prime Minister.

Region Takeover: Sanctum of Casshern has taken control of Zarimel (formerly part of League of Anacan)

September 3rd, 2006 -

Region Takeover: Lasanar has taken control of Colosan (formerly part of Miraglonn)

September 2nd, 2006 -

New ruler in Arcachon: The realm of Arcachon has elected Nicholas as its new Pontifex.

September 1st, 2006 -

Anarchy in Miraglonn: The realm of Miraglonn is spiraling down into anarchy after not finding a new ruler.

Public Execution: Menelmereth, a founder and Queen of Miraglonn, was captured by Lasanarian troops and then imprisoned in Ozrat, with her capture, the judge of Lasanar decided to make her pay for her treason.

New ruler in League of Anacan: The realm of League of Anacan has reconfirmed ShaddarRim as its Prime Minister.

New ruler in Soliferum: The realm of Soliferum has reconfirmed Conan as its Prime Minister.

New ruler in Lasanar: The realm of Lasanar has reconfirmed Aethius as its Prime Minister.

Region Revolts: The people of Sanzzos have revolted and declared independence from Ardh Osai!

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