Gods of Sother

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The gods of Sother are considered fictional among the worlds of Battlemaster. Those who worship them are pagans and madmen. Those who belong to the orders of the Sother Gods usually travel secretly among the worlds waiting for the stars to be right. No man is fit to say if they exisit or not. But those who walk this earth trusting these otherworld demons are convinced they are real, and wish to channel them into this world.

Some pagans of the evil gods of Sother demand "that even the good gods are evil in nature" and taught as good gods to fool the weak into preaching the word.

The Good Gods


Goddess of rangers, mover of moons, and maker of animals. Worshiped mostly by fey creatures of the forest. Lover and counterpart of Lyric, Olewna created the animals and forests as gifts for him. Also the very first maker of any life within the realm: Plants.


The pacifist, the martyr, the god of patience and tolerance. Creator of forgiveness and redemption, Hummel was the first to ever sway evil to the side of good. He is also the maker of the changing day. Creator of both day and night, dreams, sleep and rest. When Hummel resides high in the Wheel all wounds heal twice as fast as long as the wounded does not have Evil in his or her alignment.


Olewna created the trees and animals for Lyric, in return Lyric created the Elves to protect these gifts. In making the Elves, Lyric gave them a love for song, dance, wine and magics to insure they would never grown restless or board. He created the Elves in the image of Olewna out of gratitude and love for her. It is said that Lyric purposely inserted within the Elves: an inner mistrust for all things not created by Olewna, Zebulon, Luh’leelha, Ixypis or Ormayus. This mistrust has pretty much remained strong since their creation.


The creator of love and union. The goddess that communicated all plans to banish the gods to their respected heavens and hells for the good of the world. Counterpart of Hummel and Mortiki, Zebulon is the first to teach the world compassion and communication. She is also known in remote places to be the goddess and creator of language. Clerics of her teachings often refuse to cause violence in any form.


The creator of man and inventor of the first sword, Thain is the god of righteous war and the direct enemy of the evil goddess Daylah’nee. The Clerics of Thain are allowed to use bladed weapons in their crusade to liberate mankind from the clutches of organized evil. Mankind often refers to Thain’s turn as “The thousand year war” or “The time of righteous struggle”.


The creator of stone, metals and the race of dwarvs, Og is no stranger to hard work and heavy ale. Also known as “the builder” in the time of reconstruction, or the “Anvil god” by human tongue. Those who worship Og tend to show little or no interest in frivolous things like song and dance or in matters of romance. Og is obliged to assist Thain in his righteous crusade and accepts the task of rebuilding the world after its thousand-year war.


The creator of all oceans and all things of water, Ohshee is recognized by most good races of the world as the “Master of the Seas” or as the “God of water”. Ohshee can forgive or punish at anytime and is often seen as a turbulent god in this respect. Ohshee’s chaotic nature can bring either life or death depending on her current mood. The wisest of her worshipers know her as a passionate god, capable of both tranquility and wrath. Ohshee has punished whole civilizations for crimes against her oceans.

8- Luh’leelha

Often called “Lull” by human tongue, Luh’leelha is the creating goddess of song, dance and calibration. She is the first poet and the god of all Bards, the creator of art and often involved with matters of passion. Lyric is said to have had romantic relations with Luh’leelha (Behind the back of Olewna) in the Elvin Elven teachings of this religion this union resulted in the creation of jealousy and woodland nymphs.


The creator of humor, jokes, and Magic, Ixy created the pixies, sprites and fairies of the world and gave them the ability to use magics. Ixy has no gender or preference in sexuality, Ixy simply is. The time of Ixypiss tends to be one of high magics and unpredictable outcomes (The Valis’Samatic was created during this time). The realm is at its most mystical moments when Ixypiss rules high on the wheel. It is commonly said that Ixypiss had given the first human the gift of magic as the first practical joke in history.


The god of law and the creator of paladins, Lawth is related directly to Thain and equally devoted to the lawful side of good. Commonly called “The Justice” or “The Judge”. Lawth hates thievery and betrayal. Though his turn on the wheel is usually not spent in war, many wars have been fought with his symbols leading the way.


The good god of protection and bravery, the ork slayer, the elven-weapon. Ormayus brought the Elves the idea of their law. Quick and precise, Ormayus taught the woodland races that weapons in paradise are needed, and a respect for swordplay. The Dwarves honor the Elves for this god alone.


The god of punishment and lawful trial, Shuck created the legal systems of man and the idea of balance. Those who worship Shuck seek order and dislike chaos. Even in violence, Shuck teaches that control is key. Shuck promotes honesty and punishes those who lie.


The god of rest and the creator of Halflings, Mortiki, sometimes called Ki, teaches that true happiness comes from the simple joys of life; Home, family, child birth song and dance. Mortiki promotes a clean goodness that wants nothing to do with violence of any kind. His turn of the wheel marks the coming of the thousand-year long “Time of peace”, also known to be called “The best times of time”


The counterpart to Luh’leelha, Twain influences the hearts of bards and the ways of art. Twain has yet to create a race of his own and it is commonly believed that he is incapable of doing so (it is unknown if this is true). Those who worship twain often take to fits of passion; quick anger, deep lust or yearnings, the desire to see and do all good things vigorously and proud. Many races enjoy the worship of Twain as a god of youthful fun.

15- Bhrawl

The god of battle and fist fights. Never seen as the god of intelligence, Bhrawl is often pictured as the wild fist of good giants. He is the creator of giants and respected by both wee and large folk who enjoy a ruckus (Dwarves). Bhrawl is also the creator of Ale and axes.

The Evil Gods


The devourer, the eater of flesh, the bone knawer. Deego’s followers were the first to consume meat as food, eating it raw or rancid from the animals Olewna placed plentifully across the lands. Deego eats all things flesh and sees even allies as possible sources of food. It is said that Deego created the Ter’rask to aid him in hunting large beasts to feed his bottomless appetite. Clerics of Deego eat twice as much as a common man to survive, and are immune to all ill effects of eating raw or rancid meats.


The god of wrath faces Hummel on the wheel. Ahngor is the evil lord of rage, hate and violent passions. Ahngor wishes nothing more then to cause pain and suffering to any all within his path. Clerics of this wicked good are often consumed by their own evils, falling prey to Ahngore’s hell of endless pain. Most races (good and evil alike) choose to never worship Ahngore. He is far too chaotic for an organized religion. When Ahngore rules high in the wheel (vs. Hummel), the world suffers horrible times of no mercy. Ahngore has never made any people or races. He only destroys.


Savish is the god of savages. He is known for creating Kobolds, Goblins and a multitude of other evil ‘weefolkish’ monsters of the underdark. Savish created these races to run amoke and bring mad chaos to the workings of all lawful things. Savish loathes all forms of order except for the hive-like nature of his people. Clerics of this god often show much respect for Dhall.


The god of cruelty and dishonor. Dhall was the first to murder a mortal by backstabbing and is oftened refered to as ‘the unholy backstabber’ or ‘the cheating god’. Dhall believes nothing in honor or trust. Followers of this god often work alongside worshipers of Savish and visa versa. Dhall created the idea of murder and treachery in man and has sought to bring them closer to their destruction through his power.


The dark goddess, the creator of spiders and the underdark, the hissing god of snakes, the maker of poison and the owner of all drow souls, Daylah’nee is worshiped by those who seek order and evil law. Daylah’nee is known for her power to organize great armies that bring the time of “The Thousand-Year War”. Her desire to return to the realm is so strong that those who rally beside her have been known to become godlike or gods themselves. Truly a most powerful of evil gods, Daylah’nee is not without weakness. She has been banished and beaten by mortals, returned to the realm by another mortal and allowed her existence by gracious gesture. She is furious and awaits her return on The Wheel.


Creator of Orks, Bugbears, Druegar and fire, Grog taught stone and metal working to the smarter of the crude giving them the advantage of tools and the skill to build evil cities. Grogs promotes organization among his worshipers, and lawful respect to allies of his cause. When Grog rules high on The Wheel the time of building comes. Historic writings of that time all report a peaceful time in the realm.


The Oger god. Mhuallus created Ogers to punish living things with terrible strength and lawless violence. He is the god of brute strength and all things large. Those who worship Mhuallus tend to be barbaric in nature and religion.


Adversary of Ormayus, hater of hope and the bringer of doom. Doomay(‘Glum’ in some tongues) is the god of sadness and despair. Doomay infected man with doubt and self pity long before they created their first cities within the realm. Elves with their natural aura of hope and light are hated above all others by Doomay and his followers.


The creator of lies and deceit. Often called ‘Ohiss’ by humans, this god created all evil forms of pixies, brownies, fairies, imps and the such. He is also noted as the co-creator of magic (both Ixy and Ohiss collaborated on making magic for the realm). Ohissyis is always amused by tricks and jokes that result in hurt feelings or physical damage of any involved.


The goddess of evil rogues and murderers.. Toth supports all forms of criminal behavior and lawless abandon of morals in general. She is often called ‘The Guild master’ and is noted for organizing the first evil guild of assassins. Her worshipers often employ poison in all forms of combat. It is not uncommon for worshipers of this god to also worship snakes and spiders. Toth is the sister of Daylah'nee.


God of the dead, creator of the undead, teacher to both Clerics and Mages alike (Mages can cast both class’s spells as Necromancers of Karkus) The worshipers of this God often sell their souls in return for undead immortality. Karkus is so powerful that when he rules high in The Wheel, he has the power to raise entire armies of undead.


Goddess of pain

History of the Other Gods

Created at a time of no time, a universal force became aware. Its name was Cree, and It was all knowing of all things. In knowing everything, Cree understood "order" and could see endlessly into the future due to there being no chaos.

The universe was clock work. This failed to impress Cree since it was able to know "everything" but one thing - "what was it like to not know somthing"

The time of no time lasted 4 infinities (noted by the sage Min Min Reed)

After that Cree made an action to create his mirror image. "Mhee". Allowing his offspring total powers known to him, In hopes that Mhee could enlightend him to something.

Mhee was also at a loss. Knowing everything, mhee was also allowed to see endlessly into the future. The two forces had no surprises for each other. They thought the same, they plotted the same, they said the same words at the same time. They exsisted together knowing everything. A clock work pair in a clock work universe.

After 4 more infinities (as noted by the sage Min Min Reed), Cree smashed Mhee into thousands of small shards. Those shards were divine and each shard was a God in itself.

The Gods were aware and each one had godlike wisdom and inteligence at conception. Whorus, the god of swallow, made the first goddly action in devouring hoards of gods with it's endless mouth.

Cree was shocked. Cree had never considered "eating" or the act of destroying forces of inteligence. The idea was new and not forseen in the future of Cree's vision. Cree watched in amazment as the gods were eaten by the thousands. Soon only 25 were left.

It had been done. Cree had created chaos, and in doing so created a universe that no longer ticked on clockwork laws. The universe was now cast forever tumbling towards a new unknown. A future that could not be predicted or figured before its time.

Cree banished Whorus with the Cree-speak "Shue'ghi mual" ( -shoe guy mall. A secret word that banishes divine shards to limbo if it is spoken to the god's unguarded force). The "now 24" Gods rejoiced in being saved from the endless void of the swollowing god. But the gods now knew the Cree-word to banish divine beings. The evilest of the shards decided to use it on Cree instantly. Sending him to limbo with Whorus forever.

The universe was now in the hands of the shards of Mhee. "The Gods of the uncertain future". The other gods.

The Curse

Those players who have gathered together have choosen to play this mythos within BM as real. Those players have choosen what God they wish to harbor within themselves. The god will always stay within the family of the present victim (example- Joe Smith dies, the god's force delivers to Wendy Smith). The curse will continue untill one or all of the following things happen.

The family bloodline is erased fully with the last harboring member dieing on conflicting holy grounds.

The God becomes bored and leaves to infect another family.

The god is destroyed. (Cree-speak will not banish a god while in the flesh) It is not known how to actually kill a god.

The players who are playing this mythos have colaberated and plotted a desired effect to project these gods into BM by will alone. This experiment will show our group just how powerful these Gods really are. If they can manifest here then they can manifest anywhere. Beware the gods of Sother.


The concepts and races in this artical are strang and unreal in battlemaster and therefore seen as mythical or false in all forms. Only true worshipers of these gods would ever think them real. Beware those who adopt these laws as truth.