The Giblot Gestapo Gazette/Issue 1

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Yssdragill.gif The Giblot Gestapo Gazette
Issue 01 The Very Best in Completely Biased Reporting! 5 Gold
December Edition
Party in Drenga
By Moratoria Blackheart

Once again, the Grand Justicar of Giblot threw a faboluous party in Giblot. I, Lady Moratoria Blackheart, was there to witness it first hand.
All the locals turned out for this delightful affair, even a few of the local rebels appeared, much to my delight of course.
But then my great master made his entrance and started the party off glamourisly. He first served Justice to those in Drenga and had the few female rebels excuted on the spot. The men he rounded up and had them taken to a nearby cave for preparations for the main entertainment.
After a few hours of heavy drinking, most of the loyal locals of Drenga followed my master as he beckoned them to the nearby cave.
Upon arriving, there was these 4 delicous men stripped naked and hanging from the entrance to the cave.
The locals screamed outrage at this and my master had only one thing to say to them which I quote as best I can "Know this fate awaits all male rebels that oppose Giblot's rule, unlike the quick death of those female rebels"
My Master, in his most vicious of moods turned those lovely men into perfect eunuchs.
Many of the Drengan's puked at the grotesque nature of the punishment and quite a few of the Ladies fainted on the spot.
I found myself cheering in the end and savoring the joy of the moment from such a beautiful punishment.

Horror in Helsera
By Moratoria Blackheart

Rumors have spread that the dearest cousins of Giblot have invaded the region of Helsera. One can only imagine the horrors being done there.
This reporter can only hope that the locals remember to take their weekly baths or the odor will once again spread eastward into Giblot City
At this time I will send my condolences to Lord Goergyboy as his Region screams at the horror of the Take Over.
The other locals of Giblot hope that countermeasures are in place to provide for their safety from the Horror in Helsera and this reporter can only hope that the General has something up his sleeve.

Justicar Steps Down
By Moratoria Blackheart

Sadi SaDiablo has stepped down from the Grand Justicar position claiming that his style of Justice is not what Giblot wants. We have rumors that he will be leaving Giblot to travel elsewhere in the world to search for a more relaxing place to pratice his unusual style of Justice.