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Revision as of 23:58, 25 June 2006 by LARS (talk | contribs)


SEND IN THE NEXT ONE THAT SAYS HE KNOWS HIS LETTERS! Magnus wipes the blood of his sword as he dictates the same report once again. The shaken old man dutifully scribbles the words down without managing to take his eyes of the sword, his Lord Magnus and the three former scribes littering the floor of the command pavillion. Youll do, till I kill you or I find someone better! Good scribes are so hard to find.

OLAF! OLAF! There you are! I thought you said Perdan was the Capital? I thought you said you grew up there? I thought you said you had an inate sense of direction? But...But...(strangled squeek then just a groan) ULFGAR! Your my new pathfinder! And dont you dare tell me you thought the Capital was Perdan also!

Bah! First its scribes who cant scribe and now its a pathfinder who cant path!? I twisted Olaf's head around so at least part of him is now headed the right direction! HarHahaHARhar!(is that how you spell crazy laugh?) My new pathfinder, Ulfgar, assures me he knows the way to the REAL Capital! They may not be smart, but they can lift heavy things! No wonder Mother sent them with me, she knew they would never find there way home!

OOOH! SCRIBE! Everyone suddenly seems to be diligently scouting every direction at once. Sgt. Ulfgar, post a notice at the next campsite, SCRIBE WANTED! Pay and life expectancy consumate with experience. Must know which end of the quill goes in the inkpot and Realm protacol is a BIG plus! (Stomps off lifting rocks and kicking bushes while fingering a very large knife)

If it wouldnt be to much trouble, I seem to be between scribes again, could you tell me who I should ask? I just want to go Bash someone (besides my own men!) for Odin's sake! Stumbling along in Perdan! Magnus

Honored Sirs, Noble Ladies, ect, ect... Allow this missive in lieu of a formal introduction. I, Magnus Solarin late of Jekel, have heard there is a lot of bashing to go round here in Pedan and would like to offer the services of myself and my "pointy stick slingers". We are currently in route to the Capital to reinforce and will then set out to one of the fronts. I respectfully request to be placed into whatever battle group thingy would give the best chance to kill, maime or otherwise "hurt them really bad"! Blah blah blah (insert lots of flowery praise and a really good "Im not worthy") Strength and Honor Magnus Solarin