Calanar Family/Scion

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Scion was a trader of the Calanar family until he was attacked by bandits and lost everything. He soon after became a mercenary who follows the winds to his destination. During his time as a mercenary he was feared in many places. Some of the common names for him were that he was a wolf, or a black demon, or an evil creature. After a while he adopted the title The Wolf. He never once stopped to think about who he killed as long as he was paid. He even killed someone he cared about.

His friend Mark, who was a body guard for him when he was a trader, has been with him on his journies. Scion was following an evil path for so long, and he didn't even know it.

After a time of wandering he stopped in Nighthelm, in the Far East, which has become his home. After a rough start he has made his place there, and has a good life. He had never been to Nighthelm, and dropped his title so he would not be recognized.

He is Ziode's older brother, and is more practical, and a good thinker, rather than wise. He values honor, and is a semi-known member of the ~V~ Hall Guild. He worked on the Southern Alliance with King Gul'Dan and Ziode. Scion is one of the only TL's ever to go from the Hammer of Thor training Batallion straight into the Lightning Raiders. He has a few goals. They include reclaiming his honor he lost when he was destroyed as a trader, and defeating Nobdy, who is one of the Far East's most skilled swordsmen. He cares little about the Blackguards and won't do anything until he knows it must be done.

Nobdy is dead(by Valius' sword) and Vjaya is back in his hands. Scion is learning to no longer hate himself for his past, and with his old sword Vjaya wants to finally become a master swordsman again. The cursed rune blade no longer seems to bother him, as he has learned to control it. Scion is no longer a member of the ~V~ Hall, and plans to return to his original self so he can return to his old life instead of the false ones he's lived under. Finally after months of training he has beaten Senoske. A skilled swordsman he's been trying to beat for a while now. His next goals are Alpha and Valius, but they are a long way off. As for the Paladin heritage: Scion denies it and avoids it. Although he hates the requiem, he doesn't want to make himself a champion of Justice after his life as a mercenary. He has a problem with being hypocritical. Instead he is a co-founder of the Brotherhood of the Black Rose. A school dedicated to teaching the art of fighting and the warrior's spirit.


  • The Wolf - Mercenary Title
  • Walker of the Path - Former ~V~ Hall of Blood and Battle Title
  • Thorn of the Black Rose - Brotherhood of the Black Rose -> Co-founder title
  • The Gray - Unknown -> unrevealed
  • Thief - Title of a member of the Order of Thieves -> unrevealed


  • White Wind - Longsword -> Given up after quitting the ~V~ Hall and reclaiming it
  • ~V~ Wind - Longsword -> Given up upon leaving the ~V~ Hall
  • Storm Caller - Longsword -> Broken in a duel with a mysterious old man
  • Vjaya (The Soul Splitter) - Longsword -> Cursed rune blade from Scion's mercenary days; returned to him by a mysterious old man
  • Vjaya (Nature's Wrath) - Longsword -> Same as above only reforged by the mysterious old man after Scion's awakening; It has new runes carved into it and no longer is an evil blade

Also See

  • Scion -For a slightly more detailed, and likely up to date history