Vellos Family

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Family History

  • Amgar begins his career in Norland- 2005-10-02
  • Amekal begins his career in the Barony of Makar- 2005-10-06
  • Hanajan begins his career in Caligus- 2005-10-9
  • Hanajan Vanishes- 2005-10-31
  • Hireshmont begins his career in Sartania- 2005-10-31
  • Amekal moves the family home from Moramroth to Icegate- 2005-12-06
  • Hireshmont elected Grand Justiciar of Oligarch- 2006-01-27
  • Hireshmont appointed Count of Commonyr- 2006-04-02

Basic Information

The Vellos family is not an extremely well known family. They have many members, but, of those members, only a few have ever served directly for a realm. Also, of those members, only about half are legitamate. Below are the known members of the Vellos family:

  • Ahomidol(M)
  • Onlan (M)
    • Hridrion(M)
    • Oliana (F)
      • Onamont(M), by unknown
      • Oraddrikon(M), by Lubas, a Minor Sartanian Nobleman
  • Hraeten (M) married Imnestra
    • Amgar(M), by Imnestra
    • Amekal(M), by Imnestra
    • Hanajan(M), by Lasyra
    • Hireshmont(M), by Lasyra

Also, rumour has it that Hirehmont's mother's brother married someone in the Lightning-Strike Family, and had a child named Hu. Details are still forthcoming.

Family Tree

                        |                                    |             |
            Hridrion------------Oliana               Amgar----Amekal   Hanajan-----Hireshmont

Vellosfamilycrest.jpgHraeten's BranchVellosfamilycrest.jpg



Vellosfamilycrest.jpgIllegitamate Sons of HraetenVellosfamilycrest.jpg



Vellosfamilycrest.jpgOnlan's BranchVellosfamilycrest.jpg


Vellosfamilycrest.jpgOliana's BranchVellosfamilycrest.jpg


Vellosfamilycrest.jpgOrganizations of Importance to the Vellos FamilyVellosfamilycrest.jpg

The Church of Qyrvagg

Throughout the history of the Vellos family, one being has resurfaced quite often. His name is QYrvagg, he is the New God of War, who replaced the Fallen Sartan.

The Worst Case Council

A branch of the Oligarchian government headed and founded by Hireshmont Vellos

The Oligarchian Observer

The best newspaper in East Continent, written, edited, and published by Hireshmont.