Alebad (Realm)/The Alebadian Rag

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Banner15.jpg The Alebadian Rag
3 Gold Creator: Calvin November Issue I

Background on the Current Hostilities with Alowca (Issue I)

Formerly a region of Alebad (fairly long ago), Abaka, now a region of Alowca, has served as a constant point of diplomatic friction between the two, once "Peace level", realms. Several attempts were made to come to some agreement concerning the region of Abaka. Plans for an Alliance between Alebad and Alowca were even discussed. Unfortunately, the ruler of Alowca, Crystal, would literally promise one thing in the morning, then retract that promise by the same evening; at times, howling that Alebad was unfairly manipulating the situation, among other outlandish claims. Their ruler's fickleness was akin to a multiple personality disorder. After a failed attempt by Lukon to overtake the tiny realm of Alebad and increased pressure from Giblot on their northern front, a Cease Fire was brokered between Alebad and Lukon. This agreement opened the doors for improved diplomatic relations between Alebad and Oritolon, an ally of Lukon (to Peace). For reasons of their own, Oritolon was eager to strike a blow at Alowca, and Alebad was eager to reclaim the lost Abaka. In response to a declaration of war by Alebad, Alowca began a massive troop buildup in Abaka (which borders the capital of Alebad). Alebad signed a treaty with Oritolon and joined them in an attack on Abaka to expel the Alowcan trespassers. As per the treaty, Alebad will retake Abaka and join it once again it to the Alebadian realm.