The Ethialan Press/Second Issue: Early May 2006

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Ethiala.jpg The Ethialan Press
Price Free Editor: Luyten, Baron of Arempos, Marshal of Topenah Issue No 2 1st May 2006
Printed In Topenah
  • Disclaimer: This paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Ethialan government, merely a general accounting for the public.
  • Newest articles can be found from the top of the page.

Svunnetland to be divided!

April 4, 2006- In a shocking turn of events, Nighthelm, following their crushing victory over Svunnetland in Palnasos, have began a Colony Takeover of the region, creating the foundations for the birth of a new nation, using the ancient former Capital of the remnant Empire as it's first territory. Thus, it seems that Gul'Dan has finally decided to end Svuunetland's interference in Far Eastern affairs.

This new realm, without name at the moment, is reportedly to be a joint construction of the Triple Alliance and Nighthelm, to forge a new realm, whose loyalties would never waver from that of its founders, thus securing the centre of the continent from war, for then next 100 years.

In other news, it seems that peace in the Far East is only weeks away, Taith Aenil are remaining within their own lands, to lick their wounds, Arcaea in full retreat, and Svunnetland lie shattered, after the massive assault on their regions. The only member of the Eastern Federation who has seemed to escape the war has been the Principality, however word has reached the Press, that it seems Bleys has betrayed his strongest former ally in favour of the new order....

Osric, attacked!

April 4, 2006- Last night, as the shadows crept over the horizon and night fell, King Osric, Lord of all Ethiala, was attacked viciously in his sleep, by an assailant now identified as Darmagro, an infiltrator from Arcachon. Fortunately, this would be assassin was caught before he could inflict any lasting damage upon our leader, however an immediate enquiry has been launched between the realms of Arcachon (an ally of Ethiala) and the Ethialan Senate to determine under whose authority this attack was made.

Letter from Octavio I dont know what infliltrator? I did not send any over. Tell me his name and I will have him punished servely for attacking and ally

Octavio Pontifex of Arcachon, Count of Rrerat

It seems that this infiltrator had been acting of his own accord, bounty hunting, however his actions could not be at a worse time, for this is a crucial moment during the greatest war the Far East has ever known. This infiltrator will be banned from Ethiala on pain of death, after a prompt torture session with some of Arch-Priest Aethelwulf's finest.

Palnasos sacked, as Eastern Alliance retreat on all fronts

April 3, 2006- Palnasos, the former capital of the ancient empire of Svunnetland was sacked by the armies of Nighthelm. In a huge siege of the city, 10000 CS of Mobile forces assaulted the mighty Fortress walls of Palnasos, sweeping the defenders away like the tide and seriously wounding Morthwyl, the Royal Treasurer of Svunnetland and Duke of the Svunnetlandian capital of Ipsosez, who, it seems was charged with the defence of the city.

This attack comes as a direct result of the attack which Svunnetland made against Nighthelm's closest ally, in the Antoza Commonwealth, a few days ago. In a speech made prior to the attack, Gul'Dan, the King of Nighthelm conluded his declaration of hostilities with,

"Moving into someone elses lands whenever it suits them is a common trend for Svunnetland under any Ruler. Call it a "mistake" but killing the militia in a region as a "mistake" deserves a return favour.

In support of her allies, Nighthelm moves to relieve the tension caused by Svunnetland. We'll see you at sunrise."

Gul'Dan King of Nighthelm

At this time, it is unknown to the Press whether Nighthelm will press their advantage with further movements into other Svunnetland held regions surrounding Ipsosez, but it is clear that Nighthelm has entered the war, on the side of the Triple Alliance (Lasanar, Ethiala, Antoza Commonwealth). This can only mean bad tidings for Taith Aenil and her allies, what with their crushing defeat at the hands of Ethiala and Lasanar in Ornaz, Arcaea's loss of Orbeh and Svunnetland's major defeat in Palnasos, Orphen, Hoshi and Bleys must be considering a conditioned surrender.

Ornaz held!

April 1, 2006- Today the combined armies of Zonasa and Taith Aenil have been routed by Ethiala's finest, and advance elements of the Lasanarian army. Dis-unified and divided, the "allied" forces of the Principality, and Taith Aenil amassed a force of 8000 CS to attempt a last ditch effort at driving Ethiala from their former region of Ornaz. However, with unmistakable ease, the utterly unfied and fortified defending troops smashed Orphen's loyalists, leading to what must be considered as one of Taith Aenil's and the Principality's worst defeats ever. At a ratio of 4 to 1, the Ethiala's slaughtered those who would encroach upon our territories, forever breaking the Taith Aenilian stranglehold of the region.

Battle in Ornaz

Taith Aenil, Principality of Zonasa vs. Lasanar, Ethiala

Estimated combat strengths: 8000 CS vs. 9000 CS

THE KING (Noble) (Taith Aenil) was captured by Ethiala forces.

Galin of Principality of Zonasa has been wounded.

reltor of Principality of Zonasa has been wounded.

Titus Van, Count of Erahol has been wounded.

Xahtorb, the Fiduciary of Taith Aenil was seriously wounded.

Defender Victory!

Unfortunately our work is not done, for, in accordance with the promise laid down at the beginning of this war, we must now move to Larmebsi, to finish the job, and force Taith Aenil to bow out of this war. Let us hope also, that in the process, the Taith Aenilians will realise that Orphen is the cause of their troubles, and rid themselves of him once and for all.