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Battle of Xavax

The great warriors of Yssrgard had conquered the ancient city of Xavax and laid claim to it. As the city was taken, it joined the Duchy of the Serpent. As such, it's Duke set out a challenge for all in the realm to claim the Lordship of the city.

Initial challenge

Request from Eros Harte Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: combat
Message sent to all nobles of Yssrgard (21 recipients) - 2 days, 9 hours, 59 minutes ago

We have two candidates so far who have come forward interested in the Lordship of Xavax. I hold no favor for either. In order to choose, I have divised a test to choose the next Lord of Xavax. Any other nobles who think of themselves more worthy are also welcome to join in on this competition.
Write a poem which rhymes and contains the following themes:
Wolf King Patriacc

You all have 1 day to write the poem and send it to the whole realm. I will be the sole judge and appoint the winner as the new Lord of Xavax city.

Bonus points for acronyms spelled with the first letter of each sentence. Were you smart enough to watch what I did up top with the themes? Give me more of that.

May the best win!
Eros Harte
Keeper of the Laws of Yssrgard
Royal of Yssrgard
Duke of the Serpent
Margrave of Itorunt
Priest of The Way of the Aethir

The challenge set forth was immediately endangered and threathened by the Royal family.

Report from Amelara Everwind Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp
Message sent to all nobles of Yssrgard (21 recipients) - 2 days, 8 hours, 50 minutes ago
An interesting choice, Duke Eros.  Best of luck to the two candidates, though I would urge caution in your following of the themes.

Particularly if you get any ideas about linking numbers one and three together...

Good luck!

Amelara Everwind
Lady Steward of Yssrgard
Margravine of Tota

The warning however, was in vain as the true warriors of Yssrgard would not back down from such glorious challenge.

Battle moments

Orpheu's opening charge

Duke Eros Harte,

I was not initially one of the candidates for Xavax, but this challenge made me rethink this, as I have always dreamed of being a warrior-skald myself.

I forward my claim to Xavax through my words and my deeds!

Please, just do not behead for me this poem, it is an innocent attempt of telling the saga of many great deeds of recent Yssrgardian history!

For there once was a Two Lions War,
Until the Shadow King intervened in their dispute of who most loudly roar,
Causing the Aethir to be displeased with such ungodly act,
King Patriacc, they commanded, war the Shadows until the Lions have a pact!

The Wolf King was deep in a bust,
Of a merry and carefree peasant,
Ready to start his sword thrust,
When he learned of a matter more pleasant!

In the gods the Wolf King trust,
Just as any worthy Yssrgardian must,
For the Aethir are wise and just,
And gave the King another way to satisfy his lust!

A lust for blood, a lust for battle,
And a way to the East Continent rattle,
For when the naked people of Yssrgard to you move closer,
All realms on us must fawn over!

Still, a problem to the Wolf King’s head still cling,
How could he in battle armor make his thing sting?
In doubt he sought the wise counsel of a very bright mind,
That of his future wife, the Lady Everwind,

With her arrows the Lady Everwind,
To his knees bring,
The Shadow King,
His crown fallen, his exposed behind,
To satisfy the lust of the Wolf King,
Who cannot in his breechs keep his thing!

In the battlefield lies the uncrowned,
King of the Shadows, Lindow Moonsun,
Most of his men pierced and downed,
While the She-Wolf decides to join the fun,
For the Wolf King should be the only to fool around,
The Warmistress leads the pack to inflict deeper wound!

Caligus is not so sure if they should join the fun,
Unsure if they should ever to war run,
And when the Wolf King says, “I am finished with you, Moonsun”,
“But you cannot satisfy my desires anymore, so you I must shun”,
Caligus decides at last to bring to battle a knight,
Thinking that should turn the tide of a fight!

Now the lustful Wolf King fornicates Xavax,
While Yssrgardians in peace bury their ax,
But should the need ever arise,
We are ready to fight and claim a better prize!

Orpheu de Haguns
Knight of Itorunt

Gungir's opening charge


I have little interest in the city, although perhaps vice Marshal Michael wants it. I´ve fought with him side-by-side a few times and would deem him worthy. Then again, whomever gets it will probably get stuck in the city on boring restoration jobs, so perhaps not. I will take on your challenge though in honor of our latest victories over SD and my liege Duke Germanico!

Yssrgardians fight naked in ice-cold snow
The freezing chills bear effect down below
Can I still trust the King
His sword to fling
And with luck, a princeling will grow


Gungir Gabanus
Knight of Isadril

Orpheu's flanking attempt


All my words are mine! I would never delegate my artist prowess to a lowly scribe.

So I may woo your heart and favor, I have even written some verses in your homage just now!

Let all Yssrgadians be witness,
Of sir Orpheu’s swiftness,
In dedicating his love to his Warmistress,
For he finds her resistless,
Unlike sir Gungir who calls her witless!

Adrianna, who once this knight greeted,
When he arrived in Yssrgard as a kitten,
With her sword she caused him to be defated,
Only for him to become with her beauty and strenght smitten!

Let these verses earn your favor,
So may this knight Your Grace one day savor,
And let her heart flow in Angven’s passion,
Finding herself in the loving embrace of the Haguns Dragon!

In Truth I have spoken,

Orpheu de Haguns
Knight of Itorunt

Gungir's counter move

She Wolf,

I would never trust my scribes to do any such important thing. They are peasants after all.

Orpheu, I see you sought to discredit me in your last attempt of a poem. Allow me to retort:

There once was a man from Perdan,
By people there considered a burden
He joined the true race
His rhymes a disgrace
If he continues I'll give him some hurtin


Gungir Gabanus
Knight of Isadril

Orpheu's attempts a tactical withdrawl

Sir Gungir,

It seems you have entered a fight you shall never win.

There is man who fancies himself a bard,
But when I read his poems I just discard,
Any silly notion he may entertain,
Of trying to trouble Orpheu’s poetry reign!

He likes to ride his mare naked,
Not because to the gods he has awakened,
Rather because that is the only maiden,
That shall ever accept to have this craven!

In Truth,

Orpheu de Haguns
Knight of Itorunt

Gungir chases


True men of Aethir are fearless and bold,
Unlike meak sheep who just do as they're told,
They do battle in even the eciest cold,
And watch proudly as victories unfold,
Harems of women we do not lack,
As I build my own Yssgardian Pack,
But many children you will lack,
when your desired she-wolf is too old


Gungir Gabanus
Knight of Isadril

Orpheu attempts a second charge

Sir Gungir,

There are tales of a coward dastard,
This sir Gungir who lies spread,
In envy of sir Orpheu who already fathers a bastard,
While Gungir with his mare lies in bed!

His "Yssrgardian pack" is but his horse,
While against sir Orpheu he spreads lies without remorse,
It is for the best if sir Gungir starts to dress in a woman’s tunic,
Because next time sir Orpheu shall make him an eunuch!

In Truth,

Orpheu de Haguns
Knight of Itorunt

Gungir delivers the final blow


What rediculous lies. I do not sleep with horses, but in stead take to me my spoils of war. The first woman in my pack was gifted to me by the Aethir themselves during my trials (Ooc, yes yes, we still need to finish Gungir's trial RP, but in terms of timeline it'll already have happened). 

Perhaps you are too drunk to think rationally, that would explain your 'poems'. So allow me another fitting rebuttal:

There once was a man from the Haguns,
They poured him his ale by the gallons,
A little prick
Just like his 
Please don't give this boy any more flagons


A wild Adrianna appears

Sir Orpheu and Sir Gungir,

I do not know if this pissing match between the two of you that has started because of me should make me feel flattered or disgusted. I am leaning towards disdain as all of this wasted energy would be better put to use on the dueling field. I have not seen this much poetry since my days in Isadril's academy, and I hated it then as well.

As for the rest of your poem Sir Orpheu, you will need more than words to entice me so. Yes, we met in a duel. No, it did not spark anything in me. I found it to be...lacking. But I will have no problem showing you the proper way to wield a sword. It seems you could use the lessons. Just ask the Lady Steward or Vice-Marshal Micheal how skilled I was.

But make no mistake, you will never find me in the loving embrace of anyone Sir Orpheu. I take charge in all aspects of my life, both on the battlefield and in my personal life. So be careful where you tread. Not everyone leaves the She-Wolf's den alive.

The She-Wolf

Adrianna Le Monte
Warmistress of Yssrgard
Duchess of Orgeon
Countess of Noritor
Marshal of the Howling Oath Wolf Legion

The King seeks glory


All this art and my dear friend’s june has gotten me in a poetic mood, so enjoy.

Behold the Warmistress Adrianna,
To try to insult her king, she’s gonna,
Of sweet nectar she tasted,
But her chance she well wasted!

Now the Wolf-King’s well fed,
His Queen is well bred,
and poor Adrianna’s left wanting!

Patriacc Hwitt
Wolf King of Yssrgard
Royal of Yssrgard

Orpheu seeks to redeem his initial losses

Wolf King,

Thank you for the clarification. Now all makes sense.

Another poem by this skald, in homage of the Duchess!

To think that a great warrior as fierce,
As the She-Wolf, with eyes that pierce,
The very soul of this sir Orpheu through,
Could hide beneath her heart’s layers one thing true,
That she loves my poems though she denies,
The Wolf-King reveal her lies, and what truly in heart lies!

Fear not, fair lady Adrianna, for this lovely bard,
Vows to forever and ever Your Grace safeguard,
And he knows that within time she shall open her heart’s gate,
To this great warrior-skald that she is to love by the god’s fate!

In Truth,

Orpheu de Haguns
Noble of Yssrgard

Michael joins the fight

Wolves of Yssrgard,

Do pardon my quietness as of late. I feel as if I haven’t been quite myself recently.

But nonetheless I have decided to try my hand at this poetry contest, though I know Xavax has been claimed I do not care for such prizes. 

Trust is to fury like metal is to rust. One exists not without the other and to show this point better there is no other.

Then Lady Everwind, beautiful and smart and Noble King Patriacc, brave with a wolf’s heart.

Together rule so sweetly in love, their promises made to the Aethir’s above.

And here I stand witness to it all, half blind and alone, do forgive my friends I mean not to groan.

In Arms and Duty,

Micheal Daubeny
Knight of Tota

Some final lovers' quarels

Margrave Orpheu,

You seen quite intent on wanting my love. Has no one told you what that love is like? Clearly not, as it can be quite....cold. I will be happy to tell you all those tales over ale. They are quite good, if I do say so myself. Why, one of them includes dumping water on the Vice-Marshal and kicking him out the tent! That's a favorite of mine.

And do be careful taking our Wolf King at his word. He did not become Wolf King through strength alone. His words are too clever at times and might cost him his tongue someday if he keeps it up.

But congratulations on your appointment. I look forward to when you are able to switch to the Duchy of Orgeon. It will be a glorious day to finally have a city under my watchful eye. Though a bit disappointing that I am unable to assume it myself, according to Keeper Eros. Normally I would just laugh in someone's face if they told me no, but he is a priest of the Aethir, so there is truth to those words that even I dare not mess with.

The She-Wolf

Adrianna Le Monte
Warmistress of Yssrgard
Duchess of Orgeon
Countess of Noritor
Marshal of the Howling Oath Wolf Legion
Duchess Adrianna, She-Wolf,

Interesting words concerning love, and once again you serve as my inspirational muse! I know all too well your rank and station, my future liege lady, so please allow me some creativity in these verses I wrote - I once heard in the campaign against Shadowdale that some refer to our mighty Warmistress as the Ice?

One cay say that love is a Dragon's flame,
Which melts the Ice in the heart of a dame,
For how can one dare to claim that the cold,
Could ever beat the inner fire that drives the bold?

Ale shall be most welcome, I drink plenty when I write, so imagination can soar in a high flight! Helps ease the mind. And it is time I heard your tales, I look forward to meeting our mighty Warmistress. It even inspired me to write yet another silly poem.

In Yssrgard, the She-Wolf meets the Dragon,
Each one holding in merriment a flagon,
The She-Wolf honors Orpheu, and regale,
To this young skald an incredible tale,
Over honeyed pork and much ale,
Of how sir Micheal ran from her tent his face pale,
After receiving a bite on his wolf’s tail!

On more serious matters, Xavax shall soon host the banner of the Duchy of Orgeon. I ordered my scribes to prepare the ruins of the city even now for this, but they say it may take up to two weeks, due to some administrative matters I find too boring and annoying to truly understand. However, I shall keep pressing them to forward this. In me, Warmistress, Your Grace shall find a most loyal vassal.

In Truth,

Orpheu de Haguns
Margrave of Xavax

Final spoils of war

In the end it was Orpheu who claimed the city of Xavax, although many belief he only received it as the Sir Gungir refused the position from the beginning, despite joining the battlefield.

OOC, we had some fun beyond this as well

Roleplay from Darius Blackdagger Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp-combat
Message sent to all nobles of Yssrgard (22 recipients) - 6 hours, 4 minutes ago
Reading the poetry going back and forth, Darius begins nodding slowly...seeming getting inspiration. Moving aside his plate, he grabs a quill and parchment. Staring at his plate for a moment he then begins to pen:

I like fish Fish is good If you dont Then maybe you should
Putting his pen down, he stares at his parchment. His heart turns over in excitement. His face then turns to a frown. Nodding slowly, his brown furrows as a decision is made.

"Too good. I'll keep".

Rolling the parchment up, he tucks it into his bag and continues his meal.
Esmaralda/Balin de Chaol Ghleann —
I feel your pain.. i tried and only got as far as 'the roses are blue and the violets are red'..
ugh, i think i even got that wrong.. the roses are supposed to be the red ones.

P A T S T H E T I C — 
Roses are red, violets are blue, poetry sucks, and so do you

comfan/Everwind Family — 
Violets are blue, roses are red, adrianna takes anyone to bed

Aeneas (Gabanus family) — 
Roses are red, violets are blue, sure Amelara sucks everyone Patriacc, just not you
Fixed it for ya