Everwind Family/Amelara/Roleplays

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===The Coronation of Alyssa Kingsley===
Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to All Nobles in Perdan
"Amelara Everwind, Dame of Clermont!"

The young dame swallowed, filled with nerves, the feeling of being announced into such an event seeming incredibly overwhelming! Just as heads were starting to turn, wondering where the just announced attendee was, she stepped forward bravely.

One to usually dress to impress whenever she can, even Amelara felt foreign and undeserving in the elegant attire she wore today. Having sought assistance from Ser Kenneth, it had been a rush to get such attire ready - but Mastercrafter Estelle had been a saviour for her, albeit a rather harsh one.

She tried hard to keep the excitement from her face - she was a dame now! No longer a child dreaming of queens and kings, castles and battles. That was a reality now, and how she was enjoying the opportunity to look beautiful and attend this important event.

Remembering her etiquette lessons clearly, she gracefully moves to take her place
Amelara Everwind

===The Battle of Isadril===
Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to All Nobles in Leibo (21 Recipients) - 2020-11-25 08:19
Battle of Leibo

How did bards and story writers glorify something like this?

The sound of battle still rang through Amelara's ears, even hours after it came to a close. The agonised screams of her own men. The lifeless eyes of her companions she had travelled with for two seasons now burned into her mind.

She wondered how it went so wrong, finding no other reason than her own leadership. Too late had she realised that her unit were too far forward trying to get better shots, her allies too far behind.

And then suddenly her men had fallen around her, seven to never rise again. She had sounded the retreat, and gone back personally once things had calmed to look for survivors. Thankfully, more than twenty of her casualties had survived, but nothing would comfort her of those dead.

Ashen faced, covered in dirt and struggling to keep tears back, she knew the unit she had spent weeks building and training was no more use here, but still she must continue. She had dreamed of leading them in battle, the deadly aim of their bows as they rained death upon the enemy now nothing more than a faded fantasy - had they even taken down any of them, she wondered?

Every ounce of her wanted to get out and return to Perdan - how could she come back from this? Forget that, how could she face more of that horrible.. chaos. Her morals and honour kept her from doing so - she would do better, and if her surviving men chose to stay with her once all was said and done, she supposed she would know whether they did blame her or not.

For now, not caring who saw, she buried her face into the crook of her arm, no longer able to hold back the sobs that had been threatening to break through.
Amelara Everwind

===Taking place after the second battle of Isadril===
Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan
This battle wasn't like the others, she felt that before the first arrow was even set loose. She had felt uneasy - maybe it was the wind. The first two conflicfs, the air had been still, allowing the archers to fire unobstructed. Tonight, though, the wind howled - maybe a sign from the Wolf King himself.

For her, it started off similar to the other two battles, except after her first few men fell, the arrows didnt stop. One by one, they fell. Few screams of pain, and those that did survive their fall were silenced as more arrows rained upon their wounded bodies.

And then red hot pain as something slammed into her shoulder, knocking her down to the floor. One of her men ducked down to help her up, beginning to pull her away from the battle, before he too was taken down.

All Amelara remembered then was desperately trying to get away from the battle. Only once escaped did she realise that besides the non-fighters, she was alone.

The arrow was removed now, it hadn't gone deep and was just a distant throb. Scared and feeling alone, she retreated back in the direction of Perdan. She feared it would be an arduous, slow journey, but sadly without any soldiers with her, it was good progress.

She hoped she would come across one of her allies on the way - the thought of being in Yssrgard alone and unprotected was a terrifying one.
Amelara Everwind

Roleplay from Oliver Laststar
Message sent to All Nobles of Perdan
The battle had gone poorly for his unit, as he had opted them to fill out the lines with protective shields to help protect their own archers; nevertheless of his preparations, they all eventually fell to the drawn out exchange of arrows between the two armies. He should have realized this was going to be a poor choice trying to outshoot enemies that had the advantage of fortress walls to hide behind.

It was to his surprise that even as his men all went down, it was the yssrgardian woman from before darting in and out from the field like golden-haired comet, risking her own life to drag away his fallen men. She had followed him like a puppy all the way out to this battlefield, and not knowing what to do with her, he allowed to stick around. Which ended up as a blessing now though as he managed to assemble the rest of his troops. She—turns out her name was Brynja—further surprised him and his men by taking charge of their retreat, she pointed out trails, led them around time-consuming gullies and so on. Oliver had to admit he was impressed, Brynja was earnest to be of use to him, and always seemed to be grinning like she knew some secret joke he couldn't understand, which all meant she quickly had earned the respect of his men as well.

As they're later all limping through the countryside, they run across the first group of Perdans they've seen since the battle. It was not much of a group though, from what he could tell it was just a single noblewoman in the distance with some civilian looking servants, looking just as miserable and beaten as the rest of his men.

When they draw close, Oliver calls out and hails her, eventually recognizing Lady Everwind as the woman who infamously had lost so many of her troops from their first deadly engagement days ago. Did she lose the rest of her men?

"Lady Amelara? Is that you? It's me, Oliver Laststar! I lost track of you at the battle, what happened?!" Unknownst to him, his new yssrgardian companion followed him protectively at his shoulder like a shadow with her axe in hand.
Oliver Laststar

===Letters from Count Patriacc===
Roleplay from Patriacc Hewitt
Message sent to Amelara Everwind - 2020-12-20 05:44:40
Dame Amelara of Perdan,

I trust this letter finds you well in this season of our extended conflict. I sincerely hope this war has been as enriching for you as it has been for us! I remember well the spunk you showed at our earlier battle and pray to Gods of Aesir you still possess it.

I genuinely look forward to crossing swords with you and your Perdanese brethren soon!
Patriacc Hewitt

Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to Patriacc Hewitt - 2020-12-20 10:20:27
Count Patriacc,

Today I stand stronger than when we first met. Two more conflicts have passed since the initial few battles, and in these two the arrows of my men slew many, and not one of my people fell.

I still carry the axe you so kindly gifted me, and rest assured I am saving it in case such an occasion presents itself that I can coat it with your blood.

You will not see me in disarray and fear next we meet. Depending on the luck of war, you may not see me coming at all...

Yours Faithfully,
Amelara Everwind

Roleplay from Patriacc Hewitt
Message sent to Amelara Everwind - 2020-12-20 20:01:45
Noble Adversary,

Good! Perhaps now you understand why we of Yssrgard live the way we do! Where would you be without our war? Weaker. Less sure. Just less in all things. It is battle and war that strengthens us, and peace that weakens us.

Bring my axe back to Yssrgard and we can fight once more! Perhaps it will be axe that finds purchase! Maybe a leg as a souvenir? An arm?

Or perhaps the war will end and we will all drink wine and break bread together? Who knows!
Patriacc Hewitt

Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to Patriacc Hewitt - 2020-12-20 23:02:51
Count Patriacc,

It will perhaps disappoint you to learn that despite my share of some of your views, it is the latter option you gave that I hope for.

Although the noble lady in me winces at the thought of your table manners, the curious (soon-to-be) heroine wishes to learn more about you, your ways and your beliefs.

Not that this will stay my blade, axe or bow, of course. I can have that conversation just with your disembodied head on a spike, the conversation will be just as useful and pleasant - and more intimidating to your friends and family than a random leg or arm, no?

It is warming to know that you are thinking of me on this brisk autumn evening, before your blood blends in with the red leaves upon the grass.

Keep your wits about you.
Amelara Everwind

Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to Patriacc Hewitt - 2020-12-25 14:11:55
Count Patriacc,

I did warn you to keep your wits about you. I may have been on the defeated side yesterday, but I saw the arrows of my men rain down on yours, sending them running. I did not see one strike you unfortunately, but I do hope I am wrong. I will be honoured if one tore through your flesh, even if only a graze.

I am not the woman you first met those weeks ago. There was something.. special about breaking your unit - it almost made me happy even as my own men fell around me.

Until next time.
Amelara Everwind

Roleplay from Patriacc Hewitt
Message sent to Amelara Everwind - 2020-12-25 14:32:55
Noble Adversary,

Good! Perhaps now you understand why we of Yssrgard live the way we do! Where would you be without our war? Weaker. Less sure. Just less in all things. It is battle and war that strengthens us, and peace that weakens us.

Bring my axe back to Yssrgard and we can fight once more! Perhaps it will be axe that finds purchase! Maybe a leg as a souvenir? An arm?

Or perhaps the war will end and we will all drink wine and break bread together? Who knows!
Patriacc Hewitt

===Disheartened by Perdan===
Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to All Nobles in Perdan

What is happening in this realm? Even as our enemies pillage our lands, murder our innocents and rob from us on two fronts - as our loyal men and women die under our command, we bicker about petty matters when we are meant to be united.

Our enemy will only be convinced that their view of us as petty aristocrats is accurate when they next meet us on the battlefield.

I may be naive, but I grew up listening to the tales of Perdan Knights being honourable and heroic, including many of you. Do not tell me that all those tales that have led me to where I stand today have been for nothing, and that silly quarrels matter more to you all than our homeland and the people we protect.

At least keep these arguments for a time of peace, the messengers that approach me seem to grow wearier and wearier with every dozen letters that reach my way!

Our land, our homes, our people and Perdan is what is important. Let us unite in this time of war.

Yours Faithfully,
Amelara Everwind

Roleplay from Daario Vulparan
Message sent to All Nobles in Perdan
((A short missive signed by the Earl and sealed with a waxen stamp of the Fox Sejant of House Vulparan arrives to all of the realm.))

Á Perdana!

Daario Vulparan

Roleplay from Benjamin Pryde
Message sent to All Nobles in Perdan
A Perdana!
Benjamin Pryde

Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to All Nobles in Perdan
A Perdana! (A small etching of a heart is drawn below this, followed by Amelara's signature)
Amelara Everwind

Roleplay from Gislin Luitolf
Message sent to All Nobles in Perdan
A... Perdana???
Gislin Luitolf

Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to All Nobles in Perdan
"My Lady, I have two more letters for you to re--"

"Do they invole Ser Lucius and Ser Apollyon?" Amelara interrupts irritably to the weary messenger.

"I believe so, my lady,"

"Are they apology letters or anything agreeing to end the nonsense debating?"

"...No, my lady, there is no acknowledgement of your letter in either--"

The messenger is interrupted once more as Amelara reaches to take both the letters, immediately tearing them up into sixteen small squares of parchment, allowing them to drift across the battlefield in Leibo.

"That is all, messenger, thank you." Amelara nods, turning and walking away, leaving the poor boy rather confused. "I would rather spend my time mourning the dead who died giving their lives for our realm. A Perdana and all that."
Amelara Everwind

Roleplay from Gislin Luitolf
Message sent to All Nobles in Perdan
Good nobles of Perdan,

Before I came to Perdan, I was lead to believe that Perdan was a home to honorable and valorous knights. I was told that you were the home those that protect the weak, and defend those that could not defend themselves. Was told that you raise up against adversity and fought against the evils of the world. Yet, I must say, that if even half of what I have heard is true, I must question the validity of these claims.

Let me start with this. If this Apollyon is so bad, why has he been allowed to remain? I ask this not in defense of him, the lot of you read how I threatened him myself just yesterday, no I ask this in defense of yourselves. I ask the lot of you, here before everyone, if he had done even half of what I have seen him accused of how does he still have a place in Perdan? I have seen Yssrgard ban people over less. The enemy I have, in my short time here, seen you all revile as if you were so far above. How can you be above them if you keep people worse than they will keep?

I do not know the truth. If one would like explain it to me, I will be glad to listen. Regale me with stories of the issues here. For either what I have heard is greatly exaggerated, or this duel could have easily been prevented if a man so reviled was banned when he should have been. If the former, I find it interesting that so many posture so readily, but if the former, I ask what is the real crime? The duel, of the fact that he has been allowed to remain after so many crimes?
Gislin Luitolf

Roleplay from Amelara Everwind
Message sent to All Nobles in Perdan
Ser Luitolf, Perdan,

I whole-heartedly second your below questions. As much as I loathe to back up your words about Yssrgard, there are certain aspects of their views that show logic. One thing I can say is that they do appear to act when they see issue, and resolve the problem rather than sending hateful letters across the country and back. (They just send them to us instead...)

I do not know enough of the situation to wish banishment on anybody, but whatever Ser Apollyon is guilty of seems to be causing nothing but unrest within our own ranks. I plea that this is resolved - whether it be through removing Ser Apollyon or a firm instruction to everybody to shut up (I apologise for such un-ladylike words) and move on.

Every distraction we face within our own borders is a weakness our enemy could choose to exploit.

Now I shall cease my involvement unless anybody writes to me directly, for I do not wish to add to the issue I complain about.

A Perdana.
Amelara Everwind