Perdan/Notable Artisans of the City

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Allory's Last - Cobbler

She paused before the familiar window of a shoemaker, Allory's Last, down a sidestreet away from the bustle. Formal footwear and tall, polished military boots were on display under gracefully hung banners in Perdan's colours behind the frost-rimed panes. She could feel the anticipation of the upcoming Coronation shining through this enthusiastic display. Her eyes gazed unseeing past the proudly attendant boots, her mind far away.

The door's bell tinkled and startled her from her thoughts.

"Is that Dame Isana? Do come in out of the cold dear, if you'd like t'look? Or just for a spot of tea if you've the time." The sweet face of Mrs. Allory peered at her through thick crystal lenses, her breath swirling clouds of steam into the chill afternoon.

Isana paused a moment, trapped between wallowing in her moody musings and the usually appealing invitation to tea. They'd spent a lovely morning with the Allorys when her Captain Henrik had ordered his mess boots many months ago, and she'd hardly stopped in since. Glancing at the winter sun still high in the sky, and down the street to the swinging sign to the Bloody Stump, Isana made up her mind and turned back to the stooped older woman with a soft little smile.

"Yes, Mrs. Allory, I've a little time for tea if you do. I'm hoping for missives later this day but an escape from worries is welcome."

"O'course Milady, in with you now. What could ye be worrying about in these happy days, here?"

Johan - Gentleman's Tailor


Alexandros Lysian - Silversmith

Alexandros Lysian, do you happen to have heard of him? I have been told great things of his minutiae silver work.

Helena - Master Leatherworker

As they stepped inside, a warm waft of oils and new leather greets them, as does the Mastercrafter herself, a solid woman with lean muscle and unusually long-fingered hands.

Estelle - Master Seamstress

For elegant, I will recommend one Mastercrafter Estelle in Perdan City. She has three virtues that I think you will find useful:

First, she is wise enough to know that her talents are more to the design than the execution, and has a considerable number of hands in her employ to see to those designs, while she reserves her own for the chalk rather than the needle.

Second, she understands that in her profession, timing is key, and you need not fear of having a gown ready for the occasion.

Third, she has a true gift for helping one realize the perfect style for you and the occasion, regardless of how lost you may feel in such matters personally.

Her wit, I will admit, is not for everyone, but if you can either ignore it or, better, sharpen your own tongue, then she is the best I know of and you will enter the coronation in an outfit most refined.