Everlight Family/Elios

From BattleMaster Wiki
Elios Everlight
Status: Active
Continent: Beluaterra
Realm: Thalmarkin
Titles Held: Count
Class: Knight
Honor: 203
Prestige: 37
Age: 27
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 90 Kg
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Sandy blond

Elios Everlight is a young knight, favoured eldest son of the Everlight clan. Burly, of average height, with sandy hair and beard.

He is dutiful in his service, proud of his home and family in Wailing Wood. He is also somewhat spoiled, and gets away with casual appearance and manners. He is not given to study, preferring action over scholarly pursuits.

Early Years

To be added.


Captain Honeria
