Hynes Family/Johann/The Proud Blades

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The ProudBlades were Johann's original unit of twenty men, Peasants of Woolton hired to march with Johann against Ibladesh. They met with disaster at the Battle of Al Aquabah and during the retreat to Woolton, only three men survived. But the men had become close to each other and proud to bear the name of their unit that they refused to abandon Johann or each other, no matter how hard he pleaded with them. One man in particular, Vierzieger, had showed a natural knack for leadership. He was the oldest man in the company, thirty-seven years, and also the toughest and most respected. At the second Battle of Al Aquabah, Vierzieger was the only capable man in the ProudBlades but nevertheless marched head long into the attacking Itorunt army and came out unscathed. Thus, Vierzieger was made a Top Serjeant and put in command of leading the reformed ProudBlades, now thirty five-men strong, in training and through battle. They set off from Partora towards Al Aquabah once again where they soundly defeated the Ibladesh army and moved into Al Arab where they were one of the first units to scall Al Arab's walls and loot the great city. For a week, the Army of Perdan fought in the city of Al Arab, struggling to take command of the city away from Ibladesh and putting it square in the hands of Perdan. and for a week, the defeated army of Ibladesh and Itorunt rebuilt their forces and on the seventh day counterattacked Al Arab. The ProudBlades were on the front lines. The first battle was won and the Ibladesh army, who had overwhelming numbers, stood crushed after a huge battle. Sadly, so was the Perdan army. The ProudBlades, especially. Eighteen men had been killed during the battle and Vierzieger was nowhere to be found. Saddened and demoralized by the loss of their Top Serjeant, The remaining ProudBlades prepared once more for battle. A battle that only a handful of them would escape. Ibladesh had moved their reserve into Al Arab during the night and overwhelmed the battered Army of Perdan. The take-over was stopped. The retreat was ordered. The Two week campaign had been a failure, but a failure for both sides as Ibladesh was now starving, Al aquabah was ruined and would soon go rogue, Al Arab was heavily damaged and Zawr was TOed. And then ProudBlades died by the score on the march home. Johann crossed the gate into Partora alone, covered in the blood of his dying Infantrymen and with the bitter taste of hatred in his mouth. He retired the battle colours of the ProudBlades and as he slid the finely crafted flag into it's case for the last time, he swore his vengeanance against Ibladesh; Peasants, soldiers and nobles alike.