Dubhaine Family/Brigdha/Roleplays/2020/May

From BattleMaster Wiki
Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17485
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

9th May

Summer Evening -- Braga

War Re-Declaration With Clear Goals

Tomorrow (Sunday, May 10), we will be sending live a package of updates that includes support for explicit reasons for declarations of war. We are requiring such declarations to follow certain rules, which can be found on the war declaration page, and the War Declarations wiki page.

We have decided that it is best not to permit any "grandfathered" cases, but to immediately mandate a valid reason for every declared war. We recognize that this is a significant change, and that what we will be doing to enforce this is unprecedented. However, we believe that it is necessary in the interests of fair play and transparency of goals and reasons for war.

On Tuesday, May 12, after the sunset turn, all War statuses in BattleMaster will be set to Neutral (Hatred, too). In addition, all nobles in enemy territory will be teleported to their own capitals (we would advise realms at war to use this time to move out of enemy territory and wait there until after the period of neutrality). This is to ensure there are no inadvertent—or exploitative—incidents during the (hopefully) brief period of readjustment. At that time, we strongly encourage everyone who was fighting a war as the aggressor to declare war once again giving both the reason for the war, and the specific goals that would lead to the war's end.

We would like to note that, while there are not yet clear guidelines written up on the precise details of this, we have come to the conclusion that we cannot continue to permit "dogpiling" where an entire continent (or nearly so) is at war with a single realm. Even if you feel you have sufficient in-character cause to go to war with a realm, we would like you to seriously consider another factor: Are there already enough realms fighting against them that their defeat is all but assured? If that is the case, then adding your realm to the pile will not change the outcome of the war, but might very well change whether the players in the realm being attacked can continue to enjoy the game. While a realm that botches its diplomacy should certainly expect to find itself on the wrong end of a beating, that beating should never be so utterly hopeless that it destroys the interest for the players in that realm of even logging into the game.

In the interests of transparency, we would also like to make it clear that as well as being sent to the entire continent along with the fact that war has been declared, every war declaration will be copied to the Titans, as name changes and rebellion reasons have been for many years now. While we expect that there will be some confusion during this transition period, and will be prioritizing education over punishment for now, it is our hope that once that has passed, Titan interventions due to an invalid war declaration will be exceedingly rare.

Additionally, we would like to remind everyone that game mechanics define reality. This is particularly important in cases where the game mechanics have been artificially limited to address abuses by players. Attempting to circumvent those game mechanics, and treat 3/4 of a continent as your allies when, according to the game, they are not, is exactly the abusive situation the mechanical change was made to prevent.

Again, we understand that this is an unprecedented step, and that it is likely to create some distress among some players, and we do apologize for this. However, we are confident that, provided the bulk of players are willing to work with us toward a game played with friends, the disruption in actual play will be brief and relatively painless.

Finally, we would like to emphasize one last point on this topic. We take no joy in introducing additional restrictions on the game. We have no interest in telling players how to play, beyond the basic broad guidelines of milieu and fair, friendly play. Our ideal is a game where the players work together as players to promote the fun of all, rather than insisting on promoting their own fun over everyone else's, or telling other players they're wrong when they come forward saying they feel like their fun is being ruined by others. The more players can do that, the fewer restrictions we will need to place and enforce on the game.

Kiera Cavendish

Kiera roles her eyes and orders the troops home.

Zenta Carson

"Lady Kiera, is there a problem?"

Kiera Cavendish

"The Gods have forced peace upon us, Sir Zenta. It is for them to understand why, as I certainly do not."

Zenta Carson

"Ah yes gods, why do they get to decide what we do?"

11th May

Summer Day - Oporto

Kiera Cavendish

"Thank you, Calvin. That will be all."

The scribe nodded and turned to leave, but hesitated at the door.

"Yes? Is there something else?"

"We-ell...I'm not sure, m'lady. Nothing really to be concerned about, I suppose, only.."

Kiera stared at the bald pate impatiently.

"This new noble - Sir Maximilian, his name is."


"He seems to think he is a...pirate, m'lady."

Kiera slumped back in her chair. "Oh, The Shadows take us!" she muttered tiredly.

10th May

Summer Evening -- Karbala

Lindow Moonsun

The Grey Guard was stationed near the Akesh Temple border with Sordidus. Lindow was in his tent, reading the letters.

- Sebas, bring me ink, I have to resolve a dispute impartially -

- Yes, Your Majesty, but take ... here is a new letter -

Lindow opened the letter and began to read

I find it hilarious, the only one I insult. Instead of accepting my challenge I receive a fine.


Zenta Carson Knight of Negev

Then, Lindow left the letter on the table, sighed and looked to his butler

- Sebas, forget what I have told you, I can write with what little ink I have -

Zenta Carson

Zenta looking seriously conflicted on whether what he is doing is right or just a grab for power.

He still battles Daimons within him when suddenly he hears the black speech again.

Black speech: "tee ka bo da ne chu, me nee chee nu com teet."

Translation: "Bring me the head of Lindow, then the Daimons may be free."

Zenta scared to almost say anything says almost out loud.

Zenta: "No, I refuse, I can never harm my friend! He is my King!"

The black suddenly gets louder to where someone near by suddenly hears it.



Zenta: "I would rather be haunted!!!"

Zenta kicks dirt over the camp fire and tells his men to get some sleep. Zenta hopes no one heard what was said.

11th May

Summer Evening - Braga

Luna Tempest

The Moon and her Destiny:

Luna Tempest, the Grey Exarch of Shadowdale, found herself wallowing in disappointment while travelling the long road from Nasot to Karbala. Heading home after her campaign to conquer the region ended with failure. However Luna’s failing had nothing to do with her ability to command nor had the loss been caused by the armies of Perdan. The Grey Exarch would have preferred a glorious battle with Perdan to the current predicament. Alas, it seemed fate itself determined the outcome as divine intervention proclaimed the campaign folly.

Luna atop her steed pondered the results of the campaign. The Grey Exarch had gained all the political consequences of her actions but none of the benefits. No negotiations would be taking place, no treaties signed, not even a single talk held. This on top of the fact that the true reward, a new region for Shadowdale was stolen away did not leave Lady Tempest in a favorable mood.

Hoping to raise her spirits the Grey Exarch would opt to take the road less traveled through the townlands of Viseu. Luna dismissed all her Tempest Rangers to arrive at the capital by the main road leaving Captain Theomona in charge with a sole exception. The Grey Exarch’s favorite lieutenant, Lissa was to join the Lady on the meandering road that bordered both the great forest of Braga and Oporto.

The duo rode atop their steeds following the shabby path before them. The road was very grown over making it difficult to follow however the scenery was breathtaking. What should have been a near pitch black forest with only torches to guide the way was a canvas of all that mother nature had to offer. The brilliant full moon illuminated the great green pine tree’s, brook crossing glistened as if diamonds lay within their beds and the ever present peaks of Evora looking majestic off in the distance.

Luna reached her hand skyward as if to grasp the very moon itself, “Someday” she whispered to herself while staring at the brilliant white celestial body when a lone eagle flew across the pure moon casting a shadow over Lady Tempest.

This feels like an omen, the Grey Exarch thought to herself as Luna brought her pinched fingers to her lips and let out a shrill whistle. Even as an experienced falconer such a gambit would unlikely pay off however something felt different to Lady Tempest as she stared skyward as the great bird turned sharply into a dive with the moon at its tail. As the eagle rose from its dive with wings flapping as if they were destiny itself to land in a nearby tree. The massive king of the sky stared straight down at Luna, it's radiant golden eye staring into her very soul.

Lissa could only watch behind in silent amazement as her general Lady Tempest outstretched her arm fortunately still protected by leather armour. As if on cue the eagle swooped down landing beautifully on Luna’s outstretched with talons clasping leather. The eagle had made a near perfect landing but it took all of Luna’s strength to support the massive bird. Now staring directly at each other, Luna’s blues eyes enamored in the eagles ravishing yellow eyes the moment felt frozen in time.

The two would be bonded, fate willed it so; however the eagle would never truly be tamed. A master, nay a king of the sky would never be contained as he represented the very essence of freedom. “Apollo,” Luna broke the silence speaking to the eagle. The two looked skyward back towards the full moon as Luna launched Apollo back into the sky. With Apollo’s magnificent brown plumage fluttering in the breeze as he flew above the eagle would circle Lady Tempest once and let out a lone powerful screech before disappearing into the darkness.

“Lissa,” Luna called up her lieutenant.

“My lady that was amazing” Lissa would blurt out before apologizing “Sorry what do you need my general.”

“I need you to ride ahead with all haste. Go to the Grey University of Karbala and have them prepare the largest tower’s solar. Go to the library and gather up every map you can find and any books on great historical battles. I have a date with destiny.” The Grey Exarch commanded Lissa.

Without any hesitation Lissa exclaimed “Yes my lady,” and rode off as fast as the steed could take her.

Luna took one last look at the moon whispering “You and I Apollo, let’s show East Continent Shadowdale’s destiny” before she again set off down that worn forest path.

12th May

Summer Day - Braga

Jaques Talos

Jaques looked around the mountainous region of Evora, and sighed

'Captain Arne, Remind me again why we must go this way again?'

'Our scout suggested it sir, saw it was the most direct route,' answered Arne

Jaques looked at the new Captain, and slowly shook his head.

'That new scout appears to be unable to navigate his own hand let alone a map, whats our estimated arrival?'

'if all goes well my Lord.......um.....tomorrow evening'

Jaques pinched either side of his nose as he felt the headache forming, and said nothing as the army moved onwards

Summer Evening - Evora

Foxen Carmine

Foxen sat in his chair reading the newly sent letter from the king. Officializing what he had previously requested from the Margrave.

He slowly put the wine glass down on the table and, having finished reading the letter, approached to the fireplace, which sizzled in red stars like his chair.

-Tomorrow I will ride to Karbala. Prepare my horse for dawn- Said to his assistant camera without looking at him. He tossed the letter into the fire as he turned around,

approaching the table where the goblet was located. A servant, anticipating his intentions, approached quickly to fill the glass with wine. -Bring me paper and ink, I must write a letter

to the adventurer so she can hurry up with my weapons.- In less than a minute, Lord Carmine had a letter paper table in front of him which he began to fill quickly with skill.

When he finished, he had a messenger deliver the letter to Daunae. He squeezed his eyes with two fingers as he thought about the next move. -I don't know why

I care about these sh*ts. Little by little, Foxen, little by little.- He said as he took a long drink from the wine glass.

13th May

Summer Day - Evora

Zoltan Cubiertas

Staring at the mountain range a young noble swears the set of rocks that looked like two drunks sunk head first into a grain bin looks exactly as the same to the mountain range to his south.

"Right." Zoltan said speaking to no one.

In the distance a riding approached, kicking up clods of soil sending the occasional mountain hamster scrambling for crevices, burrows or amble sized hallow log.

"Knight Zoltan, Sir Zoltan, Zoltan of the Nobility, Zoltan the fellow with cleaner garments than the rest, I bare news!" The rider cried from a far.

Zoltan adjusted himself, ensuring his bearing was noble enough for receiving a raggedy frontier messenger. Fishmonger with collecting a debt from a sod, he thought, that's what this fellow should feel upon formally greeting me.

"Ah, Sir Zoltan, news." The messenger breathlessly said, almost as deprived of breath as his flea bitten nag. "The war Sir, the war for you and that matter everyone is over."

"Over? Like the last elements of our foes require hunting down?" Zoltan queried.

"No over." The messenger said, half a lung fuller of air.

"Over as in the rogue region that lies over yonder requires an iron hand to steer it to civility, such as it is?" Zoltan said hopefully.

"No finished as in go home, pay your men, learn to read a map better next time so you can actually partake in the war. As one or two Exarchs might say." The messenger said rolling head and eyes like wagon wheels.

"Right." Zoltan said, quickly dragging his pointer finger across his throat rapidly, eyeing the closest thugs that passed for soldiers who in turn nodded quickly upon realizing what was required.

Hours and miles later, in the pristine darkness of night, Zoltan sat in his dim light tent. Furiously composing his daily report, to whom other than himself no one was sure. All the while quietly muttering as he wrote.

"Dear journal, after a few intensive days of through reconnaissance in force we came upon a reported solitary dreaded solitary rider. Clad in rag and leather, presumably accounting for his great mobility in the saddle, we managed to trick him into advancing during the customary quarter of an hour on the hour map reading. Though his battle cry fearsome, and some how knowing my name, I managed to distract him with guile. Drawing him further into our line while forestalling any fell-handed attack. Bosefus, Crombopulous and Markonius Porkbutte managed to flank and approach him from the rear. Masterfully they dismounted him from his hellish snorting steed. With mace, shovel, and last nights encrusted stew pot, the valiant footman managed to subdue the expert combatant. His confusing wailing and flagellant arm motions noted him a trained master of battle from lands oft not spoken of. Yet despite this alien advantage Bosefus and Crombopulous managed to hold him down as the ingenious and hence forth promoted Markonius Porkbutte, now Chef assistant 4th class, managed to crown the insidious dark rider with the stew pot and rang it like a church bell using mace and shovel until each broke under Herculean blows that could fell a thick scaled dragon or Perdanian housewife. As if by divine blessings of divinity, upon the expatriation of the ragged rider of repulsively rejoinders, his insults were most foul, we found that the war had ended. My duty was clear, to never speak of this again and head back the way I came. Shadowdale prevails!"

Lindow Moonsun

It was a sunny day, a group of children were near the Gates of the Royal Road. They were playing with sticks imitating soldiers in a battle.

At that moment strong voices were heard from the walls and the gates opened. That group of children could see how a great column of soldiers with heavy armors and gray tabards entered through the door. They carried the Shadowdale banner and the Moonsun heraldry. In front of that column was Lindow, accompanied by his captain Rudgar.

The murmurs became quickly screams

- He is the king! The king is back! - the people were screaming, and soon a large number of citizens approached the street to receive their king.

- Your Majesty, it was a long time since we returned to Karbala - said Rudgar

- Did you miss your home, Captain? -

- Home is where my king goes, your highness -

- Honorable words, Captain, I hope that home is always worthwhile - Lindow said as he waved at the citizens.

The streets were cleaner and with fewer people than usual.

- Do you think the disease is safe, Your Majesty? -

- From what I have been informed, the disease is under control, the healers have done a great job given a series of guidelines to the population and saving the lives of a large number of those affected. That will be never forgotten -

14th May

Summer Evening - Evora

Maximilian Rea

"Come now Smee, I gotta read all this?"

"Aye, Captain. It's everythin' we could find."

Maxy stared at the massive pile of paperwork haphazardly stacked in front of him, before resignedly sighing. "Paperwork got us inta this Smee, it otta heave us out. If I had known that Seadog's offer was ta be this hard, I woudda never scuttled tha Dragon's Shadow."

The pair got to work, digging through the massive pile.

Seadog = An old sailor or pirate

Scuttle = To sink a ship

Lindow Moonsun

During these two days, carpenters, bricklayers and architects were in and out of the city carrying materials for the construction of a large private compound on the outskirts of the city.

At sunset, the building was finished. It was a wooden enclosure, there were two low barriers on two of the sides of the enclosure, intended for peasants and bourgeois, on the rest of the sides there were two large balconies, one for the lesser nobles and wealthy bourgeois, and the other for the king and the nobles of the great families of Shadowdale.

Next to the king's seat was another beautifully adorned chair. Lindow had something planned for that place.

Outside the enclosure, there were some tents of drinks, food and entertainment places. No expense has been spared for this event, anyone can find everything they expect to see in a tournament and more.

Zenta Carson

Zenta was at his Family's Estate where his mother and father were. He was out practicing for the jousting event of the tournament. Being an expert jouster he was in top form. Knocking down dummy after dummy his hits were always on the mark.

When he finally finished he went to his parents, hugged them and they wished him luck in the upcoming tournament. For a Carson, family is everything.

Bennet Carson(the Father): "Zenta, I am so proud of you. You have done great things for our family, well except for that time you insulted the judge, but let us not dwell on the past. Oh and before you go, if another war were to break out, I want to give you this. It is the Carson's Family Blade.

Zenta notices that it is not exactly a short sword, but smaller than a long sword. Perfect for a Cavalry rider. However he sees a button on it. He presses the button and suddenly it turns into a chain bladed whip.

Zenta: "This is astonishing!! I do not think I have ever seen this before."

Bennet Carson: "Well we wanted to wait to give it to you. You are definitely ready for it now my son."

Zenta: "Thank you Pa"

Zenta hugs his father again. Zenta heads back to his horse and then gets on.

Zenta: "I shall see you again soon after the tournament."

Zenta rides away to the city center to meet up with King Lindow.

15th May

Summer Day - Evora

Lindow Moonsun

The following letter was visible on all bulletin boards in Karbala districts and on all estates in Shadowdale regions. Furthermore, there were heralds whose mission was to read it to inform the illiterate population.

People of Shadowdale,

Shadow King Lindow Moonsun is proud to open the prestigious tournament of the New Tomorrow. All those interested in seeing how our brave knights face sword combat will be welcome in the private compound of the West Road of Karbala.

Below will be the list of opponents from the first round:

Lady Flavia vs Sir Humphrey
Sir Dawson vs Lady Dana
Sir Zenta vs Lord Maccio
Sir Maximilan vs Lady Kiera

As the most recent noble, Sir Gabriel will advance to the second round.

It is reported as a novelty that in the last round, the finalists must choose the lady or the knight for whom they will fight, whoever wins will have the right to name their chosen Lady or Knight of the New Tomorrow, being the guests of honor at the banquet of the Shadow King Lindow.

Good luck to the participants,

Lindow Moonsun Shadow King of Shadowdale Royal of Shadowdale Duke of Shadow's Bluff Margrave of Karbala

Summer Evening - Evora

Zenta Carson

Zenta gets down on his hands and knees and yield to Lord Maccio.

Zenta: "Perhaps the overrun strategy was not the best idea after all. Good fight my Lord."

Lindow Moonsun

The enclosure was filled with tents with the emblems of the participating houses. Security was the responsibility of the Gray Guard who were distributed around the compound, controlling access.

People from all over the kingdom had come to watch the famous Shadowdale Knights fighting. Peasants, Bourgeois, Nobles of Lesser Houses, and Nobles of the Great Houses of Shadowdale, all of them were all in their places.

Suddenly the trumpets blew and a herald announced:

- The Shadow King Lindow Moonsun! -

Lindow entered the balcony, greeting everyone present.

- Long live the king! -

- Long live Shadowdale! -

Those screams could be heard amid applause. Lindow reached out, making people shut up.

- Shadowdalians! I'm glad to see so many people interested in seeing our participants. Today is a day of celebration, today is a day of proud! A new era is coming, an era in which Shadowdale will not be a small dot on the map anymore, an era of greatness and honor! An era of respect and vassalage to our kingdom! The Shadowdale era! Enjoy and be welcome to the tournament of the New Tomorrow, let the participants in! -

Maccio Aurelle

Roleplay at Karbala - Tournament of the New Tomorrow - Before and during the battle between Zenta and Maccio

- "Once again in 'ere... I can still remember the day I was given Akesh to guard n' rule over. Didn't use to visit this city too often even when I had an estate 'ere. Last visit was short, too. Just arrived, got some fancy men with shiny new tools o' the trade n' left. They were a bunch of pussies... I hope ye won't be."

Maccio glanced over the district of the palaces, and then over his new retinue.

- "Wish me good luck, fellas. I'll be up against a rabid hound. The matchmakin' didn't favour me. No matter, though. Nothin' a good muzzle n' some beatin' can't solve. Besides - I've been up against worse mutts before."

The men bid farewell to his leader in a respectful and quiet, yet somewhat cold, manner. They didn't know him yet - neither did he. Maccio arrived to the tournament grounds at the outskirts of Karbala accompanied by his steward, a servant and a pageboy. They were led to a private room and left to help his lord change into his combat attire.

- "My lord, are you sure you don't want to quit?" - Asked the pageboy - "I heard Lord Zenta used to be the Grey Exarch, and he's known for his cruelty. Who knows what he might try to do..."

- "I'm neither a coward nor stupid, kid. Watch n' learn, that's why ye 'ere."

The boy lowered his gaze and continued tying the leather strips of Maccio's armour. Not soon after, the steward knelt next to him, pretended to inspect the knots and whispered:

- "You need not worry, young man. Our lord is not good with words, but beyond his abrasiveness he does mean you well and has offered a helpful advice."

The man pointed to a bag tied to Maccio's belt, then to a string tied to three lead balls, and smiled gently.

- "You will see soon. Watch closely."

Trumpets blew, signaling the beginning of the first round of the tournament. Maccio sighed, got up and picked up a buckler and a hand axe, both unadorned.

- Shadowdalians! I'm glad to see so many people interested in seeing our participants. Today is a day of celebration, today is a day of proud! A new era is coming, an era in which Shadowdale will not be a small dot on the map anymore, an era of greatness and honor! An era of respect and vassalage to our kingdom! The Shadowdale era! Enjoy and be welcome to the tournament of the New Tomorrow, let the participants in!

Maccio entered the arena, clad in relatively light armour: a steel breastplate atop a gambeson, the latter protecting its wearer from the knees to the neck plus his arms; a nasal helmet with mail aventail, boots, and little else. In his left hand he carried a hand axe, and in his right a buckler. Tied to his belt there was a bag that seemed to hold something spiky, a bola and a dagger. Once near the center, he turned to Lindow, bowed and turned to Zenta, to whom he offered one hand to shake, if he so wished.

Zenta Carson

Zenta looks at Lord Maccio as he extended his hand, Zenta immediately grabbed his hand and smiled then said.

"Good luck my lord. I hold no grudge on who wins here."

Maccio Aurelle

Roleplay at Karbala - Tournament of the New Tomorrow - Zenta Vs Maccio

- "Good to know! Now, since ye are my senior, tis' good manners to let ye start out, 'aight?"

Maccio shook Zenta's hand and walked a few steps backwards to put some space between each other.

- "Let the best be the winner."

Zenta Carson

Role play Maccio Vs. Zenta

Zenta turning around after stepping back, he is seen wearing very little armor obviously wearing a face mask to protect his gorgeous looking face. Dressed in almost all black with snow white trim. The snow white trim being his colors for when he is in battle.

Zenta waits as the official to begin the duel comes in. Seeing as this is a tournament it is customary to have a person who can determine who will win the fight.

Zenta gets into his stance as if he were going to strike first.

Maccio Aurelle

Roleplay at Karbala - Tournament of the New Tomorrow - Zenta Vs Maccio

- "Come on, don't be shy. Ye usually throwin' duel challenges to anythin' that breathes n' now ye can't throw a single thrust? Go fer it, champ, I won't bite."

Maccio passes his axe to his right hand, opens his arms and walks around Zenta. A grin appears in his face as he begins to chuckle.

- "Come on, I'm wide open! Was it all bark and no bite? Oh, who's a good lil' pup, ey? Sit, sit, roll over!"

The pageboy watches from the balcony of the lesser nobility, eyes and mouth wide open.

- "He's going to get himself killed, throwing such insults to Lord Zenta directly to his face and in front of so many people, the King among them!"

- "It's a taunt."

- "Huh?"

- "It's a taunt, boy. He knows Zenta is a better duelist than him, yet his temper is too short. His only chance to win is by making him lose his temper and charge carelessly towards him."

Zenta Carson

Zenta charges at Maccio and suddenly stops just short to fool him a little.

"You know after the fight *grunts a little as they continue to fight* I was wondering, would you care to join me for a pint at the tavern?"

Zenta gets hit in the head knocking the helmet off.

Luna Tempest

The Moon and her Destiny II:

Luna had finally arrived at Karbala after taking that overgrown path out of the forest then to the main road. Upon arriving she did not waste any time making her way to the Grey University of Karbala hoping Lissa had already prepared everything for the Grey Exarch.

It was well into the evening when Lady Tempest was walking through the grand atrium of the university. A large decorative pyre was burning in the center casting shadows against all the walls of the circular atrium. During the day its open roof would act as a sundial upon the floor but now the markings were hardly visible under Luna’s shadow.

As she made her way to the spire solar Luna passed by many of her former professors and students. As it was her first time back to the university since her appointment as Grey Exarch most would congratulate her new station. It was a good feeling for Lady Tempest, she had come a long way from that 15 year old girl who found herself in Shadowdale and a lost student in this very university.

Reaching the spire solar Luna had debated her choice of quarters, perhaps the library would have been better as it would be closer to materials and involve less stairs. The Grey Exarch however dispatched that thought as the sensitive nature of her coming work required the isolationism of the spire solar. Opening the door revealed the magnificent room beyond.

Lissa was still scrambling around arranging books and maps in such a flurry that she did not notice her Lady enter. This did not bother Luna as her subordinate working so diligently was its own sign of respect.

Luna studied the room, its tall vaulted ceiling adorned with an astrology orb to help with studying of the stars. All the walls facing outward to the sky were mostly open so that sunlight and a fair breeze could be let in. On the center of the floor a giant crescent moon surrounded by various tables, chairs, bookshelves and even a large bed fit for any noble. Lady Tempest pictured the conversation between a flustered Lissa and the groundskeeper over bringing a bed up all those stairs; piece by piece no doubt.

“Ahem” Luna cleared her throat to draw Lissa’s attention.

Lissa quite startled, “OH, my Lady I did not see you arrive. I'm sorry not everything is ready yet.”

The Grey Exarch interrupted Lissa, “Have you even slept since you arrived in Karbala. Go get some rest. What is left can wait until the morning.”

Lissa didn’t even reply as she ambled off towards the door ready to pass out.

Luna would do a little work before retiring for the night. Spending a few of the best moonlit hours of the night studying a map of East Continent, looking closely at Shadowdale’s neighboring realms.

Lady Tempest awoke to the rising sun and the smell of freshly steeped tea. Lissa was already within the solar to serve her lady some fresh fruit for breakfast. Luna thanked her loyal retainer for her diligence but made her one of the many adjoined balconies first. The rising sun shining brightly over a beautiful morning in Karbala. On the railing the Grey Exarch spotted a lone brown feather and then a shadow quickly overhead. The Lady looks quickly to the sky but sees nothing, not a bird, not a cloud just the vast sapphire sky.

Luna would find her way to the largest desk in the solar, a massive marble slab of a table. Upon were history books about past wars and maps of all the realms of the north. The Grey Exarch started her work in earnest, planning and strategizing future wars. Shadowdale had found itself with many new nobles as of late and it was time to expand the realm's territory. Studying the various maps Luna would size up targets with the most potential, Shadowdale bordered many fine cities that were not the realm’s but maybe they should be. As a realm with five neighbors there should have been plenty of choices for conquest however many of them are considered allies.

It mattered little to the Grey Exarch, as they were simply strategies that not necessarily be acted on. Luna sized up Shadowdale's enemies and allies alike while studying for avenues of conquest. There was no need to leave possibilities unplanned at this stage, all Lady Tempest had to do was find the best opportunities and present them to the Shadow King. After a full day's work the Grey Exarch had many of her ideas written on parchment ready to be delivered. Luna completed the final touches, rolling up the many parchments, sealing each and everyone of them with a Tempest Family seal and handing them off to Lissa to deliver to the Shadow King Lindow Moonsun.

16th May

Summer Day - Evora

Maccio Aurelle

Roleplay at Karbala - Tournament of the New Tomorrow - Zenta Vs Maccio

Once Zenta begins his charge, Maccio returns his axe to his left hand, takes a southpaw stance and blocks and evades blows for a while. With a strike of his buckler, Maccio knocks Zenta's helmet off and then proceeds to kick his inner left thigh, close to the knee, throwing him off balance and into the floor. Once there, Maccio stepped on Zenta's broadsword and placed his axe near his neck.

- "Why visit a tabern when we've got all the ale we'd ever want 'ere? There're more fights to come, and I'd like to watch them. Plus, our liege is here, so 'tis best to stay 'round 'ere. Not a bad fight, by the way."

Zenta Carson

Zenta yields as the axe was at his neck.

Zenta: I yield, I yield. Obviously my strategy was flawed. Perhaps some other time then.

Zenta then agreed that it was indeed a good fight. For such a young lord to get the better of a veteran.

Zenta: I'm headed to the healers. Need to get this cut fixed up. I'll meet you later I guess, good luck in the next fight.

Zenta then leaves and heads to the healer tent.

End scene for Zenta.

Leonhard Of Xeno

Roleplay at Karbala - Tournament of the New Tomorrow

Leonhard arrives at the place where the tournament is held dressed in a dark robe and a rather suspicious hood. It would be among the people who would be watching the tournament.

- Captain, be careful that no one comes near. And drink some beer while I attend to some affairs. - I would say Leonhard handing him some coins.

- Understood Lord Leonhard, I hope you enjoy the tournament. - The captain would say

Leonhard will stand with his arms crossed watching the tournament and observing the movements of the rest of the nobles during the duration of the tournament.

After a couple of fights, head towards the area where King Lindow is located. Standing at the door where the guards are. Leonhard removed his hood, showing his face to the guards.

- I am Leonhard of Xeno, Lord of Negev, I come to see King Lindow. - I would say to the guards

Summer Evening - Evora

Lindow Moonsun

Lindow was enjoying the fight and. He was excited when he saw people's animosity due to the fighting.

At that time, Captain Rudgar approached Lindow and said

- Your Highness, I have been informed that Lord Leonhard de Xeno wishes to see you -

- Ha! tell him to go up to the balcony and join me -

- Yes, your highness! -

In a short time Leonhard appeared.

- Lord Leonhard welcome to the tournament, join and enjoy the festivity...bring something to drink for the lord! -

Zenta Carson

Zenta is standing at a keg drowning in delicious ale. He notices a servant come to the keg to get drinks.

Zenta: hey, hey boy, ya you. Who are you getting those ales for?.

Servant: I come for a lord's drink good sir knight.

Zenta: ah ok good good. Don't keep him waiting lad. You have very good manners young boy.

The servant bows to Zenta and runs off with the ale.

Zenta continues to drink and laugh randomly at thoughts of killing his enemies.

Leonhard Of Xeno

Slowly move towards the Lindow throne.

- My King, I'm sorry I'm late. It took me a long time in Negev. I was looking to make an archery academy, but I made a bad choice. Leonhard sighs - In a few moons I will march south towards Caligus. Do you need me to do something around there?

The glass of wine would come to Leonhard who would take it and take a drink.

- And as you see the tournament, I have only seen half and I see a lot of level among the nobles. Although a tournament does not show that you are better at war, they are different environments.

Leonhard would laugh for a moment before taking another drink.

Maccio Aurelle

Roleplay at Karbala - Tournament of the New Tomorrow - Flavia Vs Maccio

After his fight with Zenta, Maccio returned to a changing room, allowed his steward and pageboy to take his armour off, washed his face and hands, combed and tied his hair into a ponytail and walked to the balcony of the higher nobility to watch the rest of the first round's combats and have a drink.

Once the fights were over, he excused himself and left to rest for the next day.

Maccio woke up in the early morning and headed to the tournament grounds once again to prepare for his next combat.

- "How's the matchmakin' been this time? Did I get lucky?"

- "Lady Flavia Arindal will be your next opponent. She is known to like tournaments and has shown great skill in jousting."

- "Nice being a melee, ain't it?"

- "Yes, my Lord. You would have little chance against her otherwise."

- "A'ight. Didn't need to use any tricks against Zenta. Which means noone got to see 'em. They should be of use this time..."

- "I hope so. Now, let's get you ready. Do some warmup with your ankles and wrists while I'm at it."

Once ready, Maccio entered the arena wearing the same armour and carrying the same weapons as the day before. He walked to the centre to greet the king and offer a handshake to his opponent, but looked visibly confused.

- "I... I'm not sure whether to offer a handshake or a kiss on ye hand." - He said.

- This woman's got wrinkles on her wrinkles! I didn't know she was so old! How's this hag supposed to fight anyone!? Damn, even standing should be a challenge fer 'er! Doesn't she have rheumatism or somethin'!? - Maccio thought.

- "M'lady, I do not intend to disrespect ye, but... Are ye sure ye want to participate in this tournament? Such delicate body's not fittin' fer a sport this hard."

Flavia Arindal

"A handshake will be fine," said Flavia quietly. "And thank you for asking, but I have fought in tournaments before. And battles," she added.

  • Go right ahead and underestimate me,* she thought.

17th May

Summer Day - Evora

Flavia Arindal

Flavia was right to be cautious of this opponent; he soon gained the advantage over her. She surrendered courteously, wished him luck, and went to the gallery to watch the rest of the matches.

Lindow Moonsun

- This is a hobby in times of peace, or in times of doubt as we live now -

Lindow took a sip from his mead jug and he looked at Lionhard with surprise.

- Why are you going to Caligus? -

While a servant brought a mug of beer to Leonhard.