Dubhaine Family/Aoifa/Roleplays/2020/May

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Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17485
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

12th May - Dark Citadel


Godric Altenahr

The Dark King of Gothica sat in the near darkness of his cold empty hall, The fireplace was empty and had not known fire for many long years, so that the only light was a pallid moon filtering through rotten curtains and the ghastly green glow emanating from the eye slits and runes of the kings ancient ornate armor.

In his hand was a letter with the royal seal of Halcyon embossed on it. Under his gaze the paper seemed to writhe and then began to wither until there was just a fine powder left.

The figure spoke, and its sound was like that of a thousand buzzing flies

"Soooo" It said
