Dubhaine Family/Ciarghuala/Roleplays/1018/September

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1st September

Summer Day -- Dantooine

Donald Augustus Allan

"Ah, what a fine selection of fabrics you have brought, who knew that you had such great taste." Emyhr winked slightly followed by a rather cheeky grin. "So tell me, how fares things since the split? Unfortunately, apart from the efficient and organised work of Earl Staedtler I do not hear much from the south. I hope that the transition has been not to difficult. "

“My Lord, this is no mere bundle of fabrics and cloth, it is intended to disguise the gift! As you shall soon see”

He gestured to crimson cloth in the servant’s hands, it had a vaguely rectangular shape and clearly whatever it was, the servant didn’t enjoy carrying it.

“We’ve had a few troubles with peasants here and there but that is to be expected, they don’t know what’s best for them after all”

"Look who has decided to sharpen up for the evening! And, Emyhr, flawless as always. You two didn't coordinate the outfits at all? Blue and gold is in this summer, is all I've heard on it." The man of the hour had arrived: Earl Staedtler la Stylo, who looked only a little stiff.

Donald took the Earl’s hand and shook it, “My friend, it is good to see you!” said Donald as he pulled Staedtler forward and grip his shoulder in a boisterous manner before releasing him “Ah yes, blue and gold are very much in fashion and one must look his best for such occasions!”

Emyhr le Craint

“My Lord, this is no mere bundle of fabrics and cloth, it is intended to disguise the gift! As you shall soon see”

"How devilishly clever of you, a simple mistake but none the less I look forward to seeing the gift you have brought."

Emyhr brushed his hand through his hair and adjusted his doublet once again, in an attempt to hide the embarrassment.

"Look who has decided to sharpen up for the evening! And, Emyhr, flawless as always. You two didn't coordinate the outfits at all? Blue and gold is in this summer, is all I've heard on it."

"Earl Staedtler, I thank you for the invite to your wedding." After Donald had shook his hand, Emyhr gripped the Earls hand, not as rough as Donald but rather firm enough to not be outdone by Donald. "As Sir Donald says, it is not every day you get to attend such a prestigious wedding in such good company, dressing up a bit is but a small trifle in comparison."

Emyhr watched on as Donald unveiled such a marvelous looking bow, Emyhr couldn't help but look on in jealousy. Followed by a broach of such intricate design. Once the Earl had been given time to look over and thank Donald for the gifts, Emyhr presented the small chest that he had brought with him. Unlocking the silver lock with a simple click, Emyhr reached and opened the lid.

Inside, resting on velvet cushions were too shining pieces of jewelery. Emyhr took out a from his inside pocket a small square of the same velvet that the chest was inlaid with, picking out a cloak pin.

Presenting the Earl, now resting on his palm, was a golden lapel pin, the head of the pin was molded into the shape of golden eagle with his wings outstretched. along the ridge of the wings were small deep blue sapphires with seemed to glow with such intensity one could mistake it for candle light. Each feather on the wingspan had been painstakingly molded to stand out against the wing itself. Along the front was a string of polished onyx cut to fit perfectly along the neck of the figure, accompanied with a larger cut black quartz within the chest of the eagle.

"For you, Earl Steadtler, an Eagle lapel pin that has been carefully and painstakingly inlaid with blue sapphire, polished onyx and black quartz imported from faraway shores, The eagle remains outstretched both to reduce the weight but also to represent the many freedoms that you strive to uphold. And for the bride-to-be..."

Emyhr once again takes another square of velvet from his inside pocket and pulls out golden necklace, with simple chain style such that would cause as little irritation as possible. The main body of the necklace was molded with another eagle, this time with its wings in close perching on top of branch. This time, with such emphasis put on the front of the eagle, the blue sapphires that were present on the lapel pin had been placed carefully within the eyes of the eagle, a similar back quartz stone resides within the chest, however this one gave off a deep blue glow when light was placed on it.

"I present an eagle necklace, the chain has been made in such a way that should your bride wish to wear this for long periods of time, it would cause no irritation to the skin. The black quartz itself had been something I picked out myself when I had visited Askileon, the effect it creates when sunlight is shone onto it caught my eye, from what the merchant had told me the black quartz had formed around a piece of blue quartz creating this effect. I had arrange for a similar styling of jewelry for both the pieces however this is of special design."

Emyhr pressed against the side of the necklace, with a quiet click, the body of the eagle split in two, opening up to reveal a small cavity. Not big enough to hold anything of major size, however it would be able to hold small mementos such as rings or earrings.

"This body of the eagle opens up to reveal a safe cavity that may be used to hold small mementos, items which she wishes to keep on her person and keep them safe."

With this, Emyhr places the items back into the box and offers the box to the Earl.

“But more importantly, today is a day for giving gifts” he waved the servant forward who unfurled the cloth and presented the contents to Donald.

He reached down and produced a huge bow of red wood, banded with iron in places and at the end of each limb sat a small decorative lion also made of iron, the bow string seemingly running through their mouths. He rested it on his foot, confirming that it was as tall as Donald himself.

“Behold my Lord, this mighty bow is made several different types of wood to make it one of the most powerful weapons of its kind this side of Dwilight. And despite its immense size, would not be difficult for you to wield” with some small ceremony he presented it to Earl Staedtler, placing it in his hand “You could put the eye out of a beast from 300 yards, at least! On a calm day, 400”.

With the greatbow passed on he gestured once again to the servant who passed him a small crimson box, which Donald presented once again, revealing the contents to the Earl: inside lay a small broach, barely bigger than the palm of his hand and decorated with a symmetrical pattern of pearls orbiting a large sapphire and adorned with beads and threads of gold.

“And this fine thing is for your wife, or soon-to-be-wife, a golden broach made of pearls and sapphires. Why, merely wearing such a thing will attract the envy of any Lady of court I can assure you”.