Bluelake Family/IrisWyllaRP/Beginning

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The Bluelakes emerge in Atamara

New Knight of Elost

message to all nobles of Rieleston

A new knight has emerged from among the ranks of the Rieleston nobles. Iris Bluelake has taken up the vacant Green Glenn Meadows estate in the region of Elost and started her career today.

Knight returns

message to all nobles of Rieleston

Kevin DeBaun has unpaused the character Chi Motosuwa and rejoined the game.

New Knight of Hernepoole

message to all nobles of Rieleston

A new knight has emerged from among the ranks of the Rieleston nobles. Wylla Bluelake has taken up a vacant estate in the region of Hernepoole and started her career today.

Roleplay from Wylla Bluelake

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Leaving her men to lift camp so they could travel south, Wylla took a last minute hike to the lordly estate, and stopped for a brief moment at the shrine for prayer. The knight started noticing some curious looks from the local peasants and looked at herself. She didn't feel too out of place with her armor and sword, and everything seemed fine. She shrugged and walked down the street to the central square. It still felt she was being watched, and when she reached the square, she saw it. There was this large statue of... Iris? Yes, it really looked like Iris's face, and her long hair, and her elegance. Wylla sighed. Iris always had this elegance. Suddenly it struck her: of course! Iris' face was the same as hers! That's why people were staring... She grabbed a nearby woman's elbow and pointed to the statue:

"That's not me, lady, that's my sister. I think. But why would you have a statue of my sister here, anyway?"

The woman shivered, trying to get away, mumbling something about ghosts having sisters, but Wylla didn't let her go. "Really, I'm not following! Please, calm down and explain it to me!"

"The rabbit house, go there, please let me go?" The knight did. There was a definite crowd around them now, and she was starting to understand. The hare was her grandmother's royal flag. Her father had always told them how they looked like her... if it wasn't for their dark hair, like his. She felt a sudden wave of emotion and asked and listened while everyone around her told her stories of the old Lady of Hernepoole who revered the statue of a friend and built this tavern for the friends of the deceased realm. Wylla made a quick stop there before going back to camp to write to her sister to come by. Iris would really amaze these people. She was looking forward to the surprise.

Roleplay from Elessa Hammerfel

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Elessa stands amongst her man slightly tired from the last battle in Fiddleford.

All the current situations have been quite taxing on her. Her foolish cousin has become King of the Realm we wish to absorb. She knows her cousin will do all not to go to war but still she wonders why of all the realms in Atamara he must be king of Eston. Well on another thought it could of been another realm protected by the empire.

"captain!" she yelled


"I need to be a scribe immediately I wish to send a message to Lord Marlo and his uncle."

the captain turned and left. Elessa head toward camp with much her mind. She feels somewhere in Tyr the white rabbit still beats in his heart and she wants nothing more than to unite him with his heritage.

"How much a fool you are that you could lose yourself from where you have come" she mumbles as she walks.

Chi Meets Iris

Roleplay from Chi Motosuwa

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Walking down an old mountain path with mother, Alma was suddenly stopped by her mother who shouted in a thunderous voice "On your knees now Girl". Drawn back by the sudden outburst Alma quickly obeyed her mothers orders and as she turned to her mother she could see tears raging from her mothers remaining good eye.

As she lowered herself the the ground following her mothers actions she could hear Chi muttering to herself as she drew her sword and drove it into the ground in front of her "My Queen, My Queen...... you have finally returned to me." Alma notices that the more her mother spoke the ground turned to mud "After all these years you have returned ..... I have worked so hard yet I have failed you .... Forgive me."

Alma was shocked to see her mother acting in such away, for since she was reunited, she has only received harsh lessons and grooming, but this was a frightful sight to the young Alma to see the woman, her mother who was a compassionate as a sheet of ice fall to the ground in flowing tears. She still did not know would could drive her mother to such a state, her only thought was that age had finally gotten to her mother and this might be the sign that she should remain at home from now one.

After spotting a shadow descend on the path in front of them, Alma raided her gaze and could see a figure in front of them blocking the path. Behind the shadowy silhouette the light from the sun could be seen rising behind it and a golden outline could be seen surrounding the figure. As Alma looked closer, the mysterious figure came into view but it was no woman that she could recognize but it seems her mother knew her very well.

Unless they were both seeing things thought Alma.

Roleplay from Iris Bluelake

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Iris looked at the two women knelt before her, especially at the noble crone, and suddenly felt very young and inexperienced. All the elation and power she had been experiencing by walking through the mountains without hiding, without the cold from the north, and most importantly without pretending to be someone else... all of it vanished before that woman's tears. She bent and touched the crone's shoulder.

"Milady, milady, please don't kneel before me and please don't cry. I'm not worthy of your tears. I'm sure Queen Ilya did forgive you for everything, my father says she was really kind. Please, don't cry. I'm not her, you see?"

As the tears didn't stop, Iris thought of something Gavin always said, and got a lock of her dark hair in front of the woman's eyes. "Look, look, my hair isn't even the right color!"

Roleplay from Chi Motosuwa

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Reaching out Chi grabbed the young woman's hand and placed her other hand upon Iris's cheek.

"Ilya, you look so beautiful and so young. It is as though time has been bent to your will."

Seeing that words could not convince the old woman, Iris grabbed a lock of her hair and dangled it in front of Chi. Sadly the old woman was lost. Reaching up Chi grabbed her hair. "My Queen, I ...."

Worried that her mother had gone insane Alma frantically tried to snap her mother out of the confusion. "Mother!, Mother!" Alma began shaking Chi. "Mother this is not your Queen, She has said so herself. Think mother, could Iliya be this young?" Turning to Iris Alma asked "My lady, who is your father. Maybe this will help my mother regain composure."

As moments passed Chi fell silent but the teas has yet to stop. All the wile still holding the woman hand.

Letter from Iris Bluelake

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Iris was at a loss.

"My father is Ilya's son Gavin... Did you know him? He told us to come south to these mountains and become knights, we'd be safe here. Wylla and I." Looking at the younger lady, she asked. "Well, actually, I'm sorry, but who are the two of you?"

Letter from Chi Motosuwa

Message sent to everyone in your realm

"This is my mother Chi Motosuwa and I am Alma Motosuwa. I am sorry but I do not know your father personally but I have heard many stories from my mother about when he was younger." Turing to attending to her mother who was now doing better and coming to her senses.

"Gavin" Said chi in a calmer voice as she looked closer and focused on Iris. "Your ..... Little Gavin's daughter. You so beautiful and look so much like her"

Turing to Iris, Alma could feel something that she hadn't felt before. Doing well to hide her jealousy, she was shocked she could have such a feeling. Her mother had given this stranger more compassion in a brief moment then all the months she has spent by her side.

Putting her anger aside she asked Iris for help lifting her mother from the ground and continue there walk. "Lady Iris, would you kindly help me raise my mother, we are making our way to Hernepoole to meet with Lord Marlo." Almas face could be seen turning a little red as she spoke Marlo's name.

Roleplay from Iris Bluelake

Message sent to everyone in your realm

"Gavin" Said chi in a calmer voice as she looked closer and focused on Iris. "Your ..... Little Gavin's daughter. You so beautiful and look so much like her"

Iris saw the love in those eyes and almost cried. She whispered "Thank you, it's an honor", as Alma hurriedly spoke.

"Lady Iris, would you kindly help me raise my mother, we are making our way to Hernepoole to meet with Lord Marlo." Alma's face could be seen turning a little red as she spoke Marlo's name. The blushing wasn't lost on Iris. She smiled to the younger woman and helped bring the crone up to her feet.

"Sure, lady Alma. My sister told me to go to Hernepoole too, so can I join you on your way?"

After she started talking, she couldn't stop.

"It's nice to meet you. I heard a lot about the Motosuwas, for they married a Bluelake and helped our Ilya a lot during her reign." She lowered her voice "I think it might even have been your mother... can you confirm this to me later? If so... we're family! I'd be so glad!"

Roleplay from Chi Motosuwa

Message sent to everyone in your realm

As they drew closer the the region of Hernepoole, Alma was sickened by the feeling of jealousy boiling up inside of her. During there whole trip her mother did not even acknowledge her one, for all her attention was on the young Bluelake. Alma was slightly relieved when Iris would begin speaking to her, thought the conversation would be interrupted when Chi began telling stories of Iris's grandmother and her children.

For the conversations the young girls did share it was full of laughs and excitement.

" It is true, my mother is the one married into the Bluelake family. My father is Marcus Bluelake, we lived in Menedor .....". Alma paused for a moment to try and push past the bad memories she had when her father and herself had to go into hiding after Falasan peasants started to rebel in Coria. "I was in Menedor when Lord Ham found me and told me about my mother and that she was in this realm, safely we had to leave my father behind to watch over the estate but he is doing well and we write all the time ".

" Lord Marlo is a relative of Lord Ham and he...." Alma was quickly interrupted by her mother "At times that man Ham is a fool and is misguided but he is a true friend of your grandmothers" .

Alma stopped talking and let her mother have way with the conversation, it mattered little because they would soon be in Hernepoole.

"Heroes, that is what we are. None could compare to us and your grandmother was inspiration to us all to keep fighting."

Letter from Iris Bluelake

Message sent to everyone in your realm

They arrived chatting like that to Hernepoole. The first thing Iris wanted to do was go to the shrine and pay her respects, so Chi and Alma followed her. Chi was anxious to leave, though, and Iris had the surprise expectation of Chi's reaction when she met Wylla at the guildhouse, so they left quickly. When they got to the main square, Iris realised people were almost jumping at the sight of her, and the crone was smiling like she had a secret. When a man on horseback almost ran a child over from the start of seeing her face, Iris grabbed his reigns and looked around.

"This has to stop. Please look at me as much as you want. I'm not a ghost, and I'm probably not who you think I am... Lady Chi, can you explain it to them?"

Roleplay from Chi Motosuwa

Message sent to everyone in your realm

As the women reached the shrine Chi was more lively than she had been in years. She explained to the women that she was the one to create this sight and that she was the previous lord of Hernepoole, the same region that Iris's grandmother once reigned over. She did her best to skip over the conversation of how it belonged to Eston at the time and this was after the fall of her realm. As began talking about how the two statues in the region were created to honor the Falasani and its allies, a familiar but unknown figure to Chi appeared. As the new woman got closer Iris walked up to her and hugged the woman tightly.

Ilya turned to Chi and Alma and explained that the woman was her sister. When this was reviled to Chi, her heart raced and the look of surprise covered her face. This feeling was quickly relieved when she looked closer at the two women and realized that even thought they had the same face Iris look more like her grandmother then her sister. Chi lowered her head to Wylla in respect but showed her less admiration than Iris. After a few minuets of conversation Chi left Alma with Wylla. "Girl!" Chi shouted to Alma, "You are to keep the second Bluelake entertained and show her around the region. You are to follow her every command! Do I make myself clear!" Alma lowered her head with a depressed look and obeyed her demanding mother. Chi took Iris by the hand and walked her the the main square where a man on horseback almost ran a child over from the start of seeing Iris's face.

Moments later

"This has to stop. Please look at me as much as you want. I'm not a ghost, and I'm probably not who you think I am... Lady Chi, can you explain it to them?"

Chi responded to the people and bellowed in her loud voice. "People of Hernepoole, People of Falasan! The young woman before us is as pure of blood as our Queen Ilya. She is the granddaughter of our beloved Queen so this makes her master to all Falasani! Bow our heads to your new Queen!"

With out hesitation people in the masses started to fall to their knees. This act surprised Iris but was unable to stop Chi's new found charisma over the people.

with the attention now on Iris, Chi continued "This beautiful woman before you is the same in both blood and looks to our Queen. It is destined that our people will be freed from our current predicament and once again find ourselves a new home." As Chi spoke voices could be heard in the crowd.

"She looks like a goddess" "I have never giving up hope" "Some day I want to be like her" "I wonder if shes single" "Our Queen has returned"

The crowd was soon in an uproar clapping and cheering for Iris.

Roleplay from Wylla Bluelake

Wylla looked apprehensively when the old crone presented herself so humbly to her. She had never been revered before by a noblewoman and felt quite satisfied with herself. Then she started to realize the crone was actually devoted to Iris, and sent her daughter to come keep Wylla company. As soon as the order had been given, a sully Alma joined her side. Wylla tried making light of the situation.

"Hey, you're Alma, right? It seems your mother is quite stricken with my sister... well, since we started as noblewomen she has been drawing attention. I try not to care. She's a nice girl. Heart in the right place. Only can't fight well, that's all." With that, Alma's face started to relax, and they were soon having a shy conversation, while Iris walked ahead monopolised by Chi's attention, and Wylla started to see a more intense version of the attention she had attracted earlier.

And then the crone started a speech: "People of Hernepoole, People of Falasan! The young woman before us is as pure of blood as our Queen Ilya. She is the granddaughter of our beloved Queen so this makes her master to all Falasani! Bow our heads to your new Queen!"

"This beautiful woman before you is the same in both blood and looks to our Queen. It is destined that our people will be freed from our current predicament and once again find ourselves a new home."

While Iris smiled, at first shyly and then growing into a more beneficent and regal smile, Wylla watched in astonishment. People were kneeling, people were yelling, and Iris for a moment there became this person Wylla had never seen. Even she felt she should lower her head. Suddenly their eyes crossed, and Wylla could see how much all of this scared her twin. With a grin, she put her hand to the pummel of her sword and made their unspoken gesture of protection. Iris blinked, straightened up and spoke.

"People of Hernepoole, while this may be the dream all of you crave for, it might still be distant. I will need your strength, patience and endurance in the pursuit of this goal. We may reach it or not, but this I promise: I'll be forever fighting to free you from this predicament and make sure you all have homes to be proud of!"

The commotion still lasted a long time in the main square, but the noblewomen went into the Hunting Hare. There Iris swore her loyalty to Falasan and joined the guild, always followed and attended by lady Chi. Wylla and Alma stood on the side, and when all was done, they left together to Belegrond. Iris and Chi went not long afterwards.

The twins meet the Hormondsons

Roleplay from Ham Hormondson

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Ham and Marlo stepped out of the bank in Belegrond, a rather crude bank with all the looks of temporary structure. Strongholds never seem to have banks for some reason.

As the strode to their waiting troops they noticed two young women ... in armour ... looking identical. Ham went pale, the last of his dark hair turned white as he saw his queen again. Marlo just stopped and stared hungrily.

Ham gathered his wits first and looked at Marlo. "What are you doing boy?! I thought you liked Alma."

Marlo, eyes slightly glassy, merely said "Who?" before approaching the two young ladies. "I am sure I would have seen such lovely ladies before now. Who are you and are you joining us on campaign in Silnaria?" he said smiling brightly.

"I am General Marlo." He bowed courteously.

Ham merely smiled at Iris and Wylla. "Meet Iris and Wylla Bluelake. I am the head of the Falasani fellowship and the leader of the Warrior Saints here on Atamara. I was once Arch-Priest of Falasan. I, Ham Hormondson, am at your service, my dear ladies." He bowed respectfully. Just then his back clicked loudly. Marlo stood up straight and became alarmed at his uncle who gripped his arm in a death-grip. "Help me up boy!" hissed Ham.

Marlo tried. And Failed. Ham started to curse. Marlo grinned at the girls impudently. Both Hotchkiss servants turned up. "Let me help you sir".

Eventually, after much cursing and fussing. Ham was standing straight. His broad shoulders looking slightly awkward now in old age. Slightly embarrassed, he merely said "You look remakably like your Grandmother. I miss her every day." He limped away.

Marlo looked at his Hotchkiss, "you are much fatter than your uncle ... what's in the bag."

The fat Hotchkiss patted the bag fondly, it moved and purred slightly. "I've always wanted a pet. I just saw an old lady with dozens of these."

Marlo went extremely pale and gripped the dagger at his side. "That had better not be a cat. Cats terrify me." He admitted. All thoughts of the two lovely ladies at his side were gone. Hotchkiss mumbled something under his breath and hurried away.

Marlo turned to the Bluelake sisters. "We will travel through Dondor and Amdor and Camp in Meneriel. Please dine with me there. I look forward to your company on the campaign." He smiled ... looking every inch the son of Murdo ... and strode to his waiting men.

Roleplay from Iris Bluelake

Iris saw Marlo go away with a polite smirk on her face, and turned to Wylla who was looking livid with anger. She touched her sister's arm and they exchanged a meaningful look. Iris sighed.

"Yes, I didn't like him either... He's your liege, you say?" "Yes, he is. He seemed much better through his letters than in person, though. Not liking cats I can understand... but did you see the look he gave us? Alma is in love with him! She's our cousin! Can I go ahead and smack him for her?"

Iris now looked as mighty as Queen Ilya, though she didn't know it herself. "No! You never say that about your liege again. You must obey him, and if the order is too horrible, then you tell it to people who can deal with him. You can't. We are still too weak, Wylla." She paused "He might be a weird kind, but he's still General, and I suppose he didn't get there without any merit." She smiled "Also, uncle Ham seems nice and reasonable."

"Well, you've been thinking anyone who treats you like a queen is reasonable!" Getting her temper under control, Wylla restarted "But yes, sis, I know. He seemed like a good guy, if a bit old for his job. Just like the other crone. There's a lot for us to learn from them... things Father couldn't explain, and grandma wouldn't talk about."

Iris put her arm around Wylla's shoulder. "You know, I really like you when you stop to think. Now should we get ready to leave? Is Alma going with you?" "She is, but... oh, well. I'll just try to say the least necessary." "That's my girl." "Yeah. Let's go."

Meeting Lord Kai Allard

Roleplay from Wylla Bluelake

Message sent to everyone in the region Amdor (7 recipients)

Wylla arrived to Amdor riding side by side with Iris. Alma sometimes rode with them, and sometimes went off alone in explorations or lost in her own thoughts. The twins didn't mind the time alone. As usual, Iris's scribe brought them a short summary about the region. Iris went pale and started blinking back tears, so Wylla simply took the parchment from her hands. There, in a two short paragraphs, was a simple and direct description of Amdor written in their grandfather's words. The dame smiled.

"I officially like him, now. Isn't it nice, to find a trace of him? Like a lead left for us to follow?" she reminisced for a while in her own mind and continued "Hey, Iris, do you think we can find some of this herring?"

"No, Wylla, look. The lord here is someone father mentioned a few times. I think we should go pay him a visit."

"But it'll make us late. We have clear orders from the army."

"We'll be brief. You can go soon after introductions." She smiled coyly "And you know he fought in the Black Army, right?"

"Well... the orders didn't have a precise timeline. I think we can get there a day late."

"Ok, I'll have a scout announce us to Lord Kai."

Taking Barad Lacirith

Roleplay from Locke Odinians

Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) As they go about their work in Barad Lacirith, Locke notices a woman, much older than when he last saw her, she gives him a quick once over, shakes her head and begins walking right past him, he speaks just loud enough for her to here.

"What wrong Chi Motosuwa, see a ghost from your past?" as he puts his trade mark smirk on his face, waiting for her to turn and face him.

Roleplay from Wyscot Odinians

Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Wyscot leaves his men to their work, turns to find Locke still doing his part, and then he see a old friend not seen in this life yet, moving by him, he see Locke's smirk, knowing somethings about to happen, with Locke constantly annoying Lady Chi, and her equally volatile temper with him, he make a dash for the seen before it happens. Why Great Wolf couldn't Locke take things slow for once in his life, the man thrived on trouble making.

Roleplay from Marlo Hormondson

Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Ham clipped the back of Marlo's head yelling "What the Hell is wrong with you boy?".


"You really are your fathers' son aren't you?" Ham snarled. "What ever is the matter Uncle?"

"Stop lusting after the Bluelake sisters ... look over there ... I spent many weeks in the Dungeon during the Falasan-Eston war ... and Murdo relocates the family to the damn city!"

Marlo gulped. "And here you are ... looking at those pretty girls like they are some tavern wenches for your amusement!" Ham's eye twitched. "You've forgotten all about Alma, haven't you?"

"Well ..." Marlo began. "Lady Chi never lets her out of her sight ... and I have been busy at court and on campaign"

"So you lost interest because you couldn't get to first base?" Ham yelled as he slapped Marlo full across the face.

Marlo backed away ... his eyes flashed dangerously ... "You go too far ... Uncle" Marlo spat blood and stalked off.

Ham stared at his retreating back, surprised at himself. He turned and saw Iris and Wylla walking the other way ... oblivious to the drame in Family Hormondson. "I loved her Marlo ..." Ham whispered. "I loved Ilya."

A single tear slipped down his cheek. "Hotchkiss!" Ham called.

"Brandy sir? Good choice!" muttered Hotchkiss, who had seen everything.

"Stop trying to butter me up, son." Ham ignored the glass but took the offered bottle and took a long slug, much to Hotchkiss' alarm. Ham gave half the bottle back to Hotchkiss. "Give the rest to Marlo, son. Tell him everything ... and tell him I am sorry." Then Ham trudged off to the temple to the Warrior Saints.

Battle in Barad Lacirith

Total: 3 attackers (22 Inf, 88 Arch) 19 defenders (456 Inf, 402 Arch, 39 Cav, 149 SF) Total combat strengths: 1224 vs. 13134 35 neutral observers (30836 combat strength). The forces from Rieleston brace as they prepare to defend their ongoing takeover. The region owner Eston and their allies attack the takeover forces. The Eston troops attack because they are at war with Rieleston. The Cagilan Empire forces stay neutral because they have friends on both sides.

It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully. Even though there is a fortification nearby, neither attackers nor defenders are able to make use of it, so the battlefield is in the open.

Melass Howard, Knight of Belegrond, Marshal of the Republican Guard takes command of his army. They deploy in Infantry Wall formation.
Itenin Consequa, Senator of Amriel, Marshal of the Order of the Star takes command of his army. They deploy in Infantry Wall formation.

Lumia De Lancelot, Dame of Barad Lacirith has been wounded by Blue Eagles (8). Defender Victory!

The battle does minor damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 1 %.
