In The Folds/Four/01

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Lord Axylia Holds Court June 9, 2013
Hearldic H floral sm.gifis Majesty King Grimrog accepted Gonophor, the prodigal ſon of Duchy of the Berserk Bear, back Into The Fold in a ceremony ſteeped in tradition and mysticism. Lord Axylia Dundrave was appointed Lord of Gonophor. Early reports ſuggest that Lord Axylia will have a hard row to hoe as he takes control of a region with plodding production (10%), bleak morale (1%) and a disdainful view of Asylon (35%). Glaumring Apasurain, Royal of Asylon, Viscount of Vakreno Heaps, who was on hand to help with the take-over, described a region denuded of animal life and polluted by an era of ſolitude and neglect. "The effects of being ſeparated for ſo long under the Zuma showed on the peasants faces," reported Viscount Glaumring. "Especially the moonies as they called themselves a tribe from the ſouth of Gonophor, especially ſavage looking with dyed red ſkin and bone jewellery and furs." Despite a ſignificant language barrier, the Viscount and the tribal Chief ſhared a bowl the notoriously virulent Zuma Bloodmoon. On the bright ſide, Earl Wulfric Lucifer, Treasury Logothete of Asylon reported that the granary contained about 200 bushels of food, which ſhould be enough to ſustain the population until ſpring. It will allow Lord Axylia to concentrate his efforts restoring the loyalty of the population and crushing dißenters.
Comment on this story. by Lord Willhelm