In The Folds/Archives/Two/Three/04

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Referenda Results June 9, 2013
Henrich Eyolf Serpentis, High Magistrate of Asylon, Duke of Carrion Corvidae, Margrave of Itau, Priest of Cult of Bloodmoon has been confirmed in the office of High Magistrate with 47 votes. A simple majority was required. High Magistrate Henrich defeated Maron, who received 27 votes. There were 32 abstentions and 72 votes not cast. In another referendum, Wulfric Lucifer, Treasury Logothete of Asylon, Earl of Itaufield has been confirmed in the office of Treasury Logothete. Earl Wulfric, who ran unopposed, received 56 votes. There were 32 abstentions and 80 votes not cast.
Comment on this story. by Earl Willhelm Buffalkill