Church of Humanity/Temples

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"The strength of the Divine is Humanity, and the strength of Humanity is the Divine.

If one turns from the other we shall all become the lost and the damned."

Echelon of Places of Worship


Commonly known as shrines in other faiths, these small buildings can vary from a conversion of a simple home or a purpose-built structure. They serve local communities, known formally as parishes, and led by a non-ordained Deacon in day to day services. The buildings themselves typically consist of little more than an altar and several pews.

Monastery (Level 1)

Priory (Level 2)

Abbey (Level 3)

Abbey Church(Level 4)

Chantry (Level 5)

Church (Level 6)

Cathedral (Level 7

Grand Cathedral (Level 8+)


While all other types of temples have some sort of requirement based on its size or layout, the title of Basilica isbawardedbonly by the Arch Clericy to denote a place of worship that has some sort of great spiritual or historical signifigance to the Church. They frequently serve as pilgrimage sites due tontheir importance.

Houses of the Divine



Scarlet See (Kingdom of Caligus)

  • Nascot - Abbey of ()

Azure See (Kingdom of Eponllyn)

  • Al Arab - Abbey Church of ()
  • Zamor - Monastery of ()

Kingdom of Nivemus

  • Oberndorf - Priory of () Destroyed in violation of the agreement between Holy Church and the Kronogos of Nivemus.

Sable See (Empire of the Obsidian Islands)

  • Gadlock - Abbey of ()
  • Kazakh - Abbey of ()

Gold See (Kingdom of Perdan)

  • Aix - Basilica of Divina Justicarius (Chantry)
  • Ar Mosul - Abbey Church of ()
  • Bescanon - Abbey Church of Sir Pete the Martyr
  • Beziers - Abbey of ()
  • Bisciye - Chantry of ()
  • Brive - Abbey Church of St. Saerden the Defender
  • Bursa - Monastery of ()
  • Castle Ubent - Chantry of St. Aleric
  • Dimwood - Abbey of ()
  • Eldoret - Monastery of Grand Cleric Vicarius Benedictus
  • Montauban - Basilica of Our Lady of Light (Cathedral)
  • Moyale - Priory of ()
  • Partora - Abbey Church of ()
  • Perdan - Basilica of Divina Pantocrator (Church)
  • Perdan Mines - Abbey Church of ()
  • Woolton - Priory of St. Balkeese

Rose See (Most Serene Kingdom of Westmoor)

  • Bruck - Abbey Church of ()
  • Evora - Priory of ()
  • Hagley - Priory of ()
  • Morshes - Abbey of St. Saerden the Paladin
  • Poitiers - Priory of ()
  • Troyes - Abbey of ()
  • Westmoor - Basilica of Divina Redemptor (Church)


Amaranthine See (Sint)

  • Kif - Monastery of ()

Cobalt See (Empire of Old Grehk)

  • Junohep - Abbey of Pius Draco the Martyr
  • Kell - Abbey of () Destroyed by the apostate Nidor Lionheart. Awaiting restoration by Imperial decree.
  • Ossmat - Chantry of ()
  • Rolbury - Abbey Church of ()
  • Verdomite - Abbey of ()
  • Vozzessdor - Church of ()

Far Eastern Kingdoms


  • Azros - Abbey Church of ()
  • Dsinanas - Abbey of ()

Principality of Zonosa

  • Tunozo - Monastery of ()

Ecclesia Humanitas - The Church of Humanity
Doctrine The DivineOath of FaithMagni PeregrinatioPrayers and BenedictionsSacrosatictuni Scrinium - Saints & MartyrsVirtues & VicesOther Faiths
Organization Territorial and Titular HierarchyHoly Crusades - The Divine CallsTemples of the DivineVestments of Clerics and Templars
History and Sermons The RefoundingTexts of the Heroic AgeSermonsDocuments of the Unholy War of Eastralis
Orders Militant Ordo Fraternum Templarii - The Templar OrderOrdo Sancte Proelium - Order of Holy Battle