McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Kish

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Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

After her long voyage back from Paisland Kisharianda finally made her way to the Port City. She ordered her captain to drop her men off as she would no longer be needing them, she had asked Duke Mathias back in Paisly but her letter went unanswered and since she was not about to waste any traveling days back home she contacted Sorsha who agreed to take the rest of her unit.

She reached Sorsha's estate and she couldn't be happier, the last month had taken her away from her children. She looked down to Selena who was holding her hand.

"Are you excited to see Sorsha?" she asked and Selena's eyes grew bigger with anticipation as she nodded "Yes mommy, I want to play with her kitty" her smile showing a mouthful of white teeth. Selena had grown over the years and she was becoming quite the little lady.

As they got closer to the gate she looked over at the guard who quickly bowed before her "My Queen" and he looked over at Selena "Princess" and Selena giggled

"Please inform your Duchess that Selena and I are here to see her"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Asriel’s eyes never left hers and Sorsha hand tightened around his. “Perhaps you’re right Sir Asriel,” she conceded and then slowly pulled her hand away. “…maybe this melancholy is temporary.” She smiled, and looked back up to the sky. Deep down she knew her thoughts on the matter wouldn’t change, but there was no use in continuing on this subject of conversation. “Thank you for your company,” she smiled, masking her emotions.

There was a sound of someone clearing their throats and Sorsha turned to see Lorlan watching them and then bow. “My Lady, the Queen and Princess have arrived and wish to see you.”

At those words Sorsha’s face lit up, she turned to Asriel and took his hand with a small squeeze. “If you will excuse me,” she told him and rose from the chair. “Should you wish to remain the night, I will have a guest room prepared for you. I have been expecting the Queen for some time now, I will only be a moment.”

She turned to Lorlan, “accommodate Sir Asriel with whatever he wishes. I will not be long.” Sorsha then whistled and snapped her fingers and Lasair was immediately up and followed her.

Leaving the roof, she took the stairs and made her way to the greeting area. When she arrived, she noticed Kisharianda kneeling before Selena. Sorsha’s smile only grew wider as she noticed how big she had grown. “What a wonderful visit,” she said and Selena turned to see her and then her eyes lit up when she noticed Lasair walking lazily beside her. Sorsha approached the Queen and gave a small bow. “My Queen, it is truly wonderful to see you again.”

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Kish smiled at Sorsha's comments to Selena she was indeed growing up to be quite the Princess. Her long brown locks tied with small butterfly pins, her beautiful green eyes attentive to all the noise around her. She looked passed Sorsha and her pink bubbled lips curled into a smile.

"Lasair!" she giggled and walked over to him presenting her hand first as Sorsha had shown her. Lasair was much bigger then the last time Selena had seen him and she approached with caution but without intimidation.

Turning around she returned a small bow to Sorsha "My dear it's been too long" she leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Looks like you are adapting well to being Duchess" she smiled and Sorsha grinned.

Kisharianda looked at her for a second and she noticed right away that there was something different about her, her eyes they were different. Kisharianda continued to examine her and but a few moments she noticed that Sorsha was concealing more then she could imagine. Not saying anything to Sorsha directly she immediately knew she was with child and a smile formed on her lips, after she herself had recently given birth she noticed the small imprints of pregnancy. The rosy cheeks, the bags under the eyes and not to mention the long loose dress she was wearing. Sorsha was indeed a Duchess but that would not let her part with her leathers the only explanation to her not being in them is because they didn't fit comfortably anymore

"I have told the King I would spend a couple nights here with you, we have so much catching up to do, I think the last time we saw each other was in Paisly" she smiled "How is everything with you and Duke Mathias" she asked curiously

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha smiled as Selena approached Lasair and her eyes shone with approval at the way she presented herself to the large Ocelot. Lasair was fairly calm unless provoked or if he thought Sorsha was in danger, but with Selena he turned into a kitten. As soon as he smelled her hand, he purred and pushed his head into her and then flopped on the ground, and turned on his back, paws up, allowing the small child to scratch his tummy.

Kisharianda held Sorsha and she returned the embrace easily. “I’m glad you’ve decided to stay, yes we do have much to catch up on.” She indicated for Kisharianda to follow and looked over her shoulder to Selena. “They’ll be fine,” she said quietly and continued walking down the hall.

“Yes, Paisly… It seems it has claimed Mathias’ undivided attention. I have not seen or spoken with him since our injuries, therefore I can’t give you an answer to your question my Queen. All my letters remain unanswered, although he still makes requests for assistance of gold, the last I heard of him was a reprimand,” she said, her mouth souring.

“I had wished to tell him of my condition in person,” she motioned her small bump to the Queen, who by now knew simply by looking at her. “…but I was forced to break the news in a letter, that as well has remained unanswered…” she let trail off, the pain in her eyes and voice evident.

They arrived into her study, and Sorsha waited for Kish to enter and then closed the door to allow them some privacy. She then leaned against the edge of her desk as the Queen sat. “I am having difficulty, but I am slowly trying to adapt to the changes in my life. Soon his absence will not affect me as much….” she answered cryptically, her shoulders squared bravery as if already carrying too much weight.

Sorsha for all her emotional state could be extremely hard as well. It was dangerous to play with her emotions this way, she could go to either extremes. She could forgive unconditionally, or she could become so cold, so ruthless, she would turn around and never depend on anyone’s support again. It was taking time, but already she could feel the comfort of the void wanting to creep into the pain in her heart, her only problem at the moment was the imbalance of her pregnancy.

“What of you? How was your voyage? How is the King? I miss being in Port Raviel.”

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Kish listened as Sorsha spoke of her injustice from her husband, it troubled her but she was always good at hiding the most important things at hand. She sat and looked at Sorsha with disappointment in her eyes.

"The voyage was long and poor Selena couldn't contain herself in the carriage she was excited to get here we did make a small stop by one of the estates to admire the small waterfall and the people from the nearby estate were kind enough to give Selena some warm milk and cookies. Of course they noticed the Royal crest and just about tripped over their own feet to please her it was rather amusing I hope she brings love and joy to all those she encounters. As for the King well he is always busy with his work he considered coming for a visit but decided it was best if he stayed home and took care of the issues at hand, he sends his love." she looked back at the door by instinct, Lasair was gentle with her but she couldn't help but imagine him taking one bite out of Selena and she turned back to Sorsha "Are you sure she will be alright?" she asked nervously and Sorsha smiled "Lasair will not hurt her, she is safe" and she grinned.

"Good" Kish sat back on her chair and looked at Sorsha. She could tell by the look in her eyes that she was feeling a lot of emotional pain from the neglect of her husband and being empathic like she was she couldn't hold her tongue.

"You know my dear you can hide your feelings from everyone but you can't hide them from me" her brows furrowed "I know what you are feeling and it is perfectly normal, if I were in your shoes I would be just as infuriated as you are and just as deeply hurt" she stood up "How dare he ignore his wife this way, especially in this delicate situation!, not that it is my place but it seems that Mathias got what he wanted and now he has become a hermit in his former city ignoring the rest of us! Thankfully the King knows nothing of this situation it would only make him angry to hear that the woman he gave to him is being left in silence and with the burden of a pregnancy with no moral support!" she paced back and forth as she spoke and finally she stopped realizing that she was only feeding the emptiness Sorsha must be feeling not to mention fueling the anger. She sat back down and breathed slowly "You know there might be more here then we are actually seeing, maybe he is overwhelmed with the duties in the city or maybe his messenger is completely irresponsible and not delivering his letters promptly" she tried to reassure Sorsha, now knowing she probably caused more pain then support.

"Well don't you worry Duchess, I will stay here with you as long as you need me to, I will also see that Misha's sisters returns to help you with all your pregnancy she is stern but she is the best in D'Hara she will take very good care of you. I will also have Master Ugyel send his recipe for the perfect vitamin drink he made for me throughout my pregnancy it is rather good and it has a strawberry flavor" she winked knowing that strawberries were her favorite.

"We can also keep busy and make some clothes, I'll send for my carpenter and you can design the perfect crib so he can get to work right away. My mother will surely be delighted to hear she also can start making some clothes, she made so much clothes for the twins that they haven't even gotten the chance to wear half of them and they have already grown out of them I had Misha give the baby clothes for the people in Port Raviel" she laughed and rolled her eyes "My mother is rather hmmm, overwhelming at times" she gave a warm smile and placed her hands over Sorsha's "You will get everything that you need love I will see to it personally"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha gave a weak smile at Kisharianda’s words. “Yes I would like that.” She truly wished she could feel the same amount of enthusiasm but she was having much difficulty.

Kisharianda was right, she was angry, but not for the same reasons. She was disappointed in her husband’s silence yes, but more so the promises he made her which he didn’t follow through with. She could have chosen Rathan, the situation may have not been the best one, but perhaps he would have loved her as he promised. She could have very well left D’hara to be with him to protect the ones she loved, because in fact she had loved him immensely. Maybe if he had stayed with her knowing she was his, she would have succeeded in making him change his ways, saved him, redeemed him but no…she had stabbed him and chosen Mathias instead. Angry didn’t begin to cover it, she was livid because she had taken away all chances of ever seeing him again by killing him, her heart was not only empty of comfort, each day it bled. Although Sorsha wanted to clear up the matter, she knew now wasn’t the best time.

There was a small knock at the door and Sorsha then took her attention away from the Queen to answer it. When she did, Lorlan gave her a letter and she thanked him, and closed the door. When she broke the seal, she read the letter quietly and her eyes grew sad. She let the letter fall from her numb fingers. “Mathias has…” she started softly but couldn’t finish her words for the lump in her throat. “Please excuse me,” she apologized to the Queen and left the room.

When she did Sorsha ran to her bedchamber and slammed the door shut. She paced her room for a moment and then grabbed the first thing she could and threw it. It hit the basin and clattered to the ground. Ignoring it she continued to pace her room and closed her eyes and then released an angry heart wrenching cry.

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

She watched Sorsha get up and leave after opening the letter all she knew was that it was news of the Duke but she couldn't be sure. She knew being Duchess to a city demanded much of one's attention at times, decision and precision in certain situations would not allow much time to rejoice in the simple pleasure of time alone. She stood up and walked back to the hall where Selena was still playing with Lasair.

"Look mommy" Selena got on top of Lasair who was still laying still on his belly "He's like a horsey" she tried to wrap her arms around his muscular neck while she sat directly on his back "Can I have a Lasair too?" her eyes sparkled with the question and Kish smiled

"Well you see Lasair is a special kitty honey he's an ocelot and he was given to Sorsha as a gift" she paused and knew that Selena would not understand so she tried to simplify the answer "Lasair is Sorsha's friend and a big Kitty like Lasair needs a LOT of attention" she smiled as Selena hugged him and laid her head on his back "I take care of my Lasair too mommy" she batted her eyes and showed a mouthful of teeth, that was indeed Kish's weak point. "Well maybe when we get back home we ask daddy if we can have a kitty like Lasair, and if he says yes then maybe we can get a baby one for you" she reached to grab Selena's hand and Lasair looked back at Kisharianda with a warning and Kish took her hand back "Selena honey why don't you come with me we will get our things settled in our room and then you can play with Lasair again okay" she stepped back and let Selena slide off his back. After Selena's was by her side she offered her hand to Lasair and waited for him to smell her and she gently petted the back of his head giving him a scratch behind the ear. "You are quite a protective kitty" she gave a small nervous smile.

Lorlan was just walking back into the hall and Kish walked towards him "Lorlan could you show me and Selena to our room, I believe that Sorsha might need some time to herself, and could you please have someone bring me some tea and juice for Selena" she smiled and Lorlan nodded quietly showing them to their quarters.

Selena talked about Lasair non stop on their way to the room, she had grown so much since the last time she had seen him she was completely fascinated by him. Kisharianda always traveled with Misha and she had been busy unpacking the Queen's personal things along with Selena while she was greeted by the Duchess, once they entered the room Misha had taken out new clothes for them to get comfortable in and she had also prepared baths for the both of them Kisharianda smiled and looked over at Misha.

"We will need to have your sister revisit us" she said as Misha untied the back of her dress.

"My Queen you are with child again?" she asked surprised "Oh my no" Kish laughed "I think that the King and I are perfectly fine with our family as of now, maybe in a few years we might consider" she looked back at Misha as she pulled over her corset.

"Duchess Sorsha will be requiring some very special attention" she smiled warmly "And I want your sister to see to that, and when her time nears I would very much like that you help her as well" she slipped the long skirt off her waist.

"I would be honored my Queen" she answered "I love being around new babies" she looked over at Selena "Come here you little monster" she ran for Selena and Selena let out a laughter as she ran from Misha "I'm going to catch you and you know it" they ran around the bed as laughter filled the room and Kisharianda smiled as she watched them. A few moments passed and a light knock sounded at the door and Misha opened it.

"The Queen's tea and juice" a maid bowed as she entered "Thank you" Kish responded "Tell your Duchess that she can find me in the garden when she is ready, and please tell her there is no hurry I will be admiring the grounds" she smiled and the maid nodded and left.