McDowell Family/Alec McDowell/misunderstanding

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Roleplay from Zadek Dragul

Zadek looked down at the graves of the men he had just lost and asked the guardian spirits to watch over them. This was the second time in a week he had buried his men from battles against Caligus. Now there were only his captain; Burgolf, Rorick, the only soldier left and himself.

He thought about the storm that had been in his mind and heart for a week now. No, he didn’t want to start that again; the black rage that held him since he had made such a total fool of himself with Alec and Fiona. Maybe his mother and sisters were right, he wasn’t a very good judge of people. He had thought Alec his friend, and had truly cared for Fiona, hell he still did, but no sense in going through that again. Her feelings were definitely not directed at him in the same way. What he has seen in the tavern made that obvious.

Enough of old history, he had to get to the capital, wait for taxes and get recruits for his unit so they could fight again. He turned to Burgolf and Rorick, “well nothing more we can do for them, but make sure they gave their lives for something worthwhile. Let’s head for Oligarch and get some more men and take our vengeance on those Caligus dogs for what they have done!”

The three looked one last time at the lonely graves beside the road, then headed off to Oligarch to begin yet again.

Roleplay from Alec McDowell

After several days of traveling Alec finally arrived in Oligarch. He needed to recruit an entire unit, since his last one had been wiped out to the last man. He had barely made it out himself, but lady luck had truly been smiling down on him. Remembering the thunderous battle cries from the Sirion forces he paused in his tracks and passed his hand through his dirty blond hair with a sigh. Soldier or not, death was no easy feat to handle, especially when it was rendered to the people he led there, delivering them, to be slaughtered.

He was still fairly new to the area therefore he only knew two places. Kaylan was not at her estate, having previously moved ahead where she was direly needed, and the tavern he had met Zadek in. He still hadn’t figured out what he was going to do about Fiona and Zadek, he had thought about it, but there was no maneuvering his way out of this one. He simply had to figure out a way to speak to Zadek without him walking away.

Making his way to the tavern, he entered taking a long look around the room. He found the familiar table empty and took a seat. It wasn’t even a minute later he noticed the barmaid approaching. She had noticed him right away and tried to appear as if unrushed, but he knew her intentions, sadly today he didn’t care much. “I’ll have some ale,” he said softly and she gave a nod. She lingered for a moment, but his attention was directed to the table in front of him. Moments later, she came back with the tankard and he looked up. “Thank you,” he gave a weak smile then added, “keep them coming.” He paid her and she walked away, looking somewhat disappointed by his lack of attention. “Well, here’s to you boys,” he took a drink and sat back replaying what happened, wondering if he would have done things differently, if the outcome would be different.

Roleplay from Zadek Dragul

Zadek and his men got into Oligarch and he sent his captain to look at the possible recruits that were available. He wouldn't be able to do anything until taxes, but at least they could see what was available. He left Rorik to set up camp, and began roaming through the streets in Oligarch.

He wandered through the market, stopping here and there to look at their wares. At one shop, he saw an exquisite glass rose in a vase. It was a deep red, and the bloom was perfect. He almost bought it for Fiona, then realized that there was no need. He put it back and smiled at the shopkeeper, an older woman who smiled knowingly at him. Did the whole world know he was an idiot? he asked himself.

Before he realized where he was, he had come to the tavern where he had met Alec and had had dinner with Fiona. He almost walked past, but his grumbling stomach convinced him to enter. The meat pies were good.

As he walked through the door, he spotted a familiar figure at a table in the corner. Well, his stomach would have to find somewhere else to be taken care of. He wasn't in the mood for anyone right now, least of all Alec. He turned on his heel to leave.

Roleplay from Alec McDowell

Alec had been lost in thought, when he noticed the light coming through the door. He looked up and blinked. Zadek was standing there and he let out a small croak. The blond man turned around and let the door close behind him. Letting go of his drink, Alec practically jumped off his chair and rushed to the door. He had no idea what he was going to say, but he didn’t want him to keep thinking he was nothing but a conniving backstabber either. “Zadek,” he called out as he opened the door. “Wait man…let me explain.”

Roleplay from Zadek Dragul

Zadek heard Alec call out to him and stopped. "What now?" he thought. He started to walk on, but Alec caught up to him and put a hand on his arm.

“Just give me a chance to explain, it’s really not what you think,” Alec started with an uncomfortable laugh and removed his hand when Zadek turned around. “When you walked in the other night, I was trying to get her to join us at the table….”

"She joined you all right," Zadek said through gritted teeth. He wasn't sure he was in the mood for this conversation at all. "You two must have had some laughs about me when I left. I hope you enjoyed the night." Zadek turned once again to leave.

Roleplay from Alec McDowell

“Attacked is more like it,” Alec countered with a frown. “That woman is hostile she practically ripped my head off…” he raised his voice, “and with her teeth! Look, I don’t blame her, I didn’t exactly go about it like my usual smooth self…” his brows drew down and he focused on Zadek once more. Only Zadek seemed to have enough of his conversation and seemed to have stopped listening but Alec followed behind him. “The point is… she fancies you Zadek…” and then he spoke under his breath, “and thank the gods not me.”

Roleplay from Zadek McDowell

"Fancies me?" Zadek stopped in mid-step and stared at Alec. He shook his head and started to walk away. Then he stopped and turned back toward Alec. "After me spilling my guts to you about the beautiful Fiona, and then witnessing how you "talked", you actually expect me to believe that she fancies me? You said that first night I was out of my league with her, and I guess you proved it."

Zadek stood there with his fists clenched to his side, he had to get out of here before he said or did something he would regret. He turned again and started away.

Roleplay from Alec McDowell

“I was trying to help you,” Alec insisted and his step faltered. “Look the last thing I would try to do, is take your girl from under you. She rushed after you, you know…” he said and Zadek stopped walking. “I’m sorry,” he apologized, “Look just give me a chance to prove to you this was all just a big misunderstanding. Then if you’re still not satisfied, you can hit me…. Hell everyone is hitting me these days, so what’s another?”

Roleplay from Zadek Dragul

Zadek stopped and looked at Alec. He really looked and sounded sincere. He looked pretty pitiful and Zadek noticed the remainder of a black eye.

"Maybe we should take this inside and not give all the townspeople more entertainment than they have already had?" Zadek turned and walked toward the tavern.

Roleplay from Alec McDowell

“Great,” Alec gave him a pat on the back and followed him in. When he sat down at the table, he winked to the barmaid. “Sweetheart, bring him some wine why don’t you?” She nodded happily both from having something else to do, and his renewed attention in her.

Zadek looked up and said "bring us something to eat as well," and handed her some silver to cover the meals. Finally Alec was able to explain what really happened.