McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/Hero

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Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah was out in the streets of Azros with her entourage of guards, making sure the populace was doing well. She enjoyed doing this, as it brought her closer to the people, and she could see first hand what she needed to do to ensure their loyalty and happiness.

She turned a corner and down the street, she could see a man signaling to another beside him. He was dressed in black, and his presence gave an air of command and intimidation. Dei had briefly seen him in the past, but had never had a chance to truly speak with him. “That is Sir Malificar Jeckyl, my fiancé’s Second in Command, is it not?” Deianarah asked her servant and he quickly nodded. “Yes your grace,” he confirmed and she gave a nod.

Approaching them, she then stopped a few steps away from him. Her guards stood a distance away and Deianarah waved for them to remain there. “Sir Malificar,” Deianarah greeted with a smile. “How are you this day?”

Roleplay from Malificar Jeckyl

Malificar and his squire both turned to face Deianarah, and greeted her. Malificar merely bowing his head to acknowledge her.

I am in mourning, for the loss of Sir Hexic Jeckyl. Malificar signed so that both his squire and Deianarah could see. "Sir Malificar is mourning, for the loss of the famed Duke Hexic Jeckyl your majesty."

He was slain in battle as a hero against the Netherworld on Dwilight, a group that calls themselves the Zuma. There were 500 of the daimons against 100 D'Harans. They stood little chance, and he died attempting to safeguard a retreat. Malificar again signing so that both Deianarah and his squire could see. "Duke Hexic died as a hero in a battle against daimons on Dwilight, called the Zuma. They commanded 500 demons against 100 D'Haran soldiers. They stood little chance, and the Duke attempted to safeguard a retreat. He was overwhelmed and died in the field."

After hearing the words of his squire, Mal let his head bow out of respect, and signed a prayer for Hexic. "Malificar is praying for Hexic. He was a living legend, and Malificar held him in very high regards."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah watched with extreme interest as Sir Malificar used hand signals to communicate with his squire, quietly wondering how they had perfected this technique and what could possibly prevent the noble from speaking. Of course she was too polite to ask and nodded at his squire’s translation.

“I am terribly sorry for your loss Sir Malificar, to battle especially against Daimons is a remarkable feat, and to die from it, a truly honorable death. I will inform the King of your loss and if it pleases you, we shall honor his memory in the palace.” She lowered her eyes out of respect and then frowned. “Wait… D’Harans, did you say?” she asked looking up with fear in her eyes and Malificar nodded. “My sister Sorsha is in D’hara,” her face blanched. “I shall have to send word immediately and get news…” she said absently trying to cover up her concern, the man before her was already grieving his loss, it would be rude of her to continue focusing on her personal matters.

“I am unsure how you wish to honor his death, but I will hold a feast in his memory at the palace in a few days time. You shall be our guest of honor of course,” she smiled at her invitation.

Roleplay from Malificar Jeckyl

Malificar finished his prayer, and raised his head. A feast is not necessary. So few here knew him; it would have little meaning. I appreciate the offer.

"Sir Malificar says that a feast will not be necessary. Since so few here knew him, it would have little meaning. He appreciates the offer however."

The way I wish to honour his death is to battle Soliferum... and win. Mal turned to his squire and signed a brief message directed only to him. Tell the Imperial Inquisitor that it is time we ride for Arrmol.

The squire quickly relayed the message, lest Malificar leave without him. "Sir Malificar has orders to travel to Arrmol, and we are already behind schedule. If you would excuse us, your grace." Both Malificar and the squire bowed slightly, awaiting to be excused so that they may depart.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah nodded to Malificar, “then go to Arrmol Sir Malificar, and make C’thonia and Sir Hexic proud. Be safe and may Hildr lend you strength and protect you.” The other noble and his squire nodded and Deianarah turned, and with her guards returned to the Palace.

When she returned to the Palace, Deianarah found Thain who was busy overseeing several matters in his study and she sat in the chair on the other side of his desk, across from him. She watched him for a few moments, marveling how each time she saw him, she loved him more.

Finally she spoke. “Mo’Cuishle, your second, Sir Malificar has just recently lost a member of his family. A great hero, Sir Hexic Jeckyl.” Thain looked up and she shut her eyes slightly. “There was a Daimon invasion in D’Hara, on Dwilight…” she paused and swallowed. “I think maybe a small commemoration is in order, I believe it would hearten him to know we honor his family.”

She then looked down to her hands, and realized she was playing with them nervously. “I also fear for my sister, Sorsha,” she admitted “she was also in D’Hara.”

Being in his presence gave her comfort, but not knowing was difficult and made her worry over what her mind created out of fear. “The last time I wrote to her, she didn’t say much to me. She seemed rather cold and distant. I fear much has been happening. I would like to see for myself, but I know I could never make it there…” she finished absently.

“I must also tell Alec, but I fear he’s left already. I’d much prefer telling him in person, than in a letter. He’s been rather quiet as well.” She sighed and tsked her tongue. “What is wrong with my family?” she asked not really expecting an answer from Thain but speaking her thoughts out loud.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain pulled Dei into a tight embrace.

"Don't worry love. I'm sure Sorsha is just fine. She's probably dealing with some hard times right now. As for Alec, I'll tell him. Don't you worry." he said reassuringly, kissing her on the cheek.

"As for Malificar, I have something planned. None who lose their lives fighting the Daimons should go unforgotten."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

“You’re probably right,” she said half heartedly as he kissed her. “Just… give Alec the news lightly. He tends to be really overprotective when it comes to family. As for Sorsha, I’ll write to her again.”

She circled her arms around his waist and looked up. “Anything you wish for me to do?” she offered. “I… have to admit. I need something to do not being able to join the battles makes my days here waiting, long.”

Taking his hand in hers, she discreetly led him away from his work, and they walked out of the study. “I do have some good news though. My headaches have cleared up a bit… and the pregnancy is going very well.” She then leaned into him as they continued to walk away, hand in hand.

“I know you’re leaving,” she said quietly, knowing from Malificar that Thain would be heading to Arrmol, “just give me a few more minutes to enjoy speaking and spending some time with you.”