Lapallanch Family/Zakilevo/Zakilevo's Letter of Resignation

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Letter from Zakilevo Lapallanch
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)
Proud nobles of the Elven Republic,

I hope all of you are enjoying the tournament being held in our capital. It is a well earned reward for services you have provided to our great republic.

As everyone can see from the map, a new colony has been created by Caligus in the land of the former Democracy of Fontan.

To strengthen the relations between Sirion and the colony, I will be leaving Sirion after the tournament to become the first judge of the colony. I will do my best to wrap up what I have begun before I leave Sirion. If you are interested in leading our republic then please do start preparing your speech now.

If you are unsure if you should run for the position or not, let me share my experience.

When I decided to run for the position, I did not know what kind of a mess I was getting myself into. After winning the election, I realized the republic was facing some problems.

First, our war machine was not what it used to be and I was tasked with finding a good general to revitalize our rusty machine. Margravine Rugina was on the top of my list and I believed she could reshape our military.

Second, Thanks to Perdan and Caligus, Westmoor was slowly gaining ground against Fontan. Also, our ally Nivemus was having trouble with Saxons infiltrating their upper ranks, raising their voices to aid their fellow Saxons in Fontan.

Third, this happened a bit later, the new system was causing the tension among our lords and dukes.

Out of the three problems, the first one was my biggest concern. At the time, I was somewhat intimidated by the strength of both Westmoor and Perdan as they could field a total of over 35k CS. When Perdan withdrew from Fontan, I decided to declare war on Westmoor to stop them from expanding but in my mind, it was an attempt to rebuild our military. Before the war, I had a talk with both OI and Perdan to see how they would react to the war. Both realms agreed to stay out of the war as long as we did not attempt to destroy Westmoor. It was somewhat vague so I decided to draw myself a line, deciding not to attack Westmoorian cities - which I somewhat regretted later.

When the war things worked okay until General Rugina resigned for personal issues. While we were selecting our new general and reorganizing our armies, Westmoor managed to crawl their way to Montijo and looted the region. We faced more challenges when General Webin, who was inexperienced at the time, only sent one army close to Oligarch while sending other armies to Braga, which led to the disastrous battle in Greatbridge.

Thankfully, we did not lose any battle after that and I got more time to work on other matters. I originally planned to ally with Armonia but that came to a halt when Armonia declared war on Epollyn. When I realized I would not make any progress, I decided to make the council become more efficient. But it turned out to be more difficult than I thought to actually define the limitation of the council and government positions. The next Prime Minister should continue to review and work on improving the government procedures as they are still not perfect. After I finished working on that, I created the food committee, hoping to solve the problem we are facing with pricing of food. Also, I have planned out the RC building project which will start with Slimbar. There are several other small projects you will find out once you become the Prime Minister.

Being the Prime Minister of Sirion is not an easy job. You have to constantly think about what you can improve on and what you can do to weaken Sirion's enemies. What you have to remember is you must adapt your vision to ever changing reality. Also, you must be consistent to earn trust of your peers. Westmoor is a good example of having no consistency as they fancy back deals with other realms.

At the end, I failed to accomplish what I have promised to our people. I was too incompetent to achieve any of the goals I have promised. I really hope the next Prime Minister is more competent than I am, competent enough to lead achieve whatever he promises to the people of the republic.

Glory to Sirion and her people!
Zakilevo Lapallanch