Fortune Telling

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The Oracle

Fortune Telling is an ancient technique of divination. It is also known as "casting the oracle" or "reading the trails", for in the past four snail would be placed on a board in the evening, and two bundles of fresh grass at its extremities, and the trails left read in the morning.


There are several ways of casting the oracle. Although the techniques differ, a general principle of casual generation underlies them all and any fortuitous ways of obtaining the figures is equally valid. Two techniques are most widely used.

The Casting of the Coin

This system is the most widespread, for it does not need any equipment and it just uses a silver coin (although any coin will do). The two principles - moving and still - are assigned to the sides of the coin that is then cast on a board or a circle. The lines are drawn from top to bottom, and the coin recast if it falls outside the board, for the casting was not done in line with the cosmos. With four castings a figure is obtained.

The Drawing of the sticks

A bundle of sticks is held in one hand, or in a container. The bottom half of half of the sticks is painted evenly, while the other half of the sticks is painted in broken sections. Four sticks are drawn in order and a figure obtained.

Other Techniques

Any mean of obtaining the figures is equally valid is the principle of casual generation is respected. The figures can be drawn on small pieces of parchment, put in a bowl, and one then picked without looking. A deck of cards can also be used, or the flight of birds observed. It is rumored that the Bloodmoon Fruit is secretly used in the chambers of the West, and the lines drawn in the trances it induces.

The Figures

The Well





The Well, or the Abyss, receptive primal power. The well represents the inscrutable depths of water, absolute malleability and adaptability, and the primordial creative energy. The well stands for the earth in opposition to the sky, receiving its life giving rain, and woman in opposition to man. Life yielding passivity, the Well represent endurance and perseverance, bringing to existence and transformation what around like the yeast in the dough.

The Well in the oracle can mean that bringing about change is not advisable, but one needs to stay steady and let things develop. Like the well receives whatever is thrown into its depths, so one needs to be open to advice and receptive to what surrounds him. It also represent duration in time and and patience.

Like, in the forest, the hunter immobile listens to the sounds around him, and knows that movement will scare away its prey, so one needs to wait and be receptive, for it is not time for action.

Its animal is the turtle, its body part the belly.

The Word





spiritual quest, disregard for material gain (beaker upside down)

Its animal the eagle, its body part the hand.

The Passage










Thunder, or the Snake, divides the sky to earth in a frightening moment, tearing apart the fabric of the air. It represents sudden change, revolutions and revolts, and the division that comes with them; it embodies excitation and ferment, energy too strong and restless to be confined and the breaking of boundaries.

Thunder in the oracle can mean that sudden change is about to come, and action must be taken to bring it about. The conditions are ripe, the old rulers are weak and it is time to bring them down and seize the kingdom. The wood of the cage is rotten, and a powerful blow is needed to set one free. Thunder asks for brave and reckless behavior, for one's life to be put on the line for a radical change. Initiative must be taken, now is the moment.

Its animal is the snake, its body part is the foot.






The Swamp





pleasure gluttony mouth

Its animal the pig, its body part the mouth.






pelvis genitalia

The Tower






Its animal the elephant, its body part the spine and bone structure.

The Road





The Road, or the Way, represents the basic principle of activity and strength.

The Cave





The Cave, or Dusk, the sun no longer illuminates the earth and all disappears in darkness. One hides in the cave and cannot be found, on the surface his lantern cannot be seen. The sun has sunk into the earth, at this time it is essential to be cautious and hide one's lantern to not be spotted. The thief mingles with the crowd, and becomes invisible. The rabbit hides in the hole, so the fox cannot find it.

The Cave in the oracle can symbolize a time for holding things inside and not be carried away. The image is of someone hiding, hiding his motives from the crowds or mingling with the surrounding concealing its difference. At dusk all becomes the same in darkness, and one needs to hide the torch not to stand out, for it is not time to shine. The figure can represent a secret, or a force acting behind what is visible: things are not what they seem.

Its animal is the snail, its body part the digestive system.

The Bride





The Bride, or the Seductress, is sign of beauty and seduction. Mainly a passive figure, the Bride is usually favourable, depicting a situation where one does not go out to get the desired object but invites it to come. The Seductress walks in the gardens, aware of the gazes of the young nobles, invisibly inviting to come forth. The bride lifts her hand, waiting for her beloved to hold it, but at the same time suggesting it. The Bride represents passivity in activity, passivity that induces activity and gains through inaction.

The Bride in the oracle represents a calculating attitude that obtains the desired goal through stirring the

Its animal the peacock, its body part the hips and lower back.

The Braid





The Braid, or the Family

order, harmony, well functioning. sentiments, wedding

The Cage





The Cage, or the Dungeon, represents imprisonment and binding. One is trapped, forced to wait, and movement is impossible. The waters soar in spring, and one is trapped between the gorges, and needs to wait for the end of summer to be free. One's intention is discovered, and instead of bringing gold and fame, the deed is exposed and one imprisoned in the darkness of the dungeons. The cage represents binding, impossibility of freedom from bondage or responsibility. The cage represents failure, an abrupt stop to a project.

The Cage in the oracle is generally unfavourable. The cage suggests that the action one has in mind is against the rules of the firmament and is destined to fail. It also denotes delays or setbacks, or that one is bound by promises or responsibilities. In some readings it can express security, the high walls of the citadel and protection: however protection comes here with loss of freedom.

Its animal the hedgehog, its body part the ribcage.

The Firmament





The Firmament, or Eternity, represents innocence. The rule of the firmament is unchanging and moves the cosmos, and man is relieved of any responsibility. Anything is permissible if man is in line with the immutable rules of the firmament above. No further motives drive his action and nothing is hidden, like a child man casts his head back and laughs to the sky.

The Firmament in the oracle is extremely auspicious. Any actions undertaken shines with success as long as it is done with pure heart in accord with the cosmos. It is not time for subterfuge and manipulation, or for long-term planning, for one needs to act instinctively and will succeed. One needs to cast away the burdens of responsibility and act without attachment: choice without planning, childlike innocence. The Firmament can also represent unpredictability, for nothing can be planned under the figure of innocence.

Its animal the tiger, its body part the teeth and the nervous system.

The Beaker









