Arrakis Family

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Error: no local variable "name" has been set. Family
Arrakis family.png
Family Crest
Fame Error: no local variable "fame" has been set."Error: no local variable "fame" has been set." is not a number.
Wealth Error: no local variable "wealth" has been set."Error: no local variable "wealth" has been set." is not a number.
Home Region Error: no local variable "homeRegion" has been set.Property "Family home in" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "homeRegion" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Home World Error: no local variable "homeWorld" has been set.Property "Located on" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "homeWorld" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

Arrakis Family originally hailed from the glorious city of Calis on Atamara but through time they have been relocated to Jariedma on East Continent. The reasons for the relocation were the problems the family had with proper heirs as they were assassinated by enemies, the family treasury being empty and the family's business on the verge of bankruptcy. Luckily, just a few heirs have managed to survive and have made their new headquarters in Jariedma.


The family and its nobility dates from the days that scholars don't remember and the time that wasn't sung by the bards. In those ancient times on a continent forgotten by both men and beast, a man rose from the peasants and declared himself a king. He was a barbarian known as Monachus Arrakis and from him originates the renowned family today. It's a family whose blood is hot and swords sharp and their honor never allows them to break the bonds of humanity. The majority of the family were warriors, raised through strict discipline and with steel in their hands, but there were likewise some less significant member rising to learn and profess trading and economy.

It is not known how the family made their way to the world-known islands, and the history of only one of the heirs of Monachus can be traced, while the fate of the others is unknown. The only heir of Monachus found himself on the sandy shores of an unkown continent. As he later found out, that continent was Atamara. And thus it became known to the world of men that the noble Arrakis family exists, and from Svarog Arrakis begins the noble line of a new age and a new rise of the proud nobility. Svarog had four sons: Asterion - the oldest and the most restless one, Reginauld - the first to hold his family banner in a noble world, Boreal - the just, and Mythos - the youngest one.

Three of these nobles have been respected greatly enough and have formed their own House within the family. Descendants of the House of Boreal, House Mythos and House of Asterion still roam and fight to continue the tradition of their ancestry. These Houses vie for power within the Arrakis family, and seek to claim the Patronage of all Arrakis'. A new Patron of the family is usually coronated when he assumes this role. The current Patron of the family is Leopold of Iashalur.

House of Boreal

Boreal was the most renowned member of the family who was also the first to aspire to the rank of royalty among them. He was a man that reminded of Monachus like no other, and as such it was expected from his descendants to carry the same just and grandeur traits. He had two heirs although some claim that he had more children. The two were Dagobert and Alexanderos. Little is known of the former, while the latter lived enough to see his offspring come to age, raising his sons Leopold and Levon to young aristocrats. History remembers another member finding his way to this House through marriage, Anarion the Dalian, who has been a member of the Dalian aristocracy.

Boreal Arrakis - Dead
Alexanderos Arrakis - Dead
Dagobert Arrakis - Dead
Leopold Arrakis - Alive
Levon Arrakis - Alive
Anarion Arrakis - Alive

House of Mythos

Mythos was bathed by the golden gaze of Ramsus, aspiring to great wealth and power. Under his leadership and by his wisdom the Ibladeshi hordes have overrun the South of East Island, marking the start of a new era. After his death, his only son Abraxas managed to save the family legacy by reforming the family's home in Jariedma. After Abraxas' heroic fall on the walls of Ibladesh, Gregorian became the only living member of this House. Since Gregorian was sentenced to battle for his life in the emptiness of Beluaterra, the House of Mythos is currently almost extinct.

Mythos Arrakis - Dead
Abraxas Arrakis - Dead
Gregorian Arrakis - Alive

House of Asterion

Asterion's life was marked by heroic battles in the southern parts of Beluaterra. Under a banner of Riombara Asterion rose to heights he never achieved before, hence forever engraving his name in the tomes of the Arrakis family. His two heirs, Palidor (the older) and Giskard (the younger), live even today. Palidor had a son Baodouin who inherited his heritage after his fathers death.

Asterion Arrakis - Dead
Palidor Arrakis - Dead
Giskard Arrakis - Alive
Baudouin Arrakis - Alive


A group of nobles that came to the family either through marriage or merit. All of them strive to make a glorious names for themselves, and receive the blessing from the Patron of the family to form their heritable lines.

These are only the recorded ones.

Reginauld Arrakis - Dead
Saguar Arrakis - Dead
Fiur Arrakis - Dead
Orinn Arrakis - Dead

Family Fame


FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 0th Day
Mythos: Ibladesh
FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 10th Day
Boreal: Niselur
FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 100th Day
Boreal: Niselur
FB General.png
Mythos: Ibladesh
FB Judge.png
Abraxas: Diocese of Aix
FB Banker.png
Baudouin: Cathay
FB Duke.png
Asterion: Grehk
FB Lord.png
Palidor: Yipinalke
Sum: 12 points

FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 10
FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 20
FB Wealth.png
Family Wealth: 2000
Sum: 6 points

FB Army Sponsor.png
Army Sponsor
Asterion: Army of the Sun
FB Investment.png
Family Investment
Abraxas: Aix
Unique Item
FB Guild.png
New Guild
Abraxas: Defenders of the Faith
Sum: 5 points

FB Heroic Death.png
Heroic Death
FB Legendary Hero.png
Legendary Hero
Sum: 4 points

FB Placeholder.png
Sum: At least 0 point

FB Placeholder.png
Sum: At most 2 points

Total: 28 points

  • Received 2 fame points on the same day. Really don't know for what so they are under the "Unknown".