Decimus Family/Axim Decimus

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Axim Decimus

Well-known traits of Axim: Honour, Integrity, Knowledge

Axim is one of the original members of the Decimus_Family. Although not as renown as his twin brother Basilius, Axim loyalties are deeply rooted in the realm of Eston in Atamara, where the Decimus ancestrial home was located up until recently. Axim's strengths lie in his faith and honour to his realm and his fellow knights, which has allowed the young noble to rise as a Cavalier. Always one to express his opinion, Axim will always try to offer solutions to the most pressing of problems, and be there to step up to the plate to protect the realm he serves. He values honour above all, and will never strike down an attempt to gain knowledge or uphold his honour.

Latest news has Axim becoming quite the swordsman, studying the movements and strategies of the worlds best swordsmen in hope that he too would become one...

A passerby on a recent campaign noted that the young cavalier had an air of respect around him, and was very observant of the hard times that had fallen on regions as a result of prolonged conflicts. "We must be aware of the effects that waging war have not only on our Knights and those of our enemies, but of the innocent inhabitants of these lands we continuously battle for control over.."