Avis Family/Ramiel/First Crusade

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Proposal for the First Crusade: The Culling of the Western Abominations

Proposed during the Spring of Dwilight Year 15

My Lords and Ladies of the Realm Council and the Ordensraad,

As you know, our Lurian Empire is constantly and consistantly attacked and invaded by the abominations that spawn in the deserts in the west and the Divide Mountains in the north. I propose that we instead of waiting for them to come out of their caves and dunes and form into the massive hordes we see, we strike them first whilst they stumble out in groups. We kill them all and burn their bodies. We slaughter them utterly and let them not even get near our regions.

To do this will require an extensive plan, detailed enough so that no Troop Commander can misunderstand it and flexible enough so that it can be adapted to suit the situation as required. Herein I present the First Crusade: The Culling of the Western Abominations.

The First Crusade will require mulitple armies and organizations and support personel all working in cohesion with one another to make it a success. Aside from the Crusaders of the Path who will be the attacking military force, I also plan to bring along Adventurers from the [Lurian Adventurers League], a Priest or two from [The Manifest Path] and a few forward scouts from [Pian en Luries]. The defending army will be composed of three regular army personel from the Crusaders of the Path as well as all courtiers left in Pian en Luries, it shall be named the Aegis of Luria. With so many different collectives working in unison, there will be need for one unified command front. Because of this, Overall Command will fall to me as Marshal of the Crusaders of the Path, with Operational Command of Pian en Luries and its defences falling to Marshal Franz. Command of the Courtiers and Priests left in Pian en Luries will fall to the Warden and the Manifest Path respectively - however this is a time of war and as such I will expect the full cooperation of the non combatants with the Aegis of Luria, it very well could save their lives as well as the Realm.

The basic overall plan of the First Crusade will be remarkably simple. A forward scout will go to mountains of the West Divide and start acculmulating scout reports every sunrise and sunset of the neighboring regions. The Aegis will take up position in the cursed region of Lupa Lapu and scout the neighboring regions as well. Ideally the Aegis will stay in Lupa Lapu as long as possible - we know from history and reports that Lupa Lapu seems to be the main meeting point of the hordes from the Divide Mountains before they invade Pian en Luria. Poryatu will be fortified and a large contingent of militia will be stationed there. This is the defensive line of Pian en Luries.

The Crusaders of the Path will start in Ciarin Tut and move to Mattan Dews - wiping it clear of the Abominations. The League will then send in its adventurers to keep Mattan Dews clear. Once Mattan Dews has been purged, a small force of the Crusaders under the command of the Vice Marshal will invade Girich. The rest under my own command will invade the region of Axewild. Again the League will come in behind the military forces and start clearing the region - leaving one adventurer in Mattan Dews to keep the Abomination Population from forming a horde. Once both regions have been purged, both contingents of the Crusaders will march on the Desert of Silhouettes and arrive at the same time. Again the League will come in behind the army and do its work, again leaving an adventurer in each region.

The small force that purged Girich will then be tasked with purging Sallowwild and Sallowtown. The main force will stay in the Desert of Silhouettes. I expect heavy resistance from the abominations in the Desert and daily hordes forming. Once Sallowtown is clear - the task force will march back to the Desert.