Madigan Family

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House Madigan

The descendants of the Jazuma Family, by way of the middle son Halcyon, House Madigan remained reclusive and hidden until the brothers Aurelius and Hendrick petitioned for the right to adventure out into the world. The family relented and sent the two scions of the house out into the world


Jazuma Family

Noble Members


A fiery and restless youth, it was Hendrick who first attempted to leave House Madigan to see the world and convinced his brother to do likewise. Confidant, passionate, and hasty, Hendrick is more confidant in his martial prowess than he should be and is eager to prove himself to those around him. He arrived in the realm of Nova Luria where he was warmly welcomed by D'Arricarrère Family/Torpius who converted him to the fold of Aetheris Pyrism, a faith that he now pledges his life to.


In contrast to his brash and hasty brother, Aurelius is a calm and considerate young man, not gifted in the ways of the sword, but given over to being a scholar and thinker. Overshadowed by his brother, he never learned much in terms of combat, instead choosing to spend his time in the family library and listening to his father's tales. Thanks to his silence, bookishness, and delicacy, many treat Aurelius as if he is an aloof princeling, someone looking down disdainfully on others.