Evans Family

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The Evans family, or the House Evans, comes from Tunozo on the Far East Island.

They have three scions that have been especially successful:

The Dame Eilonwy, who is a leading member of a knightly order in Avamar on the East Continent, and has served the tiny realm as both General and Judge. After Avamar's downfall, she traveled to the islands that had been formed after terrific volcanic activity, and has aided in the building of a new realm there, the Kalmar Islands.

Lord Morvawn, her uncle, who has served the Highland Empire on the Far East Island well, first as Count of Unotosa, then as a leading member of the rebellion that threw out the incompetent Sadi. He then served for a long time as Judge, and served as Marshal until he was captured by Lasanar; leading the military forces of the Empire in combat against the many invaders the Empire faces. His unit, the Myrmidons, has been recognized as one of the best in the Empire.

He was then selected as Count of Athios. Before long, however, his region was the only one left in the Empire. To prevent it from being lost to the hated Sartania, he was forced to surrender the region to the slightly less hated Lasanar. However, in an act of deception, they banned him soon after. He accepted an invitation to join the realm of Nighthelm, where he currently resides.

House Evans and he have never gotten along very well, he has always been the black sheep, but lately they seem to have been reconciling their differences. This may be soon tested, as the realm he has choosen to serve is at war with the realm of Zonasa, of which the Evans are the royal family of.

His Serene Highness, Prince Morgan Evans of Zonasa, brother of Eilonwy and youngest of the family, has succeeded beyond all expectations. First serving as Baron of Razrpot during a relief effort, then later as Duke of Zonasa, Morgan was chosen as Regent after Prince Zhao Ziyang died in battle. With no viable heirs, Morgan has been chosen as the next Prince. His reign has been far from peaceful, but for all the conflict, Zonasa has managed to prosper under him.