Markus Roleplays

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Roleplays involving Markus

The Rise of the Assassins

Roleplay from Markus von Richthofen
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Walking through the streets of Domus in the night, Markus von Richthofen moves like a predator cat from shadow to shadow. Wearing a dark cloak over his white silk shirt and black breeches, only a medium length blade and a dagger on his hips, he looks like any of the folk moving about at this time of night. His black hair covered with a deep hood, the only thing that denotes him is the silver rose pin clasping his cloak.

After reaching the Northern end of the palace complex, the 31 year old slips a grate out of the ground and proceeds into the cellars. Not many come this way anymore... Not many would dare without our say though... he thinks to himself as he descends the rough cut stair that leads to his home away from home. Disarming the various traps that wait for the uninitiated and rearming them behind him, he approaches a heavy oak door that is thrice banded with metal and has no knob or knocker. Jumping up and grabbing hold of the brickwork directly above the portal, he climbs up several feet to hit the switch that opens the door.

A muted scene from what he once recalls awaits him, the empty chambers of the Assassins Guild are dim and ring with echoes of past glories. Since his return from near-death Markus has thought of nothing but increasing the power of the Guild and wreaking havoc upon the Ibladeshian hordes. Someday soon... There will be glorious chaos among their ranks, and then all will know that the Crown of Caligus is protected from all foes. Nothing will stop the Gryphon, not on my watch... he thinks as he throws his dagger into a target at the far end of the main room. Sinking into the black and gold chair at the end of the long table, he kicks his feet up and lays his head back, taking his rest for the evening and hoping that tomorrow will be more eventful.


Roleplay from Kevin Fergus
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Kevin rode along the path from Moyale in near silence. Yet again his unit had been decimated. Whether this was due to poor military planning, or if Ibladesh was simply armed with superior strength he did not know.

Coming to the crest of a hill, Kevin felt something graze his calf. Looking down, his old dagger from his time in the shadows rested there. It had lost its sheen from disuse, but had certainly not lost its bite. It had slipped from its pouch, emblazoned with the insignia of the assassin's guild in Domus. The leather was cracked from age, but the emblem was still quite clear against the fading leather. The grip of the dagger was black metal, a rare substance reserved only for those who had proven their worth in the dark.

Kevin remembered this time well, and he had certainly enjoyed it. He'd left when the people asked him to serve as High Marshal in the opening days of the war with Perdan. Caligus had truly shown her strength then, it was only a pity that Ibladesh's own pride caused this descent into chaos.

But still... he was not the young lad he used to be. Could he even still wield the blade? Turning it in his hands, Kevin took a few swipes at the air, the blade whistling in its flight. Stopping his horse to think, Kevin called to his Captain:

"Captain" "Yes M'Lord?" "When we arrive in Domus, you and the men are ordered to return to your families, and to protect the city walls from the Ibladesh hordes." "But, m'lord, what of you?" "I think it's time I returned to my old ways. Perhaps there is still some slyness in these old bones yet."


Roleplay from Alden Fergus
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A letter arrived for Alden, sealed with the Fergus family emblem. It was from his mother. Tearing it open, Alden read its contents.

"That damnable fool!", Alden cried, "He cannot possibly think that he still has the ability to do such a thing!"

Alden mounted his horse, setting off for Domus. He would show his brother the error of his ways before the enemy chose to do so himself.

Roleplay from Hector Mcloud
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It was late at night in Domus. The streets are all but empty, and the moon providing the only source of light. The silence is broken by the sound of footsteps, a man can be seen walking down one of streets. Alone, the man makes his way down the dark street, gazing up at the stars while seemingly daydreaming about the days events. Suddenly, out of the darkness of one of the alleys, a dark figure springs forward towards the unsuspecting man. Before the man can react, the shadow is on top of him, franticly he wrestles to fight off the attacker as they tussle on the ground. Reaching towards his only weapon at his disposal, a dagger, the man attempts to arm himself. No sooner than the dagger is drawn had the attacker drawn his own and succeeded in knocking the man's weapon, and only means of defense, from his hand

With the attacker now having the man pinned and his dagger at the man's throat, the man smiles and laughs, "Good work Sir Hector, would I have been your target, I would have stood no chance."

The attacker pulls back his hood, and his young face can be seen in the moonlight. Raising up off of the man, Hector extends his hand to help the man to his feet. As the man is gathering himself Hector sheaths his dagger back in its place, a small sheath strapped on his left shoulder.

"Well done Hector, you have passed my test and have proven your worth to me. You will soon be a real threat in the shadows. Since your skills now surpass those of my own, I will have to pass you on to another tutor, as there is nothing more I can teach you."

Bowing to his tutor, Hector's happiness can be seen in the expression on his face. "Thank you tutor, I am most grateful for all you have taught me."

The tutor points to the the sheath strapped to Hector's shoulder, "Nice touch My Lord, I do not believe I have seen that before."

Nodding, Hector replies, "This was my first field test with it and I am impressed, it was much easier to access my weapon in a fight, I think I will incorporate this into my attire."

"Indeed, now let us head back to the Academy, I believe I have a recommendation I need to write." The two make their way back to the Academy, just as the sun is beginning to rise.

Roleplay from Markus von Richthofen
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Waking suddenly to the sound of a bell chiming frantically, Markus falls backwards with his chair and lands rather ungracefully on the stone floor. His first thoughts are rather foggy and slow to form:

Well, I guess I deserved that... Maybe I should have gone to my quarters last night... but no, that would make me far too easy a target for some upstart pup... Beer? Yes. A beer sounds perfect. It must be night once again...

Rising slowly so as to take in the scene in the Assassins Guild meeting room, Markus sighs, noticing two letters in the drop slot next to the well secured and nigh-on impossible to open door. Curious, for he had not noticed them upon his entrance, he walks to the box and removes both letters. Both are sealed with the Guild Insignia along with being dated in code, denoting their authenticity, and both are rather thick.

New dossiers? Hm, there must be activity amongst the shadows again. Let's see what my intrepid scouts and dastardly scoundrels have to say today... probably more worthless chatter...

As head of the Assassins Guild, many reports and letters flit hither and anon from the desk of the eldest von Richthofen, and reading them is typically a taxing chore so early upon rising. After moving to the sideboard of the room, grabbing several dusty bottles of room temperature beer, and uprighting his fallen chair, Markus begins to read through the latest bits of news that his underground network has brought to him.

Opening the smaller of the two files, a familiar enough face leaps out from a rough sketch of a young Nobleman who is known for his fiery passions and ambition. Quickly browsing through the other information on the young man included in the packet, Markus slides the folder to the side and opens a beer.

So... Good Hector has taken up the dagger... if the tutors already think him that far advanced... Hells, looks like I'll have to teach another youngling the passcodes and trap settings... Charon be praised for alcohol at least. It might take the bite off my tongue for when he arrives... if he arrives that is...

Markus chuckles, remembering the corpses and bones lining the myriad fake paths to the Guild. More than a few had applied for membership, but very few had made it through the Labyrinth, that hellish invention for testing the true mettle of an Infiltrator. Recalling his own torturous nights working through that nightmare, Markus merely lets out a dry laugh and goes back to his drink and his readings.

Upon opening the second file, Markus immediately coughs up several unhealthy swallows of his beverage, soaking his right sleeve and splattering the floor with booze. "By Charon's paddle! If this be true, I'll give Dastan a full months pay extra this year!" the excited nobleman exclaims to the empty room. Looking up, he realizes that he is alone again, and a sad look crosses his face.

"...old profession... spook the horses... Domus... existing skills being nurtured further... delirium... hardheaded... will not listen to me... too old... foreign place... remains safe..." Markus muses aloud whilst reading the first page over again, keeping his beer safely away from the parchment this time. An odd glean comes into the eyes of the Elder Assassin as he continues to read through the dossier on the Lord Kevin. His thoughts after a while turn elsewhere...

With that track record, not many would dare to stand against him... I wonder... Would he burn the food of Ibladesh though... Some do have scruples... fools... I guess I will wait for him to return to these hallowed chambers personally... The old fiend had best make it quick though, we are low on brandy...

Roleplay from Kevin Fergus
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Kevin passed through the streets of Domus, near the palace. These were familiar surroundings, a place he had been before.

He had ordered his men to go home to their families. Many were confused, some concerned. He assured them that it was by no fault of their own, and that he was only concerned for their wellbeing. Kevin had, after all, seen much death in these past few weeks. The hordes of the Ibladesh army had spared no measure in battle.

Looking around, Kevin made sure he was not being followed. Pausing, Kevin turned his dagger over in his hands. This blade was not only his ticket for entry into the guild, but also a journal of his past. It had silenced enemies and opened doors, and much much more. It was time to see how much of its old ways this blade remembered.

Just then, Kevin was surprised by a noise from around the corner of the palace gate. Raising his dagger, he turned to face the sound. A cloaked figure stepped from the shadows of the palace gates and into the sunlight. Kevin immediately recognised the emblem on the cloak and sheathed his dagger.

"My brother, I did not expect to see you here." "If only I could say the same, Kevin. Mother sent me." "That old bat. I tell her one thing and she worries herself sick" "She's not wrong, Kevin. You aren't as young as you used to be." "Don't you think I know that? If I thought another way was possible, do you think I would be here?" "Frankly? Yes. Yes I do. You still carry that dagger with you and I am to believe you have totally left your old ways?" "That is besides the point, Alden. It has become clear that Caligus has no chance on the battlefield. Our military leadership cannot seem to keep their own orders straight and regularly issue new ones on a whim. This is the only way that Caligus holds an advantage. Unless we are to see our homelands razed again, you know as well as I do that this is where our advantage lies."

Roleplay from Alden Fergus
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Alden paused to consider his brother's words. Sadly, they were not untrue. Alden didn't much care for his brother entering the land of the shadows once again, but it was not a too distant memory of his childhood home being burned to the ground by invading hordes. This was, after all, what pushed him into service as a knight.

Alden chose his next words carefully...

"Kevin, it is clear that your mind will not be changed. I do not like you putting your life on the line in this way in the least, but I like us loosing our homelands... again... even less. Mother has provided me with gold from the family fortune to see that your equipment is repaired and up to snuff for your coming missions."

Kevin, apparently surprised by this response, visibly deflated for a second...

"Alden, you know I do not mean to cause worry to you or mother, but I will not allow our homelands to be taken again. Caligus took our family in after Ubent fell, and our great King has promised us the Castle Ubent when we reclaim it. We owe her our efforts to keep her safe at the least"

Alden paused for a moment, turning Kevin's words over in his head.

"I will use the money Mother has provided to see that your equipment is repaired to the highest degree of quality. If you will give me your dagger, I will also see that it too is sharpened to a fine point so that it serves you well"

"Forgive me, Alden, but I believe I will see to that myself. It is not that I do not trust you, or mother, but just that my line between life and death lies on this blade, and I would rather see that it is overseen by myself."

"Very well Kevin. I will not stop you, but Mother will not be pleased to hear that you have disregarded both of us. I would recommend that you do not keep her in the dark for too long."


Roleplay from Kevin Fergus
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Kevin's heart began to slow as the conversation with his brother begin to slow. Sharing one final glance, Kevin passed into the alley that would lead him to the assassin's guild.

Disarming the traps with care, Kevin contemplated his brother's words. It was important that he did not loose sight that more than just Caligus needed his presence. His brother, his mother, and the rest of his family also needed him. Kevin had not yet met a woman who would call herself Lady Fergus, but he had also hoped to continue his family line.

Indeed, it was important that Kevin did not loose sight of the fact that perhaps more than the fate of Caligus rested on his choices today.

Passing into the shadows, Kevin opened the door to the assassin's guild, and noticed a single person within the room.

"It is time that this order should regain the respect it once held...", Kevin stated to the figure "But I must know how you knew of my coming. If I were unexpected, I know as well as you do, Sir Markus, that I would have never reached this door."

Roleplay from Alden Fergus
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Alden's heart was all at once heavy and relieved. While he could not talk his brother out of this potential suicide mission, Alden did at least rest assured that he could do what he may to ensure his brother's safety.

Passing through the markets of Domus, Alden found several items of use to his brother. A vest of supple leather, while useless in open battle, would perhaps prevent an opponents blade from tasting flesh. Amongst the other standards items such as rope and hooks, Alden ordered two items of special interest.

The first was that Kevin's old cloak, which had been left at the Fergus estate when Kevin was elected High Marshal, be repaired. When Alden retrieved the now repaired cloth, he was most pleased with the craftman's work. The cloak was dark green in color, with the Fergus family seal used as a clasp near the hood. Black rope completed the garb. Alden noticed that a pouch had been sewn into the right side of the cloak for Kevin's dagger. The craftsman stated that a similar design was apparently being tested by other Caligan assassins to great effect, one whom was a friend of the craftsman. This allowed them to reach their blade faster, and the pouches location on the cloak would mean that the wearer need not indicate his intention until it was already clear.

The second item was much smaller, but Alden felt was much greater in value. A silver neck chain, with the emblems of the Fergus Family and Sanctus Acies set upon each other. It was Alden's hope that this chain would protect Kevin, or at the least remind him that others did wait for him to return from the shadows.

Returning to where they had previously met, Alden moved down the alley as far as he felt safe. Seeing a scribe move down the alley, Alden stopped him. With a tip of a few silver, Alden asked that the box of items reach Kevin in the guild safely.

His mission now done, Alden wrote a letter to his mother informing her of the results of his quest, and began his trip back to Aureus.

Roleplay from Markus von Richthofen
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Sitting at the head of the long table, Markus toys with his recently un-walled dagger. The blade shows nicks and scratches, but the edge of the weapon is as fine as ever. Slow tossing the dagger up into the air, Markus uses his right hand only and while waiting for the dagger to descend, takes a drink of his beer, replaces the bottle, and catches the weapon by the handle in one deft movement. This goes on for some time, until the beer is empty, and another is required to keep the bored nobleman sane... or at least as sane as can be. Departing for the sideboard, which is well kept by the various breweries in and around Domus, he grabs a newer bottle of lager and then a second. Suddenly in the drop box a single note attached to a small heavy object is dropped. Moving towards the door and the drop box, he reaches in and gathers up the note. The small heavy object is a pouch of coin from a friend in the tax office.

Several days waiting, and 90 gold to my name... Hells, I hate being this lowly funded... Time to ask the Council for additional funds... And Fera really should know better than to be seen dropping anything down that chute during the day... I'll have to have a chat with her...

Taking his coin up in one hand, and carrying the two beers back to the table, Markus sets one down at the right hand side of the head chair and the other directly in front. Gathering up the many empty bottles from around the room, he places them back on the sideboard so they can be returned to their respective breweries to be refilled with that chosen nectar of the von Richthofen heir.

Suddenly, another heavy object falls down into the drop box. A single dark green stone with the mark of the guild is what Markus sees when he rushes over to inspect. Moving swiftly, for he knew not how much time he had, he moves to the East wall of the chamber, pushes on a particular stone and enters another room, one full of levers and wheels. Several deft maneuvers and the Labyrinth is set to the Path of Shade, the ony accessibe route to the chamber doors. All others lead to certain death, or insanity in a hole, or places that cannot be spoken of by any save the Elders.

Moving back into the main chamber, he gathers up another bottle of beer, as the two he had been planning on drinking won't be enough for his expected guest. With several additional torches lit on the pillars around the long table, Markus goes back to his customary seat and stabs his dagger into the arm of the chair, patiently waiting for whoever approaches.

When the door opens, Markus is not surprised to see Lord Kevin Fergus moving into the light. Standing up, Markus raises his head to expose his neck, the customary greeting of the guild, and moves forward as the Lord Fergus speaks:

"It is time that this order should regain the respect it once held...But I must know how you knew of my coming. If I were unexpected, I know as well as you do, Sir Markus, that I would have never reached this door."

At this, Markus produces the green stone and hands it to his Comrade.

"Lord Fergus, welcome back. Your chambers of old remain through the same doorway. Have you your dagger as proof of intent?" he asks, and when seeing the weapon in question presented, continues as protocol dictates.

"Glad indeed I am to see you here, the whispers were not sure if you would truly be coming. But you would be remiss in thinking that because we do not hold the respect of old, that we have lost our eyes. The network expands as always, even if we have not the agents to act on our information." Markus states as he leads the Lord Fergus to the table, with the dossier on Hector McCloud still open. Markus had already placed the Fergus dossier in a safe place, the fireplace along the west wall which was crackling with flames quite merrily.

Motioning to the dossier, Markus chuckles and shakes his head before speaking:

"This man seeks guidance, according to my sources. He is not unskilled with the blade, or at slipping around amongst the shadows. Mayhaps another agent in these halls would do us good. Particularly if we are to gain the respect of the Continent, or even the Realm at large. I have dispatched one of my men to bring him to the entrance of the Labyrinth. I myself will meet the young man there at sunset if he is to become one of us. In the meantime, tell me of yourself and how you've fared, also, share a drink with me my friend. The sideboard is better stocked than when last you stood here, that I can assure you. I've made it a point to enhance our liquor supply."

Roleplay from Hector Mcloud
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After clashing swords for nearly an hour, Hector and the tutor pause for a moment to catch their breath.

"Good work Sir Hector, let us take a break now, no use in killing ourselves. We will resume training shortly." "Agreed, a break will do us both well."

Walking to the outside of the training courtyard, Hector finds him a seat and sits to relax for a moment. Watching the other tutors with their students, Hector watches stances of the fighters, seeing where he needs to improve on his own. Suddenly a shadow appears over Hector's shoulder.

"A message for you Sir Hector"

Surprised by the stranger, Hector springs from his seat and faces the messenger. Without saying another word, the stranger hands a letter to Hector. As Hector receives the letter, he glances at the seal on the envelope, it is of one he has never seen before. After looking over the envelope, Hector raises his head up to question the messenger, however he is nowhere to be found. Hector then looks around him to see if anyone else saw the event, or noticed the man leaving, but busy with their duties, it appears noone noticed.

Sitting back down in his seat, he opens and reads the letter. It appears to be directions. A few words stand out to him, "Come alone", and "Make sure you are not followed" are a few. A thousand thoughts flood Hector's mind. Who could have sent this? Why would it be addressed to him? Is it a trap?

Hector debates even going, but his curiosity gets the better of him, and he stands to gather himself. Calling his scribe over, he gathers his weapons and leaves his practice sword on the seat in his place.

"Yes My Lord?" "Wait here and tell the tutor when he returns that I have other matters to attend to. I shall return shortly hopefully." "But My Lord, am I not to go with you?" "No, this is something I must do alone"

Could this be a trap? Hector's thoughts race through his head as he leaves the Academy. Reaching to his shoulder, he places his hand on his dagger, knowing that it is there brings him a bit of peace. He knows he must be cautious, not knowing what awaits him at the destination could cost him his life, but not knowing also gives him a feeling of excitement. Pulling his hood over his head, with his sword and his dagger, he heads into the darkness towards the destination. He does not know what awaits him there, the only that he can be assured of: is that he will never know should he not go.

Roleplay from Kevin Fergus
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Taking a seat at the table along with one of Domus's finest brews, Kevin took a moment to relax. These had been stressful days, he mused, so knowing how to begin these tales is of most importance...

"Well, I suppose one could say I am doing well. It has been some time since I have been here, but it is not an unwelcome sight. I had figured when the people requested myself as their leader of military affairs that it was best that I should at least not actively report my standing with this guild. Since then, my involvement on the frontlines has preoccupied me. Now that Caligus has seen tougher days, I figure that perhaps it is time that I return."

Kevin leaned back in his chair, downing another swig of his drink.

"It seems, though, that my blade hand has gotten rusty. Tutors at the academy have managed to best me far easier than I ever recall. Still, I take this as an occasion to train, and train I shall. I hope to be ready to serve Caligus in full before too long has passed."

Kevin was suddenly interrupted by a knock at the door of the guild. Placing his hand on the hilt of his dagger, both occupants of the room moved towards the door. Markus threw open the door only to find a very surprised looking scribe. After regaining his composure, the scribe heaved a heavy box into Kevin's arms.

"M'lord, I was told to deliver this from you, from Count Alden. He says you should be expecting it." "Very well. Thank you. Markus, I shall take these to my quarters. I shall return later." The scribe then turned towards Markus "And you, m'lord. Rumors have tale that the noble whom you have summoned approaches"

Roleplay from Markus von Richthofen
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Listening to the words of Lord Kevin Fergus with rapt attention, Markus takes his seat and removes the dagger from the wood of his chair's arm. Keeping the blade on the table in front of him, he nods at the recounting of the Lord's tale, having already gathered most of the information from the dossier recieved earlier. 

After hearing the next few words from Kevin's mouth, Markus stands and moves to get another beer. While walking towards the sideboard, the door recieves a series of knocks, denoting a lower level scout at the door. Watching Lord Fergus get ready for a fight, Markus cannot help but smile at his comrade's battle-readiness.

Releasing the switch that opens the door, Markus is surprised to see Dastan himself standing there. He watches as the scribe/scout delivers the package to Lord Fergus, and nods at the words of the Lord as he retires to his chambers. Smiling briefly at Dastan, Markus motions towards the exit tunnel and allows the man a good head start. Not wanting to have too many people seen leaving the area, he waits in the shadows just inside the tunnel for Hector to arrive.

Spotting the young man from a decent distance away, Markus pulls his sword out and keeps it in line with his leg, and out of sight. Waiting until the last second, Markus steps out in front of the young man, raises his blade horizontally in front of him and whispers:

"Hector, be ye ready for a life of pain, suffering, torment, and death? For these are the things we will require of you, not for yourself, but for the enemies of the Crown. If ye accept these terms, then within this tunnel you will find a place of safety and refuge. If these be not what you wish, then turn back now and forget you ever came here, only death awaits those who do not wish to work with us."

His hood covering his face, and his tell-tale dagger kept hidden, Markus is sure the young man will not recognize him if things become unsavory. Markus truly hopes the young man will accept the challenge of the Labyrinth, and that he is strong enough to survive.

Roleplay from Hector Mcloud
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Hector makes his way towards the destination mentioned, not knowing what will await him when he arrives. As he grows ever closer, he keeps his hand on his sword, ready for whatever happens. Before he knows what is going on, a sword is pointed at him, held by a shadowy man in a hood.

Hearing the words that the man had to speak, Hector does little along the lines of debating the situation. He knows immediately what he will do, he will follow the man, knowing now that it will lead him to something bigger than himself. Should his Brother still been alive, he may have thought more on the subject. Feeling his hand relax and fall off of his sword, he knows the man is no threat to him, as long as he follows him.

He gives a nod to the shadow, "I accept." He would say more, but he feels those two words would suffice.

Fear and excitement fill Hector's thoughts and mind, but he is eagerly awaiting what is ahead of him. Perhaps it is his young recklessness that is leading him now, only time will tell what the future holds for him.

Roleplay from Markus von Richthofen
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Lowering his blade, Markus points with his gloved hand down the tunnel.

"Within this place you will find us. We are few, but we are everywhere. I will not lead you directly to our door, but I will give you enough information to pass safely within on your own. This is your final test, the navigation of the Shadow Labyrinth. If you succeed, then forever will you be one of us, and that blade on your shoulder that you think is so well covered will be replaced with one worthy of carrying. If you fail, well, you will die horribly and painfully."

With that, Markus hands over a piece of parchment so brittle that the slight breeze makes it start to flake away. Watching the young man read the instructions and crumble the parchment to powder, Markus slips deeper into the tunnel before Hector can even move or notice his absence. Advancing through the Labyrinth that he has memorized so well, Markus makes it to the first observation alcove, a room set between the walls with slits at waist height that allows him to watch the progress of the would-be assassin. The first tunnels were the most confusing, but the least well trapped, and Hector navigates them safely, disarming and even rearming the traps, as the parchment instructed him, with efficiency and safety.

The second set of tunnels had walls set at varying angles to the floor, and the perspective shift was something that made even staunch men vomit. Holding in his dinner, Hector manages to get through... but not without breaking a sweat and having to take several pauses. Gathering his composure, Hector moves along into the final set of tunnels. These were the death of many would-be assassins, and many exporative nobles thinking they know something of the shadows. Only those who had read the parchment even knew what they were getting themselves into, or what truly was at the end of that tunnel complex. Any who didn't die in the tunnels, was forever held within the loyal and protective arms of the Assassins Guild of Caligus.

Traps more numerous than any non-infiltrator could imagine lined every inch of the criss-crossing tunnels, and only with the warnings that the parchment gave him, did Hector make it.

Markus meanwhile had moved along swiftly after Hector reached the third set of tunnels, not wanting to see a former comrade in arms possibly die a horrible death, and also to await him should he succeed. Entering the long meeting hall of Assassins, Markus grabs an armful of bottles and some smoked meat that had been sitting in a bed of ice, a not so rare commodity, considering the distance to the mountains. Setting the bottles down, he takes the meat and puts it on a spit, basting it with the alcohol to increase the aroma and flavour. Even if Hector didn't survive, Lord Fergus and Markus would eat well.

After another hour, with the meat still cooking, the door opens at the end of the tunnel, and a hagard and exhausted Hector stumbles in. With a large belly laugh, Markus helps the man up, and brings him to the second chair on the left hand side of the table. Picking up a beer from the sideboard, something light and refreshing, the Elder Assassin motions for Hector to stay and rest and then leaves the room.

Heading down one of the barracks halls, Markus makes his way to the private quarters section, where the Nobles of the guild were quartered. Stopping to knock on Lord Fergus' door, he calls quietly that there was a new arrival to be treated with full accords. Moving on before the door could even open, Markus arrives at his own chambers.

Entering the sparsely decorated round room, save for the heavy four poster bed in the center, he opens a trunk on the far side of the room and removes a medium length object wrapped in black cloth before heading back to the main chamber. He sets the item down on the table in front of his own chair, and then speaks.

"Well done and congratulations Aspirant, obviously, you recognize me, but at this point, you shall not call me by name in these halls. Once you have succeeded in a mission, then you will have earned that right. For now, I am Elder, and that is all. If you recall the Oath that was on the piece of duskparchment, that decaying thing you read from, then now is the time to recite it, before I send you to Charon, and Charon takes you to Elysium."